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Mass Effect 2/Characters/Party Members: Difference between revisions

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* [[The Dog Bites Back]]: After negotiations with a Cerberus contract go sour post-''2'', he starts taking jobs which disrupt their operations.
* [[Downloadable Content]]: Zaeed makes no appearance in the vanilla game.
* [[Even Evil Has Standards]]:
* [[Even Evil Has Standards|Even Morally Ambiguous Has Standards]]:* He's hardly a pleasant man, but what ethics he has are largely responsible for his "leaving" the Blue Suns (he disapproved of their hiring of batarians, whom he saw as terrorists), and he expresses disgust at Cerberus' imprisonment of biotic children if taken along on Jack's loyalty mission. He also dislikes corporate security, preferring to work for his contracts and care who he's killing. Also, take him with you whenever the Collectors are involved and he is clearly disgusted and horrified by what he sees.
{{quote|'''Zaeed:''' "Cheaper labor," he said. "[[Catch Phrase|Goddamn]] terrorists," I said.}}
** If brought to Jacob's loyalty mission, upon seeing what {{spoiler|Ronald Taylor}} has done, Zaeed states that anyone who does this to their own men deserves a knife to the spine. Though if you talk to him afterwards on the ship, he's less judgmental.
Line 871 ⟶ 872:
* [[Foil]]: to Thane.
* [[Good Scars, Evil Scars]]: His extensive scars make it immediately clear he's not a morally squeaky-clean individual.
* [[He Who Fights Monsters]]: Paragon Shepard actually [[Good Is Not Nice|punches him and holds a gun to his head]] in order to hammer this point into Zaeed. By wanting to let innocents die in order to satisfy his need for vengeance, he's become no better than Vido.
* [[Heel Face Turn]]: In Mass Effect 3, after some "bad negotiations" with Cerberus, he's been actively taking jobs working against them.
* [[He Who Fights Monsters]]: Paragon Shepard actually [[Good Is Not Nice|punches him and holds a gun to his head]] in order to hammer this point into Zaeed. By wanting to let innocents die in order to satisfy his need for vengeance, he's become no better than Vido.
* [[I Call It Vera]]: Jessie, his old rifle. His attachment to it is quite strong, despite the fact that it has been broken beyond repair for five years.
** {{spoiler|A message on Liara's information terminal in the third game shows that he's bought a parts kit for a discontinued assault rifle, indicating that he knows the Reaper War is going to be so bad that he'll need the most reliable weapon he ever owned by his side again.}}
* [[Ink Suit Actor]]: [[wikipedia:File:RobinSachsJun07.jpg|Resembles his voice actor Robin Sachs]], though besides the obvious scarring Zaeed looks older than Sachs is.
* [[Jack Bauer Interrogation Technique]]: He describes the best way to get a Krogan to talk: Stick a knife behind his forehead plate in just the right spot and pry it right off. The thought of it apparently drives them mad.
Line 930 ⟶ 931:
* [[Arson, Murder, and Jaywalking]]: The list of infractions on Legion's profile for the [[WoW]] expy are 2 counts of "suspected use of VI play assistance" ("directed use of twenty-seven pets without the use of macros" and "reaction time better than possible for organics", respectively), 1 count of "suspected use of hacking for server access" ("tactics better than possible without knowledge of underlying code behavior") and 1 count of "unsportsmanlike behavior", which is revealed to be "taunting during Genophage Elimination Platinum"
** All of which were overturned, except for the last. Legion volunteered a 3-day suspension.
* [[Ascended Fanboy|Ascended Fanbot]]: Implied by its inability to explain why it took a piece of Shepard's armor to repair itself. And the fact that it sorta ''blushed'' when pressed on the subject.
{{quote|'''Legion:''' ''[[What Is This Thing You Call Love?|No data available]].''}}
* [[Attack Drone]]: Like Tali and Engineer Shepard.
Line 939 ⟶ 940:
* [[Beware the Nice Ones]]: A major case of [[Trailers Always Lie]] made fans think Legion would be a creepy stalker obsessed with Shepard in a most unhealthy way. The obsession is debatable, but Legion comes across as very mild-mannered. Which doesn't mean it's any less [[Badass]]; it's a deadly sniper who can match ''[[Wrench Wench|Tali'Zorah vas Normandy]]'' as a technician.
** The awesome part? Its "obsessive stalking" seems less like a [[Yandere]] and more like a ''[[Shrinking Violet]]!'' Result: [[Cyber Cyclops|flashlight-headed]] [[Mind Hive]] becomes [[Badass Adorable]]!
