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Anachronism Stew: Difference between revisions

→‎Video Games: Stuff like this is found as far back as Lament of Innocence, which takes place in 1094
(→‎Video Games: Stuff like this is found as far back as Lament of Innocence, which takes place in 1094)
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* The ''[[Resistance]]'' series of games, despite being set in the 1950s, feature futuristic weapons and machinery. However, this can be explained with the fact that they are all Chimera inventions rather than human.
** ''Resistance'' also occurs in an alternate timeline that diverged right before the Spanish-American War, Nikola Tesla got lucky with his inventions, and the Chimera technology helped later.
* Most of the ''[[Castlevania]]'' games aren't ''too'' bad about this, but many of ''[[Symphonythe food items found in games set offrom the Night]]'''s12th recoveryto items18th Century simply did not exist inat the late 18th Centurytime. Hamburgers weren't around to start with, but how can they also be "100% US grade A?" There wasn't even have a Department of Agriculture at the time!
** There wasn't an FDA either, yet Spoiled Milk (an item that damages you if you drink it unless you've equipped a Demon Stomach) is identified as "bad" due to the expired expiration date on the modern carton.
** Also, currency you collect is measured with dollar signs (as in, "$") even though this is Europe before America was even independent. Or in the case of ''Lament of Innocence'', even discovered.
** Also, there's enemies who use GUNS, or [[Dem Bones|skeletons]] riding MOTORCYCLES. (The ones in ''[[So TN]]'' used Muskets, which were around back then. The Gatling Guns in Bloodlines make sense too, as it takes place right before World War II anyways.)
** Arguably averted in the ''[[Chronicles of Sorrow]]'' games, which are set [[Twenty Minutes Into the Future]].
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** [[The Other Wiki]] also mentions that aside from the purely sci-fi gadgets like the Tesla Cannon, the spraycan he uses with a zippo lighter as a makeshift flamethrower will only be invented a few decades after the game is set.
* ''[[Kid Icarus: Uprising]]'' takes place in ancient Greece, and among Pit's arsenal are gun-blades, [[Magitech]] lasers, and cannons. Health recovery items include hamburgers, sushi, and chocolate. Never mind that Pit can't seem to stop [[No Fourth Wall|referring to the story as a game]].
== [[Visual Novels]] ==
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