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Anything That Moves: Difference between revisions

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* Yuki in ''[[Gravitation]]'' apparently qualified before he started dating Shuichi, but [[Take Our Word for It|we only hear of it]].
** His younger brother Tatsuha isn't any better. And he's about 16 years old.
* Futana from ''[[Futaba-Kun Change!|Futaba Kun Change]]''. She even seems to include her [[Brother-Sister Incest|younger brother]] in the "anything".
** ''Especially'' him, though it may just be teasing.
* Pamila from ''[[Bondage Fairies]]''. Male fairies, female fairies, small mammals, insects, ''slugs''...
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* [[Daken]]: Wolverine's son hasn't finished a single episode of his comic without seducing or sleeping with somebody, usually killing them as well.
** Interestingly, [[Word of God]] is that Daken's asexual; he's not interested in it, personally, but uses sex as a tool of manipulation and emotional torment.
* One of [[Deadpool|Deadpool's]]'s clients was an aristocrat who was turned on by ''everything''. Deadpool quizzed him extensively on this.
** If this was the guy whose panty collection was robbed, then it was Agent X, not Deadpool.
* ''[[The Desert Peach]],'' a comic about Erwin Rommel's gay younger brother (no really), has the Peach's boyfriend, Rosen Kavalier, be a guy who'll do anything to anything (although he didn't realize he was into males until he met Pfirsich Rommel).
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'''Time Cop''': That's about the size of it. }}
* Shatterstar has developed into this in the new series of ''[[X-Factor (comics)|X-Factor]]''.
* ''[[Tomorrow Stories]]'': Cobweb.
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== Literature ==
* A number of characters from Jacqueline Carey's ''[[Kushiel's Legacy|Kushiels Legacy]]'' books fit this trope - almost inevitably, considering [[Everyone Is Bi]] and the books centre around a country that, shall we say, puts a high priority on sex. The most glaring example is probably Mavros Shahrizai, who seems to view everyone around him over the age of consent as a potential bed-partner. Also, he's kinky.
** And then, in the newest book, there is Moirin mac Fainche. So far, in the first book alone, she has gone to bed with {{spoiler|a British tribal prince; a stableboy; the consort to the Queen of Terre D'Ange; the Queen of Terre D'Ange; the Prince of Terre D'Ange; a Chinese martial artist; the future Empress of China- when she was possessed by a dragon; and the future Empress of China, when she was NOT possessed by a dragon.}} She is a busy, busy woman.
* Moon Boy from Barry Hughart's ''[[Bridge of Birds|Chronicles of Master Li and Number Ten Ox]]''. At one point the group is threatened by a demon... which Moon Boy immediately seduces. This character also falls under [[Even the Guys Want Him]].
* The Dornish in [[George R. R. Martin|George RR Martin]]'s ''[[A Song of Ice and Fire]]'' have a reputation for this, and it's certainly true of Oberyn Martell and Ellaria Sand.
* [[Everyone Is Bi|Nearly all]] of de Sade's characters male and female, the majority of whom, with the arguablyarguable exception of ''Philosophy in the Bedroom'', are by any sane standard very ''sadistic'' as well.
* ''[[Ramayana]]'': Ravana's proclivity for hitting on anything that moves and kidnapping the wives of his enemies as well as trying to rape the daughters of sages like Vedavati, never mind kidnapping Sita comes to bite him.
* ''[[The Pilfered Princess]]'': Princess Sarah, whose promiscuity is what gets her kidnapped in the first place.
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* The Zeltrons are a species of pink-skinned near-human empaths in the [[Star Wars Expanded Universe]] for whom this trope is pretty much [[Planet of Hats|a societal norm]]...
* In ''Native Tongue'' - one of [[Carl Hiaasen]]'s Florida comedy-thillers - a local Glades theme park (run by a scumbag) bought Orky the sexually-frustrated killer whale as an ill-thought-out visitor attraction. Orky attempts pelagic-style loving with pretty much any warm body that enters his tank: these wet and warm bodies include a local TV reporter doing a live segment and the park's roided-out Head of Security (whom Orky found endlessly irresistible...).
* Fitz, from the ''[[Doctor Who]]'' ''[[Eighth Doctor Adventures]]''. He ogles a surprisingly large range of things that move, including thirteen-year-old girls (he [[I'm Going to Hell For This|cut it out]] in both cases after discovering their age), [[Likes Older Women|women more than twenty years older than him]], [[Ho Yay|the Doctor]]... He's shagged [[Human Alien]]s and a woman possibly [[Tiny Guy, Huge Girl|a whole foot taller than him]], and has a [[Temporary Love Interest]] or [[Girl of the Week]] in almost every book. And [[Fetish|he apparently got off]] on being stripped and collared by [[Talking Animal|space poodles]]. He's implied to be bi beyond his crush on the Doctor, too.
== Live Action TV ==
%<!-- For Jack Harkness, see [[Extreme Omnisexual]]. -->
%For Jack Harkness, see [[Extreme Omnisexual]].
* Owen Harper from ''[[Torchwood]]'', being cruel, destructive and [[Kavorka Man|kavorkaish]], at least in the first season.
* In one episode of ''[[Extras]]'', Andy Millman gets to meet his odious fanbase in person, one who rejoices in the nickname "Count Fuckula". Why? "Because if I see something, I've ''got'' to fuck it."
