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So Bad It's Horrible/Fan Works/Fanfic Q-T: Difference between revisions

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*** The same author also brought us [[Parental Incest|Leia/Jaina femmeslash]] and [[Squick|Wookiee sex]] in her other works.
* '''[http://www.fanfiction.net/s/3480321/1/ Titian Heat].''' Spork [http://community.livejournal.com/heartless_fics/65199.html here]. [[Our Lawyers Advised This Trope|All The Tropes will not be held responsible]] for brain damage if you read this unsporked. (Timeline-fail, [[Character Derailment]], completely ignoring a critical point in [[Canon]] plot, explicit rape, [[Slash Fic]] involving a ''[[Disney]] character'', BESTIALITY INVOLVING '''[[The Lion King|SIMBA]]'''. Not Safe For Humanity.)
** Fandom: ''[[Kingdom Hearts]]''.
** Pairings: '''[[High Octane Nightmare Fuel|Simba/Riku]]''' with a side helping of Riku/Sora.
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