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Ed, Edd 'n' Eddy/Characters: Difference between revisions

BOT: Changing the link(s) to the category page for "Yandere" to point directly to the trope page for "Yandere" instead.
(BOT: Changing the link(s) to the category page for "Yandere" to point directly to the trope page for "Yandere" instead.)
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'''Warning!{{Unmarked Spoilers are unmarked.'''}}
== The Eds ==
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* [[No Guy Wants to Be Chased]]: How they feel about the Kankers.
* [[No Social Skills]]: All three have difficulty relating to their peers.
* [[Not So Different]]: For all their widly different personalities, they do have things in common:
** The three, apart from sharing the same name, suffer [[Parental Neglect]] and [[No Social Skills|have difficulty relating to the other kids]].
** Ed and Edd are both [[Adorkable]] [[Nice Guy|Nice Guys]] who are [[Undying Loyalty|undyingly loyal]] to Eddy and each other, and are [[Beware the Nice Ones|terrifying]] when pushed too far.
** While Edd and Eddy are mostly complete opposites, they're both very snippy and sarcastic. Also, it's been shown Edd can be as [[Chronic Backstabbing Disorder|backstabbing]] and [[Never My Fault|unwilling to take responsibility]] as Eddy, only in [[Holier Than Thou|a different way]].
** Ed and Eddy are both very impulsive and chaotic. As seen in [[The Movie]], they're also [[Love Martyr|Love Martyrs]] to their [[Big Brother Bully|abusive siblings]].
* [[Odd Friendship]]
* [[Parental Neglect]]
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* [[Where Does He Get All Those Wonderful Toys?]]: Apparently one of Ed's monster models can ''[[Breath Weapon|shoot fire from its mouth]]''.
{{quote|'''Eddy:''' ...Nice toy.}}
* [[World's Strongest Man]]: No doubt about it, Ed is ''the'' strongest character in the entire show, with only Rolf, the Kankers Sisters, and (arguably) Eddy's Brother providing competition for his strength. Without even the slightest difficulty, Ed is strong enough to lift houses over his head, pull a tree ''into'' the ground with his bare hands, carry an entire chimney while in the inside of his house, lift and hurl trailers, etc. While he often gets beaten up by the other kids along with the other Eds, it's heavily implied to be because he's too stupid to fight back (which isn't helped by Sarah constantly threatening to tell their mom on him). The moment Ed doesn't keel over to Sarah's demands, Sarah backs down immediately, knowing full well how strong Ed is compared to her. As Edzilla, he becomes a terrifying force of nature that the entire Cul-de-Sac tries to run away from. In the Halloween special where Ed hallucinates other people as monsters due to over-watching horror movies, he curb-stomps just about everyone that comes in his way, and even managed to beat Sarah, Kevin, and Rolf (though, Rolf wasn't actively attacking him) in one-on-one fights. After that, the kids decided that they should work together in order to get back at the Eds, and it's only because of that that Ed decides to high-tail out instead of staying and fight. He probably could've beaten Eddy's brother by himself through sheer brute force, but decided to take the more intelligent route (knocking him out-cold with a flying door to the face).
* [[Wouldn't Hit a Girl]]: One of the many reasons why Sarah will always beat Ed.
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* [[Gadgeteer Genius]]
* [[Grew a Spine]]: On some occassions, most importantly in [[The Movie]].
* [[Holier Than Thou]]: Frequently. He ''does'' have a stronger moral compass than Eddy, but more often than not he enjoys rubbing it in his friends' faces. He gets called out of this by [[Jerkass Has a Point|Eddy]] in [[The Movie]], stating he isn't as innocent as he claims since he willingly participated and built all their scams, including the one that went horribly wrong in the movie.
* [[The Messiah]]
* [[Morality Chain]]: He frequently acts as the Kyle to Eddy's Cartman.
* [[Mr. Fixit]]
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* [[This Is Gonna Suck]]: "Oh my."
* [[Token Good Teammate]]: The most moral of the Eds (Ed is also good, but ''very'' [[Hanlon's Razor|stupid]]). In fact, he's pretty much the only Ed the other kids treat with anything resembling respect.
