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Ancient Domains of Mystery: Difference between revisions

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* [[Dungeons & Dragons]]: A lot of the spell names and monster types are named after their D&D equivalents.
* [[Early Bird Boss]]: [[Names to Run Away From Really Fast|Keethrax, the evil druid]], one of the two options for your first quest. He's high level, corrupts by hit, and a [[Linear Warriors, Quadratic Wizards|druid]], at that.
** {{spoiler|His level is the same as that of the PC when they first enter his dungeon level. If the PC wants to risk it, he or she can game this by making a dive to the bottom of said dungeon when they're level 8, then running straight back out, avoiding any monsters along the way. Later, when you're lvl. 12 and he's lvl. 8, he becomes a lot more survivable}}.
* [[Early Installment Weirdness]]: Version 0.2.0 is fascinating to play. There is no overworld, only the main dungeon exists, there are no colours, and the way rooms and corridors are drawn resembles [[Nethack]].
* [[Easter Egg]]: Press '&' to open the monster memory, and type in "Thomas Biskup".
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* [[Hoist by His Own Petard]]: Shooting a [[Magic Missile]] in a narrow corridor? [[Too Dumb to Live|Bad idea]]. Chances are, a typo makes you cast it straight at the wall, so it constantly rebounds at you and hits you again and again and again until you're dead.
** There is a spell called Death Ray. [[Captain Obvious|It also bounces off walls]].
* [[Adventure Narrator Syndrome]]:
** {{spoiler|It's possible to invert this. Using the alchemy skill, it's possible to deliberately try to mix two incompatible ingredients, which creates an explosion similar to the fireball spell. Which means ANY combination of two potions (or a potion and a herb) can be used to simulate the fireball spell. The explosion even increases in diameter based on your willpower, just like the original fireball spell. For fire-resistant (better: fire-immune) wizards, this can be a life saver when you're low on Power Points. For assassins, lucky bards and other Alchemy users, it lets you basically be a wizard without knowing how to even read the letters on the cover of a spellbook of Fireball.}}
* [[Implacable Man]]: There is an Eternal Guardian guarding a staircase somewhere in the middle of the main dungeon, preventing progress until completing a certain task. If you try to attack him, or even manage to kill him, an even stronger version of him will instantly materialise on the stairs. Screw up and you have multiple copies fighting against you.
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* [[Infinity+1 Sword]]: {{spoiler|The Trident of the Red Rooster}} is probably the best artifact in the game. It's also required for one of the ultra endings and is a huge [[Guide Dang It]].
* [[In-Universe Game Clock]]: Time runs far faster when you travel in the overworld because it's a zoomed-out representation of a large area. (And you do need to keep track of the time or date for several quests: ctrl-E tells you how much time has (E)lapsed since you first set out. Though it's easier to use Alt-q or "@" to check character details.)
* [[Item Crafting]]: You can make your own crossbow bolts or arrows, and improve metal armour and weapons, with the right skills and the raw materials.
* [[Item Crafting]]
* [[It Got Worse]]: The first three levels of the [[Lethal Lava Land|Tower of Eternal Flames]] are hard enough, what with the constant fire damage, melting equipment, and monsters that are hard to take out in melee. You thought THAT was bad? The fourth level is ''hotter'', blocks teleportation, and {{spoiler|requires you to dig through a lot of solid wall to reach a horde of resilient fire elementals and demons, and THEN you can fight the boss, who sees through invisibility and uses [[The Corruption|corrupting attacks]], confusion, stat drain, high-intensity beam attacks, and has huge hitpoints and melee damage output.}}
* [[Item Crafting]]: You can make your own crossbow bolts or arrows, and improve metal armour and weapons, with the right skills and the raw materials.
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