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== [[Anime]] and [[Manga]] ==
* The penultimate episode of ''[[Aria]]'': The story arc appears to have come to a conclusion... then Alicia tells Akari that she has something to tell her. Roll credits.
== [[Fan Works]] ==
* squirrelking's [[So Bad It's Good]] ''Metal Gear Solid'' fanfic, ''[http://www.fanfiction.net/s/2946083/1/ Fight of Metal Gears]''. Also, ''[http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QsRJWZ9qwNw Halo: Halos in Space]'' by the same author ends with Joe Chief on the losing side of a battle, and then he "saw something and went to it and picked it up and said "no we win" to himself." Read ahead at your own risk: The next installment reveals that the 'something' was {{spoiler|"big wepon."}} [[Narm|DUN DUN DUNNN]]!
* ''[http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QsRJWZ9qwNw Halo: Halos in Space]'' by squirrelking ends with Joe Chief on the losing side of a battle, and then he "saw something and went to it and picked it up and said "no we win" to himself." Read ahead at your own risk: The next installment reveals that the 'something' was {{spoiler|"big wepon."}} [[Narm|DUN DUN DUNNN]]!
== [[Literature]] ==
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* ''[[The Da Vinci Code]]'' had a [[One-Paragraph Chapter]] in which Robert Langdon and his date see a thing inside a box. Whatever the grail was, it wasn't ''that thing''. (The thing turned out to be a cryptex, i.e., a tube that had a puzzle to be solved for it to open) In fact, done frequently in anything written by Dan Brown. It's pretty much the end of every chapter.
* The fourth book of the ''[[A Song of Ice and Fire]]'' series, ''A Feast For Crows'', has a scene in which one character is about to be hanged, and she says an unspecified word... and that's the last we hear of her in that book. In fact, it's the last we hear of the book.
* This was baited-and-switched in [[Robert Rankin]]'s ''The [[Hollow Chocolate Bunnies of the Apocalypse]]'', proving there's just [[Zig-Zagging Trope|no limit to recursive subversion of a trope]]. Eddie hands something important to Jack, who asks what it is -- "it's a [[MacGuffin]]". Except we never get a better explanation than that - it's only ever referred to as a macguffinMacGuffin, and [[Chekhov's Gun|when it inevitably turns out to be important]], what it actually does is entirely unexplained as well. It's that kind of book...
* ''[[A Series of Unfortunate Events]]'' reveled in leading the reader to believe something only for it to be contradicted soon afterwards. Especially when the reader is kept guessing what the acronym VFD stands for, only to have it revealed several different times, and all of those times to be false.
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