* [[Tranquil Fury]]: In [[The Movie]], it's clear he's pissed off at Eddy for his constant scams and pranks, but he still acts as his collected, snarky self. It's not until the quicksand scene [[Unstoppable Rage|his rage really becomes apparent]].
* [[Weekend Inventor]]: Often he's the provider for anything Eddy needs for a scam.
* [[You Got Spunk]]: Eddy's brother tells him that when Edd attempted to stand up for Eddy, right after he beats up Edd ''[[Grievous Harm with a Body|while using Eddy as a club]]''.
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* [[Jack of All Stats]]: Among the Eds, he doesn't stack up with Ed's strength and endurance or Double D's intellect, but he's in-between the two in these traits as well as a ([[Ambiguous Disorder|technically speaking]]) more stable personality.
* [[Jerkass]]
** [[Jerkass Has a Point]]: Sometimes.
** [[Jerk with a Heart of Gold]]: He's one [[Hidden Heart of Gold|deep down]]. In [[The Movie]] he turns out to have a...
** [[Jerkass Facade]]: The guy admits he only pretended to be a jerk because he thought it was cool imitating his brother.
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* [[Sensitive Guy and Manly Man]]: Manly Man to Double D's Sensitive Guy. (One of two)
* [[Seven Deadly Sins]]: He's committed all seven of these at least once.
* [[Small Name, Big Ego]]: {{spoiler|Deconstructed in [[The Movie]], where he is much more of a...
** [[Jaded Washout]]: {{spoiler|He's perfectly aware that he's a hated, unrespected, pathetic excuse of a [[Schemer]] and he doesn't take it well. [[Stepford Smiler|AT ALL]].
* [[Smug Snake]]
* [[Stepford Smiler]]: A '''huge''' Type A. He seems confident and manly, but it's shown that it's was all a [[Beneath the Mask|mask]] to hide the inferiority complex he got from his brother's abuse. A [[Beneath the Mask|mask]] he made in naive belief that he would be popular if he acted like he did.
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* [[Tsundere]]: You will very rarely see the dere side, but it's there.
** She mostly only shows that dere side of herself only to Jimmy.
* [[:Category:Yandere|Yandere]]: To Edd in "An Ed Too Many". Albeit not to classic psychotic levels, ironically enough.
=== Jimmy ===
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* [[Dumb Blonde]]: May. [[Averted]] in the Valentine's special.
* [[Evil Counterpart]] [[Distaff Counterpart]]: The Kanker sisters to the Eds. Lee is the [[Schemer]], Marie her quirky straight man, and May is completely out of touch, like Ed.
* [[Even Evil Has Standards]]: When they observe Edd and Eddy getting beat up by {{spoiler|Eddy's brother}}Brother, they react with outrage. Of course, it may just be a matter of who is getting beat up.
{{quote|'''Lee:''' WHAT'S HE DOING TO MY MAN?!?}}
* [[Evil Redhead]]: Lee.
* {{spoiler|[[Extra Eyes]]}}: {{spoiler|If you pause at the right time in the movie, Lee has them... That's just an ol' animator's trick to give off the illusion of speed without adding extra frames. At least two other episodes show Lee with just two eyes.}}
* [[Freudian Excuse]]: It can be inferred, from their introduction episode "Nagged to Ed", that the Kankers' boy obsession is related in some way to their mother either sleeping with, being married to (and divorced from), or dating three different guys (why else would The Kanker Sisters have three bathrobes with three different names on them) and, without a strong father figure (or any moral compass), the girls see their mom's behavior as acceptable.
* [[Hidden Depths]]: May, according to the Valentines Day episode.
* [[Hypocritical Heartwarming]]: In [[The Movie]].
* [[Jerkass]]: All have their moments, but Lee in particular is a jerk even to her sisters.
** [[Jerk with a Heart of Gold]]: They do care about each other, though, and they seem to genuinely love the Eds.
* [[Lightning Bruiser]]: All three of them to an extent, though Lee is decisively the strongest.