** {{spoiler|He pleads to let him upload the Reaper Code in ''[[Mass Effect 3]]'' to allow full sapience on every Geth platform, allowing the Geth to defend themselves from the attacking Quarian fleet and pointing out the Geth don't want this conflict. If you fail to either back him up or [[Take a Third Option|broker a peace between the Quarians and Geth]], he tries to throw you off a cliff.}}
* [[Blue and Orange Morality]]: If you pick the Renegade dialogue option that dismisses the crewmates' moral issues with reprogramming or exterminating the geth, Legion responds with:
{{quote|'''Legion:''' No two species are identical. All must be judged by their own merits. Treating every species like ones' own is racist. Even benign anthropomorphicism. }}
* {{spoiler|[[Brainwashed and Crazy]]: Will be programmed to fight for Cerberus if you sold it to them in 2; you fight it at their base near the climax of ''3''.}}
* [[Character Development]]: If Legion died in [[Mass Effect 2]]'s climactic mission, then in [[Mass Effect 3]] its role is filled by [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vIdE0MNOiAI&feature=plcp&context=C475b94bVDvjVQa1PpcFPHC6lGjpj4TTgm4iiVd3nBKe8kn9-sK1E= a sort of backup] (spoilers in video). This backup has no memories from the past three years and no memory of working with Shepard - and it's a rather different character from the "real" one. It's much less friendly and more logical, disinterested when Shepard tries to connect with it, and it doesn't seem to have any grasp of emotion or trust. It never mentions beauty or souls. Those three years changed it a ''lot''.
* [[The Chosen One]]: Legion is unique even among the Geth in that his platform has far more programs running inside it than any Geth. He was made specially to investigate organics (and Shepard).
Line 959 ⟶ 960:
* [[Creepy Monotone]]:
{{quote|'''Legion:''' Organics do not choose to fear us. It is a function of your hardware.}}
* {{spoiler|[[Crucified Hero Shot]]: It was in this pose when you find it in the Geth Dreadnought, being used against its will as an amplifier for the Reaper control signal.}}
* [[Cyber Cyclops]]: As with its whole race.
* [[Distinctive Appearances]]: It has N7 armor grafted to his frame to make sure you don't mistake it for another geth. And a massive hole through its chest, which oddly enough doesn't really seem to bother it much. {{spoiler|Its replacement in [[Mass Effect 3]], if it died on the collector base, has a holographic version of the armor and no memory of why it picked that.}}
Line 968 ⟶ 969:
** In the third game, {{spoiler|it asks this question repeatedly, and right before its [[Heroic Sacrifice]] asks Tali, and she answers "yes."}}.
* [[Eleventh-Hour Ranger]]: If you want the best ending where ''everyone'' survives, it'll be this.
* [[Even Heroes Have Heroes]]: Legion is an excellent sniper and one of the toughest Geth around, but the platform clearly thinks very highly of Shepard.
* [[Expressive Mask]]: The plating around Legion's head/eye is articulated, allowing it to mimic organic expressions to an extent. Most likely intentional, as its platform was custom-made to interact with organics. In fact, the first time we see Legion, it's raising a [[Fascinating Eyebrow]] at Shepard's unexpected appearance.
* {{spoiler|1=[[Final Death]]: Legion is one of the only characters in ''ME3'' who is guaranteed to bite it no matter what you do. If you don't side with the geth, he tries to [[Neck Lift]] you to death and you have to kill him. If you side with the geth or [[Take a Third Option]], he pulls a [[Heroic Sacrifice]] to turn them all sentient. There is no outcome where Rannoch isn't the end of the road for him. Also, if you gave him to Cerberus in the second game, you'll have to kill him yourself during the attack on Cerberus Headquarters.}}
* [[Glass Cannon]]: The only teammate you can equip with the Widow, but relatively fragile. Two prototype shield upgrades and a shield-boosting loyalty ability mitigate this.
** Mitigate it to the point that Legion becomes one of the most durable party members, second only to Grunt and Soldier/Sentinel Shepard. At this point he's more just 'cannon.'
* [[Hero of Another Story]]: Legion was the first geth to take up arms against the quarians. It's also hinted that Legion saved the quarians by letting them escape even though the geth could have finished them off once and for all. As a composite entity, he probably was compiled from these heroic Geth runtimes.
* {{spoiler|[[Heroic Sacrifice]]: If you side with the geth or get both sides to stand down, Legion disseminates its personality to upgrade the other geth. Siding with the quarians means ''you'' kill them before they have the chance.}}
* [[Hero of Another Story]]: Legion was the first geth to take up arms against the quarians. It's also hinted that Legion saved the quarians by letting them escape even though the geth could have finished them off once and for all. As a composite entity, he probably was compiled from these heroic Geth runtimes.
* [[Hero Worshipper]]: Heavily implied to be one to Shepard.
