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**** Actually, it's physically impossible for the Borg shield implants to deflect bullets, because the momentum is transfered to the implant, which would then be moving at near-sonic speeds inside the Borg. Also, did you know they apparently have lasers on their arms? They seem to use them in one episode.
*** Er, no. The deflector shields in ST don't work that way. Energy is countered and dispersed, not transferred into the shield generators. At least not in TV canon; some EU stories may have different rules. As for the lasers, yes, they did use them in the very first Borg appearance in "Q Who?" to kill a Redshirt. But since most drones are not dedicated combat units, they rarely fight back. No, it's not efficient; but then, the Borg ''aren't'' and never have been efficient, they just like to tell themselves (and everyone in earshot) that they are.
**** Not energy, momentum. Newton's 3rd law. And this does apply: Star Trek ships can take a nuke hit on shield, yet being bumped by a huge rock at very low velocity (imparted by its own tension) would be very bad, and asteroid fields have to be "navigated through safely", which isn't always possible — i.e. it's not just the largest pieces that are dangerous ([http://stardestroyer.net/Empire/Database/Query-ST.php?Series=&Category=&EpName=&Keywords=asteroid&Quotes=&Analysis=&Submit=Submit TNG Season 7, Ep# 164: "Pegasus", TNG Season 7, Ep# 171: "Genesis"]).
**** Not energy, momentum. Newton's 3rd law.
*** An easy resolution for the above debate as to why the Borg would not be able to adapt to bullets: the fact that they haven't already done so. Think about it: what are the odds that, in all the millennia the Borg have been conquering planets, they've never encountered a species that uses bullets or some other form of projectile weapon?
*** As for why the Federation doesn't seem to be smart enough to use projectile weapons against them (aside from [[Rule of Cool|phasers being cooler than kinetic weapons]]): they've fallen victim to the problem plaguing the Asgard in their war with the Replicators over in the [[Stargate Verse]]. Namely, they've become used to searching for technological solutions to their military problems (read: technobabble) rather than innovating tactically with what they already have, and being unwilling to make strategic sacrifices ''a la'' Carter's bait-and-switch with the ''O'Neill'' in "Small Victories". Teal'c's assessment of the Tollans in "Pretense" is applicable as well: "The Tollans [Federation] have not been at war for many years. They do not think strategically." Picard's "We're explorers, not soldiers" mindset is the heart of the matter: At the beginning of TNG, Starfleet doesn't see itself as a military organization, so when forced by circumstance into that role, they do a uniformly terrible job until the mindset changes. In that respect, the Dominion War and the various conflicts with the Borg are healthy for the Federation in the long run, inasmuch as they've given them a good swift kick in the pants. The effects of that kick can be seen as early as ''[[Star Trek: Nemesis]]'' (three or four Earth years post-war), where for the first time we have an armed ground vehicle that can be used for scouting. It was probably developed as a counter to a similar Jem'Hadar vehicle during the Dominion War.
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