* [[Missed Him by That Much]]: Throughout "Run For Your Ed". The Kanker Sisters are tearing up the cul-de-sac in search of their ship-in-a-bottle, while the Eds are stuck with it thanks to [[Continuity Nod|a sleepwalking Ed]].
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=== Eddy's Brother ===
{{quote|A serious Ace, the coolest guy in the world. He taught Eddy everything he knows and is likely the least quirky character on the show. {{spoiler[[Sarcasm Mode|ExceptYeah, he's notright]]. He is actually a cruel, not-so-[[Comedic Sociopath]] who subverts [[Amusing Injuries]] on the Eds.}}}}
* [[0% Approval Rating]]
* [[The Ace]]: Heavily implied to be this. {{spoiler|Turns out it was a lie conjured up by Eddy.}}
** [[Shrouded in Myth]]/[[Memetic Badass]]: By word of Eddy in "Ed, Pass It On". {{spoiler|Again, all lies.}}
* {{spoiler|[[Bait the Dog]]}}: When he makes his first appearance, he and Eddy share a rather heartwarming moment of hugging and conversation. Then, {{spoiler|ithe tells him to play "Uncle", and all goes getsto worsehell.}}
* {{spoiler|[[Big Bad]]}}: {{spoiler|Although he only appears at the climax of the movie, he becomes the closest thing the series has to one when it's revealed that he has been physically and emotionally abusing Eddy all this time.}}
** {{spoiler|[[Bigger Bad]]: Due to being mentioned all the time.}}
* {{spoiler|[[Big Brother Bully]]}}
* {{spoiler|[[Broken Pedestal]]}}: {{spoiler|To the other kids (sans Rolf (whoand was old enough to remember [[Noodle Incident|what he was like when he was around]]Kevin) when they finally see him and what he does to Eddy in [[The Movie]].}}
* {{spoiler|[[Circling Birdies]]}}: {{spoiler|Has stars circling above him after he's KO'ed by Ed.}}
* {{spoiler|[[Complete Monster]]}}
** {{spoiler|[[The Sociopath]]}}: {{spoiler|To put it in perspective, he lives at a carnival now that he's left home, a carnival where there are [[Fridge Horror|plenty of kids...]] Yes, beating up on children is basically his whole life.}}
* [[Cool Shades]]
* [[The Dreaded]]: Just mere news about his arrival was enough to scare the pants out of everyone (except Sarah, who thinks all brothers are idiots). Even Rolf and the '''Kankers''' are afraid of him. {{spoiler|When he appears for real in the movie, Rolf quite literally looked like he was about to shit his pants and needed Kevin for support, and only when he lost consciousness that the Kankers decided to teach him a lesson.}}
* {{spoiler|[[Establishing Character Moment]]}}: {{spoiler|Emotionally abuses and tortures a kid for fun and proudly admits he's done it to this same kid his entire life, cementing him as the series's only concrete villain.}}
* {{spoiler|[[Eviler Than Thou]]}}: {{spoiler|Even the Kankers are disgusted by his actions and the sisters had to restrain Lee from jumping on him. After he's knocked unconscious, the Kankers decide to let the Eds go free and drag Eddy's Brother into his trailer, whether they have their normal antics in store for him or more brutal, he's about the only one in the series that deserved their 'attention'.}}
* {{spoiler|[[Feet of Clay]]}}: {{spoiler|He ends up being beaten by Ed unhinging his door as Eddy pulls on it. The resulting force results in him being knocked out. According to [[Word of God]], it's because he's been inflicting pain his whole life but has never been on the receiving end, so something like a door to the face would hurt him a lot more than it would anyone accustomed to pain. Granted it's only in a cartoon such as this that being hit with a charging steel door could be seen as petty injuries.}}
