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Mass Effect 2/Characters/Party Members: Difference between revisions

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* {{spoiler|[[Last Kiss]]: If she dies in ''3'' and is romantically involved with Shepard.}}
* [[Law of Inverse Fertility]]: Judging from Liara's files on her, {{spoiler|she's been trying really hard to get pregnant. Sadly, she has a benign neoplasm that makes her unable to conceive.}}
* [[Like Father, Like Son|Like Father, Like Daughter]]: Subverted; they turn out to be very different people in the end. Both are highly talented scientists who use their intelligence to do the extraordinary. Miranda brings Shepard back to life, and Henry {{spoiler|manages to control husks independently of the ''Reapers.''}} However, while Miranda's only ethical quandary was whether to implant Shepard with a control chip (which she later regrets even considering), Henry {{spoiler|sacrifices thousands, if not millions of innocent people to indoctrination in order to make his breakthrough, and never regrets a thing.}}
* [[Male Gaze]]: The in-game camera spends a ''lot'' of time focused on Miranda's taut, firm buttocks.
* [[The Mario]]: As a Sentinel-style "Cerberus Officer", she's probably the closest Shepard's team has to this, being somewhat capable in combat, a decent biotic, and good at using tech to disable enemies. Her passive skill also provides bonuses to the ''entire squad's'' health and weapon damage, making her a good tactical choice for any player class or squad makeup.
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* [[Plot Armor]]: {{spoiler|She can only die during the suicide mission if she's disloyal and you bring her to the final boss fight, or if she's disloyal and you get very, ''very'' unlucky when she's holding the line. If she is chosen as second squad's commander and gets shot, she will shrug it off, even if she's not loyal. This is mostly because she is depicted speaking in cutscenes at several points in the mission, and having her dead likely would've messed with the game's script.}}
** Averted in 3, {{spoiler|where there are three points in the game where Miranda can get killed off.}}
* {{spoiler|[[Self-Made Orphan]]: If she survives to the end of 3, she finally kills Henry Lawson along the way. Whether she lives past *that* depends on whether you warned her about Kai Leng.}}
* [[Sexy Walk]]: [[Ms. Fanservice|Natch.]]
* [[Single Woman Seeks Good Man]]: Literally. She's done her share of high profile internet dating. Hidden logs reveal her turning down many high profile suitors for some surprising and...not so surprising reasons.
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** [[Subverted Trope|Subversion]], actually. Has killed many times, but '''never''' with medicine (says so himself during loyalty mission). {{spoiler|Though Shepard can challenge him on whether upgraded genophage counts as killing with medicine or not. Likely a question he asked himself before.}}
* [[Deadpan Snarker]]: Found several surveillance bugs. Destroyed some. Returned expensive one to Miranda.
* {{spoiler|[[Death Faked for You]]: If Wrex and Eve dead, can be convinced to fake genophage cure and help with Crucible project. Wreav too dangerous as leader without Eve to stabilize him. Pretend to have died in explosion.}}
* [[Determinator]]: If Shepard is forced to {{spoiler|shoot him. Manages to crawl toward console despite lethal wound. Almost reaches console before collapsing.}}
* [[Dirty Business]]: Guilt for actions major part of character.
* {{spoiler|[[Dying Moment of Awesome]]: If deploying genophage cure, silently hums [[Major-General Song|Scientist Salarian]] while going about work. Facility collapsing around. *[[Verbal Tic|sharp inhale]]* ...Exhilirating.}}
** {{spoiler|Inverted if Shepard shoots in the back. Crawl to workstation. Die before temperature change ruins cure. Senseless death. Even Shepard disgusted with self.}}
* [[Even Evil Has Standards|Even A Mad Scientist Has Standards]]: {{spoiler|Hates unnecessary wastes of life. Only kills bad people. Always careful with medicine. Protege... [[Verbal Tic|*sharp inhale*]] not so principled.}}
* [[Evilutionary Biologist]]: Subverts trope. Generally well-intentioned. Strong ethical guidelines. Fairly ruthless regardless.
{{quote|'''Mordin:''' No testing on species capable of calculus. Simple rule. Never broke it.}}
* {{spoiler|[[Faking the Dead]]: Third game. If Eve dead and Urdnot Wreav sole krogan leader, can be convinced krogan not yet ready for cure. Will disappear to work on Crucible. Shepard lets krogan believe everything went as planned.}}
* [[Fire, Ice, Lightning]]: [[Kill It with Fire|Incinerate]], check. [[Kill It with Ice|Cryo Blast]], check. [[Agony Beam|Neural Shock]]? Close enough!