** In ''3'' it's revealed Shepard was the first organic since the Morning War that the Geth chose to interact with on a one-to-one basis. This was hinted at in ''2'' when Legion admits to having visiting worlds Shepard had gone to, implying that the Geth may have built Legion with the intention of opening a diplomactic dialogue with the galaxy, via Shepard.
Line 981 ⟶ 983:
** The Geth Uprising is referred to amongst the Geth as [[Curb Stomp Battle|"The Morning War"]].
* [[Interface Spoiler]]: It's referred to as "Legion" in the subtitles when you meet it first. Oddly enough, when you talk to it later, it's referred to as "Geth". In addition, by the time you progress far enough to meet it, the party select screen will most likely have a single, gaping hole ''with a dossier'' in it, thus cluing the player in that there's another party member to recruit and it just might be this "Legion" fellow.
* {{spoiler|[[Ironic Name]]: Named after a host of demons in the second game, in the third, Legion's [[Heroic Sacrifice]] makes him [[The Messiah]] to the Geth.}}
* [[Jack of All Stats]]: When fully upgraded, it becomes arguably the most useful party member in the game. Legion's powerful sniper rifle makes it a better sniper than Garrus or Thane, its tech powers are almost as good as Tali's (only his lack of an Energy Drain ability puts it at a disadvantage in that department), his fully upgraded shields plus his "Geth Shield Boost" ability gives it almost as much durability as Grunt, and the fact that it can use assault rifles makes it good in a straight up firefight, like combat characters such as Zaeed, Grunt, and Garrus. It just lacks biotics, being synthetic and all.
* [[Even Heroes Have Heroes]]: Legion is an excellent sniper and one of the toughest Geth around, but the platform clearly thinks very highly of Shepard
* [[Kuudere]]: It starts off as very logical and analytical towards Shepard, although it warms up quickly and even has a [[What Is This Thing You Call Love?]] moment later in its dialogue path.
* [[Late Character Syndrome]]: Recruiting it triggers the end game; there's only time for two more missions after that. You still have an opportunity to do missions you've missed at this time (and take him along) but it will cost you the lives of several crew members. During the final sequence, however, it's not particularly useful as there are no synthetic enemies on the Collector space station.
Line 1,008 ⟶ 1,009:
* [[Not So Different]]: A rare positive example. Post-game, Legion mentions this about the geth and Shepard, if the latter destroyed the Collector base. S/he rejected the Collector tech the same way the geth rejected Sovereign's offer.
** Also potentially to a Colonist Shepard in ''3''. Legion is heavily implied to have once been the argicultural unit shown in the Geth's memories that picked up a Sniper Rifle to defend other units during the Morning War. Legion was once a simple ''farmer''. Sound familiar, Colonist Shepard?
* [[Only Sane Man]]:
* [[Only Sane Man|Only Sane Entity]]:* Being a robot tends to reduce strong displays of emotion, but it's telling when only two other playable members (Jacob and Tali) of your thirteen-member crew can qualify, and Tali is a borderline case.
** It's arguable whether Legion itself even counts. Oddly, on one occasion (its confrontation with Tali) if Shepard points out that him trasmitting classified Quarian data could start a war, it admits that Shepard's right. This implies it didn't think its actions all the way through, which is weird considering it's supposed to be a purely logical machine that thinks at the speed of light.
*** Not so weird. Legion's understanding of humanoid emotional reactions is incomplete—that's part of why he's journeying with you, to learn about them.
Line 1,060 ⟶ 1,062:
* [[All Girls Want Bad Boys]]: Samara tells you that Morinth is not interested in potential mates who are polite and accomodating. You need to act like a bit of a jerk to get her attention.
* [[Anti-Hero]]: Type V at best.
* [[Armor-Piercing Question|Armor-Piercing Statement]]: She continually tries to psych out her mother by repeatedly mentioning that Samara was the one who gave birth to Ardat-Yakshi children.
{{quote|'''Morinth:''' I didn't choose to be made this way...''mother''.
'''Samara:''' ''[[Shut UP, Hannibal|Enough]]'', [[Shut UP, Hannibal|Morinth!]] }}
Line 1,069 ⟶ 1,071:
* [[Black Widow]]: Not for money or anything, but power. Both psychic and good old-fashioned manipulation.
* [[Blatant Lies]]: She claims that Ardat-Yakshi are "the genetic destiny of the asari." Ardat-Yakshi are ''sterile''.
* {{spoiler|[[Brainwashed and Crazy]]: If you choose her in ''[[Mass Effect 2]]'' and she survives, the Reapers turn her into a [[Body Horror|Banshee]] you have to kill in London in ''3''.}}
* [[Broken Ace]]: She is considered irresisible by anyone who meets her and Samara herself says that Morinth is her strongest and smartest daughter. She is also a match for a justicar in combat and very cunning to have evaded capture for 400 years. She is also a [[Sociopath]].
