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Techno Babble: Difference between revisions

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{{quote|'''Sid Phillips:''' No one has ever attempted a double bypass brain transplant before!
'''Buzz Lightyear:''' [[Captain Obvious|I don't believe that man's ever been to medical school.]]|''[[Toy Story (franchise)|Toy Story]]''}}
|''[[Toy Story (franchise)|Toy Story]]''}}
[[Sesquipedalian Loquaciousness|Any impressive- and scientific-sounding]], but ultimately nonsensical utterance.
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* Recent bottled water ads have been boasting its high pH level. Which is great, until you realize that lye has a pH of 13. (Pure water's pH is 7.)
== Anime &and Manga ==
* Played to death and [[Lampshade Hanging|lampshaded]] in ''[[Haruhi Suzumiya]]''.
{{quote|'''Yuki Nagato:''' A localized, non-corrosive amalgamation of asynchronous space is independently occurring in restricted condition mode.
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* ''[[Guilty Crown]]'' takes after ''Evangelion'' in that it uses a lot of biology-themed Techno Babble, most of it misapplied or completely nonsensical (intron-RAM, anyone?). Unlike in ''Evangelion'' it's uncertain if the trope was being subverted or parodied or played entirely straight.
== FanfictionFan Works ==
* In the ''[[Firefly]]'' fanfic ''[[Forward]]'', Kaylee actually uses technobabble to scare off a group of suspicious federal marshals who are poking around the ship's engine room, by warning them that poking or moving anything will result in a horrific death via painful-sounding technobabble. They eventually back off and leave.
* The narrator had to explain what happened to [[Spice Girls|Melanie C]] while looking for her in ''[http://fav.me/dd7ow55 Case of the Missing Technology]''.
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