* [[The Fettered]]: Believes strongly in scientific ethics, refuses to experiment on sapient life.
* [[Gibbering Genius]]: [[Thinking Out Loud|Dictates thought processes in real time]]. [[You No Take Candle|Avoids infinitives]]. [[Subverted Trope|Irrelevant]] if [[Did I Just Say That Out Loud?|heard saying inconvenient thought out loud.]]
* [[Glass Cannon]]: Three skills, purely offensive. {{spoiler|Also has low defence rating. Death during suicide mission likely.}}
* {{spoiler|[[Go Out with a Smile]]: Third game.}}
* [[Heroic BSOD]]: Upon discovering {{spoiler|pupil performed tests. Dangerous and reckless, even if misguided.}}
* {{spoiler|[[Heroic Sacrifice]]}}: Third game, {{spoiler|Salarian sabotage to Shroud revealed. Stay behind to fix it. Die in the process. *[[Verbal Tic|sharp inhale]]* Conscience clear.}}
** {{spoiler|[[Face Death with Dignity]]: Stands tall and proud while Shroud exploding around him.}}
** {{spoiler|[[Go Out with a Smile]]: Restored future of krogan species.}} Good reason to smile in face of death.
** {{spoiler|[[Redemption Equals Death]]: Dying while curing genophage only redemption for modifying it previously}}
* [[I Did What I Had to Do]]: Subverted. Insists this repeatedly during loyalty mission. Obviously trying to convince self, not companions.
** Still resolute that it was the right action. Even against Shepard's best arguments. Invokes [[Grey and Gray Morality]]. Actions not unjustified.
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* [[Keet]]: Described as being like hamster on caffine. Salarian metabolism much faster than most other species', but fast even for Salarians.
* {{spoiler|[[Killed Mid-Sentence]]: "[[Dying Moment of Awesome|I am the very model of a--]] '''BOOM'''}}
* [[Kill It with Ice]]: Uses omnitool to freeze enemies solid. [[Harmless Freezing|Thaw quickly]], but [[Literally Shattered Lives|bodies fragile]]!
* [[Kill It with Fire]]: Uses omnitool to incinerate enemies. Incredibly deadly. "Flammable! Or inflammable? Forget which. Doesn't matter!" ([[I Thought It Meant|Same thing. Really doesn't matter.]])
* [[Kill It with Ice]]: Uses omnitool to freeze enemies solid. [[Harmless Freezing|Thaw quickly]], but [[Literally Shattered Lives|bodies fragile]]!
* [[Lampshade Hanging]]: Meeting Shepard for first time. Attempt to work out why Spectre is here. Renegade interrupt offered. If not taken Paragon interrupt suggested. On board Normandy third interrupt option available. [[Verbal Tic|*sharp inhale*]]. [[Exactly What It Says on the Tin|Allows Shepard to interrupt when heard enough.]]
* [[Mad Scientist]]: Not mad. Usually irritable. Sometimes affable.
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* [[The Professor]]: Nature of mission irrelevant. Know ''something'' about strange thing.
* [[Retired Badass]]: Formerly served in special forces. Now doctor. Return to combat not problem.
* {{spoiler|[[Retirony]]: "Would have liked to run tests on the seashells."}}
* {{spoiler|[[Sacrificial Lion]]: In third game, arguably. End of first story act, first major character to die. Clear sign no-one else safe. *inhale* No-one. If killed by Shepard, good sign of how far s/he has fallen.}}
* [[Science Hero]]: Uses vast scientific knowledge to help Shepard against both Collectors and Reapers.
* [[Seen It All]]: Has encountered much in the galaxy. Little surprise. Reaction to {{spoiler|Javik: "Ah, a Prothean. Excellent."}}
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* [[Shoot the Dog]]: Has no problem killing one person. To save ten others, of course. {{spoiler|Even created new strain of genophage. Krogan adapted to previous one.}} Does feel regretful about the latter. Started clinic to atone. All life precious.
{{quote|"Lots of ways to help people. Sometimes heal patients; sometimes execute dangerous people. Either way helps."}}
** {{spoiler|Possibly on receiving end in third game. If not convinced to go along with sabotage, Renegade Shepard forced to shoot him to stop genophage cure.}}
* [[The Smart Guy]]: Runs the lab.
* [[Sophisticated As Hell]]: Noted in Shadow Broker Dossier. Example adequate;
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* [[Verbal Tic]]: [[Terse Talker|Talks in sentence fragments]], [[Thinking Out Loud|thinks aloud]], [[Techno Babble]], answers own questions, [[One-Liner]], [[Motor Mouth|No time to breathe]], [[We Are as Mayflies|Salarians Are As Mayflies]], [[Planet of Hats|entire race]] [[Workaholic]]s, *sharp inhale*... [[The Determinator|work even harder]].