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* [[Spell My Name with a "The"|The]] Todd from ''[[Scrubs]]'', [[Flanderization|beginning in season 5]]. It has long been a mystery if he was gay, with countless references to it, until "My Lunch", where it was eventually revealed that he's just "The Todd". (Meaning the embodiment of this trope)
{{quote|'''Todd:''' What? The Todd appreciates hotness, regardless of gender.}}
** Not ''exactly'', as it has been shown that he's more of aan "Anything, Regardless of Motion" kind of guy. Hint: The On-Call Room bed-humping scene.
*** Which lead to the great line "Sometimes when I am humping this mattress, I am thinking of that mattress."
{{quote|'''Todd:''' The Todd accepts all applicants, regardless of age or disability.}}
*** Please note when he said the above quote, [[Squick|He was talking about a very, very, old woman with gonorrhea, and he was very aware of this.]]
* Played straight—pardonstraight —pardon the pun—bypun— by Samantha Jones in ''[[Sex and the City]]''. Throughout the series, Samantha is all about virtually indiscriminate sex, typically with men. However, for a few episodes she becomes involved in a relationship with another woman. She also made it clear that she'd "done the girl thing before."
** The funniest part is that when she informs her friends that she's in a relationship with another woman, one of them says in disbelief "You're in a ''relationship''?"
* Kelly the Barmaid from ''[[Two Pints of Lager and a Packet of Crisps]]''. Amongst other things, she has come on to all but one of the main characters on several occasions, and she also has [[Likes Older Women|a penchant for the pub's elderly regulars]].
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* On ''[[Smallville]]'', it was seemingly hinted that Tess Mercer might fit this trope. She repeatedly flirted with Lois (although Lois did not reciprocate). Upon first meeting Lois, [[It Makes Sense in Context|who was disguised as a maid at the time]], Tess walked up very close to her and asks "So you like to play dress-up, hm?" before rubbing the frills of Lois's maid costume. At the beginning of Season 9, after last seeing Lois when they got in a VERY [[Fan Service]]-y fight at the end of Season 8, [[Smallville/Ho Yay|Tess notes "When we last saw each other, things did get a little...''physical.''.....Would you like to pick up where we left off?"]]
** In addition, Tess is known to have been in a sexual relationship with Oliver sometime in the past, briefly hooked up with him again because "I had an itch, and I needed you to scratch it," lusts after the ([[Humanoid Aliens|effectively human]]) extraterrestrial [[Superman|Clark]] (even telling him in a deleted scene "You have to stop thinking of me as ''just'' your boss," with an eager smile on her face), stands stunned and can barely contain herself upon meeting the scantily-clad alien queen Maxima, and in Season 9 [[Boldly Coming|beds an (again, effectively human) alien overlord (Major Zod)]].
** On Earth-2, the alternate universe version of Tess was sleeping with Clark... [[Incest Is Relative|who in that reality was her adoptive brother]].
* Played with in ''[[The IT Crowd]]''. Hyper-sexual Douglas couldn't seem to care less when his date tells him that she used to be a man. They get into a serious relationship, but it turns out that he misheard her confession. When he learns the truth, he breaks it off immediately.
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* Legault from ''[[Fire Emblem Elibe]]: Blazing Sword''. If you get A support with Isadora he hits on her. If you get A support with Heath he hits on him. Or perhaps he's just got a thing for knights—either way it's possible he wants in both of their pants.
* In ''[[Mass Effect 2]]'', Shepard is able to romance most if not all of the crew. Several of them have rather strong feelings about Shepard as well. Other characters have even broader pools.
* [[Pokémon|Ditto.]] It's never shown of course (Pokemon''Pokémon'' is G-rated, after all), but the only PokemonPokémon Ditto can't breed with are [[Olympus Mons|legendaries]] (in fairness, legendaries can't breed at all keep them unique) sans Manaphy, baby [[Shotacon|Pokemon]], and for some strange reason, Nidorino and Nidoqueen. Every other Pokemon left with Ditto will eventually lead to an egg, regardless of gender ([[No Biological Sex|including the lack of one]]) or [[Improbable Species Compatibility|egg group]] (including one Pokemon family [[Fridge Horror|that was]] [[But You Screw One Goat!|once]] [[Was Once a Man|human.]]) It doesn't help [[Memetic Molester|Ditto's]] [[Memetic Sex God|reputation]] that [[Power Perversion Potential|it can transform]] [[What the Hell, Player?|and that the player leaves it in the breeding centre.]]
* In ''[[Guilty Gear]]'', many of Elphelt's moves seem to suggest she's trying to convince (or force) her opponent to marry her, and she'll gladly use these moves [[Bi the Way| on other female characters]], or even if the opponent is a part-Gear, or parasite, or vampire, or even [[Sibling Incest| her own sister. In fact, if she's on the receiving end of another Elphelt's finisher, she'll sob, [[Screw Yourself |"I-I'll take ''anyone!''"]]
== Web Comics ==
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== Web Original ==
* ''[[Orderly Chaos]]'' has Lew Carrellan, the microchip-enhanced megastud with a heart of what is probably mostly gold.
* ''[[Tales of MU]]'' offers up at least three.:
** Amaranth, a nymph who [[Love You and Everybody|loves everyone]]. Passionately.
** Steff, a half-elf [[Wholesome Crossdresser]]... going by a very, very loose (pun not intended) definition of "wholesome".
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