* [[Charm Person]]: Her "Dominate" special ability.
Line 1,076 ⟶ 1,078:
* [[Death by Sex]]: Due to a bizarre genetic quirk, she burns out the nervous system of anyone she mates with, instantly killing them. This process not only gives her a boost of power and knowledge, but it's extremely addictive for her. The effect is drug-like—the more that she does it, the more she wants to do it.
* [[Depraved Bisexual]]: A complete psychopath who gets off on seducing and killing people.
* {{spoiler|[[Dropped a Bridge On Her]]}}: {{spoiler|There's no way to prevent her from being turned into a Banshee in the third game. You've got to kill her. Granted, [[Serial Killer|she probably deserves it.]]}}
* [[Even Evil Has Standards]]: Well, ''sort of''. She agrees the Collector Base should be destroyed, although it's not clear whether she thinks this for moral reasons or because of [[Pragmatic Villainy|a selfish sense of self-preservation]]. She knows the Collectors and Reapers represent a threat to her, and would likely sacrifice hundreds to save herself. In fact, she has.
* [[Evil Counterpart]]: To Samara, natch.
Line 1,094 ⟶ 1,096:
* [[Ironic Echo]]: "Embrace eternity!" It's an asari [[Catch Phrase]] for when they mind meld with another - with her, she's talking of a whole different kind of "eternity".
* {{spoiler|[[Laser-Guided Karma]]}}: If she survives ME2. {{spoiler|After having made a career out of murdering people using mind control, it's only fitting that she ultimately falls under the control of the Reapers when they turn her into a Banshee.}}
* [[Manipulative Bastard|Manipulative Bitch]]: How she lures her victims.
* [[Mind Over Matter]]: A biotic, like all asari. Her method of killing people makes her even stronger.
* [[More Than Mind Control]]: What eventually happens to her victims. They're her willing slaves until she tires of the game and kills them.
* [[Mutually Exclusive Party Members]]: With her mother, Samara. Recruiting her will cause Morinth to kill her mother and take her place on Shepard's squad.
* [[Ninja Pirate Zombie Robot]]: She's an omnisexual mutant [[Green-Skinned Space Babe|blue-skinned]] alien sex vampire <small>[[Recycled in Space|IN SPACE]]</small>! Too bad she's also a [[Complete Monster]].
* [[Won't Work On Me]]: To her mind control, if you have a high Paragon or Renegade score.
* [[Nonstandard Game Over]]: Have sex with her. Every character thinks it's a bad idea.
* [[Oh Crap]]: If Shepard resists her [[Mind Control]], which requires incredibly high rankings in either Paragon or Renegade.
Line 1,115 ⟶ 1,116:
* [[Tragic Villain]]: According to Samara, though it doesn't make her any less evil.
{{quote|'''Samara''': Morinth is a tragic figure, but not a sympathetic one.}}
* [[The Vamp]]: Greatly enjoys seducing sympathetic individuals and tries to do so with Shepard, complete with the sob story about her mother and being persecuted.
* [[Underestimating Badassery]]: Played with; Shepard's role as bait is to demonstrate badassery to lure her out. However, if they have a high Paragon or Renegade score, they can completely shrug off her attempts at mind control, leading to Morinth having a minor [[Oh Crap]] moment when she realises the person in front of them is far more dangerous than she thought.
* [[The Vamp]]: Greatly enjoys seducing sympathetic individuals and tries to do so with Shepard, complete with the sob story about her mother and being persecuted.
* [[Wicked Cultured]]: As part of his/her role as bait, Shepard must take advantage of her love for exotic music, art and drugs.
* [[Won't Work On Me]]: To her mind control, if you have a high Paragon or Renegade score.
* [[Woobie, Destroyer of Worlds]]: Invokes this to get sympathy points, [[Subverted Trope|but it's all an act.]]
* [[Wounded Gazelle Gambit]]: She tries to convince Shepard that ''she's'' the victim (it's not her fault that she's an Ardat-Yakshi) and that Samara is the evil one for trying to kill her. It's...not really all that convincing.
Line 1,145 ⟶ 1,147:
''([[Boom! Headshot!|Bang!]])''<br />
'''Miranda:''' Dead? }}
* [[Oh Crap]]: His reaction to hearing that Shepard was still alive after sabotaging the Mechs.
* [[The Mole]]: He started the disaster that led to Shepard's early awakening, but you don't know who he was working for at first. {{spoiler|He was working for the Shadow Broker}}.
* [[Oh Crap]]: His reaction to hearing that Shepard was still alive after sabotaging the Mechs.
* [[Playing with Syringes]]: He helps bring someone back from the dead.
* [[Turncoat]]
* [[Too Dumb to Live]]: He had no reason to think Cerberus would let him live after he betrayed them.
* [[Turncoat]]
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