** Must note. No other Salarians share tic. Unique to me.
** {{spoiler|Refers to self once. Happens if Shepard questions decision to cure genophage after working on it for so long.}}
{{quote|{{spoiler|'''Mordin''': I made a mistake!}}}}
* [[Vitriolic Best Buds]]: Mutual respect, mutually derogatory banter with Kirrahe evident in STG mission report.
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* [[Absolute Cleavage]]: Her suit is kept partially unzipped to expose her breasts.
* [[Action Mom]]: She has three daughters {{spoiler|and had to imprison two and hunt down the other because they're Ardat-Yakshi -- basically Asari sex vampires}}.
* [[A Lighter Shade of Grey]]: Asari Justicars were the original basis for the Spectres.
* [[All Crimes Are Equal]]: Although she has been shown to offer other alternatives than death to criminals, and she states during her talks that "if a Justicar is involved, a peaceful solution has long passed." In other words, she wouldn't chase after, say, a ''jaywalker'' with the same zeal that she would for a slaver or axe murderer. Just don't resist arrest.
* [[Almost Kiss]]: See Tearjerker below.
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* [[Big Damn Heroes]]: If Shepard doesn't have enough Paragon/Renegade points to resist Morinth, Samara comes in to save him/her.
* [[Bullying a Dragon]]: Anyone who gets in her way.
** {{spoiler|Paragon Shepard in ''3'' grabs her hands to avert her attempt to commit suicide.}}
{{quote|{{spoiler|'''Samara''': (''restrained anger'') Let. Me. Go.}}
{{spoiler|'''Shepard''': (''firmly'') No.}} }}
* [[Captain Ersatz]]: Blue-skinned alien priestess. Calm as a Zen master. Huge breasts. Meditates cross-legged in a room with a view. Prays to the goddess. Unwise to rouse to violence. She even ''sounds'' a little like [[Farscape|Zhaan.]]
* [[Catch Phrase]] / [[Pre-Mortem One-Liner]]: "Find peace in the embrace of the Goddess." Usually followed by a sick, splattering '''CRUNCH'''.
* [[Celibate Hero]]: After becoming a justicar, she put her mission before everything else. Her code does not forbid romance or sexual relations, but she remains celibate due to her personal choice. {{spoiler|The fact that all three of her daughters are Ardat-Yakshi, with two of them [[Locked Away in a Monastery]] and the other being a [[Complete Monster]] who operates much like a [[Serial Killer]] may have something to do with it.}}
* [[Combat Stilettos]]: She puts them to good use in her opening scene...
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** In ''3'', she manages to work around her Code again {{spoiler|if Shepard stops her from killing herself. When Falere, her daughter, tells Samara that she (Falere) will stay at the monastery and that she's never needed its walls to follow her ''own'' code anyway, Samara decides that it satisfies the demands of her Code. And Samara will have to check on her often... [[Suspiciously Specific Denial|as a Justicar should]].}}
* [[Life Drain]]: Reave, which restores your health if it hits an unprotected organic enemy (it damages armor and barriers too, but without the health boost).
* [[A Lighter Shade of Grey]]: Asari Justicars were the original basis for the Spectres.
* {{spoiler|[[Mama Bear]]}}: {{spoiler|The Code demands that she forsake all ties to her family. When the Ardat-Yakshi monastary is attacked by the Reapers, however, she ''immediately'' goes there in search of her daughters with the full intent of slaughtering anything and anyone who gets in her way. Once Falere is rescued, she is even willing to ''protect her from the Code'' by choosing to kill herself rather than Falere.}}
* [[Married to the Job]]: She is so into her role as a Justicar that she rebukes any possibility of romance, even when she's ''sure'' she would find nothing but happiness with Paragon!Shepard. When she committed to becoming a Justicar, she also had to give up all ties to her family, and has not spoken to two of her daughters since.
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* [[Murder Is the Best Solution]]: A rare heroic example; thanks to her Code, anyone who opposes her is a criminal, and therefore should not be allowed to live.
* [[Mutually Exclusive Party Members]]: Although it is possible to {{spoiler|recruit Morinth, doing so will result in Samara's death at the hands of her daughter}}.
* [[My Master, Right or Wrong]]:
* [[My Master, Right or Wrong|My Code Right Or Wrong]]:* It's left deliberately ambiguous whether she takes certain actions because she wants to, or because she has to. Some dialogue indicates it's highly likely that she takes no pleasure in a lot of things she has to do as a justicar, but the rules and the code are more important than her personal feelings. In fact, she may have sworn the code to get as far away from her personal feelings as possible.