* [[Foreshadowing]]: {{spoiler|There are lots of hints in the series that indicate that Eddy's Brother is a bastard, the most blatant would be in the episode where Eddy started a rumor that his brother was coming, where instead of joy on Eddy's face when it appears that he showed up, it is ''absolute fear''.}}
* {{spoiler|[[For the Evulz]]}}: {{spoiler|After agreeing to let Eddy and his friends in, he indulges himself in beating up Eddy for some laughs while freely admitting to doing it for as long as Eddy can remember.}}
* {{spoiler|[[Glass Cannon]]}}: {{spoiler|Far stronger than Eddy, but he can't take a hit. Eddy is [[Made of Iron]] against slapstick, by comparison.}}
** Antonucci himself pointed it out: {{spoiler|He's been dishing out pain all his life but never felt it, whereas Eddy has been the target of pain his entire life, [[Fridge Brilliance|meaning that Eddy developed a lot more resistance to pain, but Eddy's Brother didn't]].}}
* {{spoiler|[[Grievous Harm with a Body]]}}: {{spoiler|He clobbers Double D over the head ''with Eddy''.}}
* [[Hate Sink]]
* [[He Who Must Not Be Seen]]: He's never seen, and the only things that we know about him are Eddy's stories about him {{spoiler|until he finally shows up in [[The Movie]].}}
* {{spoiler|[[Ironic Echo]]}}: {{spoiler|He forces his little brother to play Uncle, but keeps going after he does. When Ed defeats him, Eddy's Brother says Uncle himself; the kids leave him alone, but the Kankers don't.}}
* {{spoiler|[[Jerkass]]}}: {{spoiler|He beats down on his own brother and Double D in a manner that makes the cul-de-sac kids and even the freaking ''Kankers'' [[Even Evil Has Standards|feel disgusted]].}}
* {{spoiler|[[Knight of CerebusJerkass]]}}: {{spoiler|Sort of.He Hisbeats abusedown on Eddyhis isown stillbrother displayedand Double D in a cartoony manner butthat itmakes the traumacul-de-sac is played in a poignant lightkids and is probablyeven the singlefreaking most''Kankers'' serious[[Even sceneEvil inHas theStandards|feel entire seriesdisgusted]].}}
* [[Karma Houdini Warranty]]: In [[The Movie]].
* {{spoiler|[[Last-Episode New Character]]}}
* [[Knight of Cerebus]]: Sort of. His abuse on Eddy is still displayed in a cartoony manner but it the trauma is played in a poignant light and is probably the single most serious scene in the entire series.
* {{spoiler|[[Last-Episode New Character]]}}
* [[Nice Hat]]
* {{spoiler|[[Nice Job Fixing It, Villain]]}}: {{spoiler|He ends up getting the Eds out of the trouble they'd gotten into in about the only way that avoids a [[Karma Houdini]] or [[Ass Pull]]: by revealing the living Hell he put Eddy through that made him the way he is. Because of him, Eddy admits to his mistakes at last and the Eds [[Earn Your Happy Ending|finally get their happy ending]]. Even more impressive is the scene was only a few minutes long.}}
* {{spoiler|[[No-Holds-Barred Beatdown]]}}: {{spoiler|Up until Ed intervened, it was pretty much like this.}}
* [[No Name Given]]: Just called "Eddy's brother".
* {{spoiler|[[One-Scene Wonder]]}}: {{spoiler|Guess. However, that one scene was enough to emotionally break Eddy and give the entire cul-de-sac and even the Kanker Sisters sympathy for Eddy.}}
* {{spoiler|[[Slasher Smile]]}}: [[media:EddysBrother 3006.jpg|Big time.]]
* {{spoiler|[[Smug Snake]]}}: {{spoiler|"I thought you wanted to hang with your "hero"?}}
** {{spoiler|[[The Sociopath]]}}: {{spoiler|To put it in perspective, he lives at a carnival now that he's left home, a carnival where there are [[Fridge Horror|plenty of kids...]] Yes, beating up on children is basically his whole life.}}
* [[Tomato Surprise]]: What do you think all these spoiler tags are hiding?
* {{spoiler|[[Ultimate Evil]]}}: {{spoiler|To the rest of the cast anyway.}}
* {{spoiler|[[Vile Villain Saccharine Show]]:}} {{spoiler|Even for a [[Sadist Show]] like this.}}
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