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Free-Range Children: Difference between revisions

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* ''[[Super GALS!]]!'': Sayo, about 11, is allowed to trail her big sister around the streets of Shibuya.
* ''[[Digimon Adventure]]'': The Chosen are 8 to 12-year-old kids who run around Tokyo with no supervision (their Digimon aside), unquestioned, as would be the case with many high-schoolers.
** This was likely part of the reason the ten year olds in ''[[Digimon Tamers|Tamers]]'' got an age -up in the dub.
** Not to mention that ''[[Digimon Adventure]]'' and ''[[Digimon Tamers]]'' were arguably [[deconstruction]]s of this trope—the Digital Worlds of each ''were'' filled with dangerous monsters that wanted to kill them and the kids often had problems adjusting to the level of maturity needed to survive, and in ''Tamers'' their parents generally were at least initially opposed to letting them go there.
* In ''[[Neo Ranga]]'', the girls range from about 10 to 18 and live alone without adults of any kind.
* ''[[Sonic X|]]'': Cream the Rabbit]] is allowed by her mother to accompany her friends on quests to save the universe, despite being only 6. She has Cheese with her, but still...
* ''[[Cardcaptor Sakura]]'': Sakura runs errands all over town and even goes to Hong Kong with only her big brother to supervise. Her brother is aware of her ''[[Magical Girl]]'' activities and worries about her but doesn't interfere.
** Tomoyo has a troupe of bodyguards much of the time, but when needed they are inexplicably absent.
** Sakura can also create a duplicate of herself to leave in her place, but her brother [[Secret Secret Keeper|already knows]] it's not her.
* ''[[Yotsubato|Yotsuba]]'': Yotsuba can run all over the neighborhood without anyone to watch her (though she ''does'' usually have either her dad or one of the neighbors in close proximity).
** To be fair, she does get scolded when she runs off on her own. She just never really seems to learn her lesson. Thankfully her world seems to be super safe.
** It seems this concept was tried out in chapter 1 but was dropped because it made Mr. Koiwai seem neglectful rather than laid back and a bit forgetful. In the first chapter she wanders around the neighborhood and Koiwai is confident she'll come back to the house when she gets hungry. However, after all the trouble she causes during that escapade he becomes more protective of her. The next time she wanders around unsupervised he does punish her.
** [[Deconstructed]] in one chapter. At the fireworks festival, because Yotsuba hasn't realized the potential dangers of getting lost in a crowd, after she runs off (the panel after being told not to let go of Koiwai's hand, naturally), Koiwai has Jumbo, Ena, and Miura hide to teach her a lesson.
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* ''[[Bakugan]]'' allows some kids to ask adults to take them somewhere by a plane or space shuttle.
* The protagonists of ''[[Wandering Son]]'' are allowed to go to ride trains to other cities at nine years old, accompanied by no adults. On Takatsuki's first trip to the city (while dressed as a boy) she gets [[Adult Fear|hit on]] by an adult woman, who later becomes a [[Cool Big Sis]]. The protagonists are allowed to [[Intergenerational Friendship|hang around]] two adults whom their parents don't know, and even ''sleep over at their house''. Though, to give them a break, their parents are unaware of their friendship for some time and they use vague terms like "friends" - though when they do tell their parents they don't seem scared, just mad that they're keeping secrets from them.
* ''[[Sailor Moon|Chibiusa]]'': Chibiusa and (even more extreme) Chibi Chibi, whose strolling off becomes a plot point of one episode.
* ''[[Aria|]]'': Mizunashi Akari]] is fifteen years old when she leaves home and family to get a job on another planet. If she ever even '''visits''' her parents again, it's not shown or mentioned. Granted, her new home is a very '''peaceful''' and '''safe''' planet....
** That's a case of [[Values Dissonance]]. In Japan, middle-school graduates are legally allowed to start working instead of attending high school, so Akari isn't a child any more.
== Film ==
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