** Mass Effect 3 shows one thing that she flat-out refuses to do: {{spoiler|killing her last living daughter, because said daughter is not a twisted sociopath.}} Though technically, she is fulfilling the code, as the code demands that a justicar who fails to fulfill the code pay for it with her life to atone.
* {{spoiler|[[Near Kiss]]: "Another time, another life."}}
* [[Never Mess with Granny]]: Not actually a grandmother, for [[Tear Jerker]] reasons, but old enough to be one. An asari matriarch who is almost a thousand after all.
* [[The Not Love Interest]]: She'll actively reject any attempt at romance. The interest is quite welcome, however.
* {{spoiler|[[Offing the Offspring]]: Her primary goal as a Justicar is to put down one of her daughters.}}
** {{spoiler|In Mass Effect 3, after saving Falere, her last surviving daughter from the Ardat-Yakshi temple's destruction, she'll state that her Code requires her to kill her daughter despite the fact that Falere has done nothing wrong, as there is no longer a monastery for Falere to be confined in. However, even after being required to forsake everything -- including family -- in order to become a Justicar, she loves her daughter and ''will not'' kill her. In order to avoid breaking the Code, she will choose suicide as her way out unless Shepard uses a Paragon interrupt.}}
* [[The Not Love Interest]]: She'll actively reject any attempt at romance. The interest is quite welcome, however.
* [[Optional Party Member]]: None of the post-Horizon squadmates are necessary to finish the game.
* [[The Paladin]]: A religious warrior who lives to serve her code and dispense justice.
Line 770 ⟶ 771:
* [[Evil Parents Want Good Kids]]: Though Thane took great pains to conceal his real career from Kolyat, he eventually finds out and tries to follow in his father's footsteps. Thane's loyalty mission centers on keeping that from happening.
* [[Face Death with Dignity]]: {{spoiler|He passes away from complications of late stage Kepral's Syndrome, [[Impaled with Extreme Prejudice|abdominal trauma]] and blood loss. He dies having made peace with himself and his son, knowing that others consider him a hero. He says a final prayer not for himself but for Shepard}}.
* [[Green-Skinned Space Babe|Green-Skinned Space Hunk]]: A very, very, very rare male version of this trope.
* [[Good Cop, Bad Cop]]: During an interrogation, Thane can either gently rebuke Shepard for beating up the suspect and calmly try to reason with the criminal...or just sit there and not do very much while Shepard beats up the suspect.
* [[Green-Skinned Space Babe|Green-Skinned Space Hunk]]: A very, very, very rare male version of this trope.
* [[Guns Akimbo]]: In the Blur trailer.
* [[Guttural Growler]]: Has a rather deep and raspy voice, which seems to be something of the norm of his race since his son, Kolyat, has a similarly raspy, if somewhat higher-pitched, voice.
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* {{spoiler|[[Incurable Cough of Death]]}}: {{spoiler|He's got one of these in the third game, thanks to late-stage Kepral's Syndrome.}}
* [[In Love with the Mark]]: Sort of. {{spoiler|His late wife was not his target, but got his attention when she stood in his line of fire to protect his mark from him.}}
* [[Kill It with Fire]]: One of the Shadow Broker's dossiers lists his favorite methods of assassinating various species. One of the options listed for krogan? "Bomb."
* {{spoiler|[[Killed Off for Real]]: He gets stabbed while fighting Kai Leng, and the blood loss combined with complications from Kepral's Syndrome prove fatal, despite a transfusion from his son.}}
* [[Kill It with Fire]]: One of the Shadow Broker's dossiers lists his favorite methods of assassinating various species. One of the options listed for krogan? "Bomb."
* [[The Last Dance]]: After he learned about his terminal illness, he decided to devote the rest of his life to making the universe a better place. {{spoiler|This reaches a climax when he shames Kai Leng, despite a severe handicap}}.
* [[Love Redeems]]: {{spoiler|His wife made him realize that there was more to his life than assassination.}} Female Shepard makes him realize the same thing if that romance is pursued.
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* [[Noodle Incident]]: Responsible for an incident known as the "One-Hour Massacre" on Omega.
* [[One Last Job]]: His assassination of {{spoiler|Nassana Dantius}}. Then he talks to Shepard and decides to do One More Last Job.
* [[One-Scene Wonder]]: His appearance in ''3''.
* [[Optional Party Member]]: You don't have to recruit him.
* [[Orbital Kiss]]: At the culmination of his romance.
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