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* In ''[[Mass Effect 2]]'', Shepard is able to romance most if not all of the crew. Several of them have rather strong feelings about Shepard as well. Other characters have even broader pools.
* [[Pokémon|Ditto.]] It's never shown of course (''Pokémon'' is G-rated, after all), but the only Pokémon Ditto can't breed with are [[Olympus Mons|legendaries]] (in fairness, legendaries can't breed at all keep them unique) sans Manaphy, baby [[Shotacon|Pokemon]], and for some strange reason, Nidorino and Nidoqueen. Every other Pokemon left with Ditto will eventually lead to an egg, regardless of gender ([[No Biological Sex|including the lack of one]]) or [[Improbable Species Compatibility|egg group]] (including one Pokemon family [[Fridge Horror|that was]] [[But You Screw One Goat!|once]] [[Was Once a Man|human.]]) It doesn't help [[Memetic Molester|Ditto's]] [[Memetic Sex God|reputation]] that [[Power Perversion Potential|it can transform]] [[What the Hell, Player?|and that the player leaves it in the breeding centre.]]
* In ''[[Guilty Gear]]'', many of Elphelt's moves seem to suggest she's trying to convince (or force) her opponent to marry her, and she'll gladly use these moves [[Bi the Way| on other female characters]], or even if the opponent is a part-Gear, or parasite, or vampire, or even [[Sibling Incest| her own sister]]. In fact, if she's on the receiving end of [[Mirror Match| another Elphelt's finisher]], she'll sob, [[Screw Yourself|"I-I'll take ''anyone!''"]]
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