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* It's possible to do this in [[Vampire: The Masquerade Bloodlines]], if you play your cards right (Or seduce/dominate/dement) you can feasably do a [[Pacifist Run]] for the biggest part of the game. [[Disappointing Last Level|Sadly, the last few parts of the main campaign has you fighting, no ifs ands or buts about it.]]
== Web Comics ==
== Webcomics ==
* In ''[[A Miracle of Science]]'', {{spoiler|Caprice}} [http://project-apollo.net/mos/mos344.html demonstrates the technique.]
== [[Web Original]] ==
* This is how President Baugh (as his alter ego, Baron Fritz von Baugh) undermines [[That Guy With The Glasses]] in ''[[Kickassia]]''.
== [[Western Animation]] ==
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* ''[[Avatar: The Last Airbender]]'': The [[Genre Savvy]] Sokka manages to pull this off when the gaang is captured by pirates and [[Anti-Villain|Zuko]], convincing the pirates that they'd get a better deal personally handing [[The Chosen One|the Avatar]] over to the [[Big Bad|Fire Lord]] instead of trading him to Zuko for their valuable scroll. Zuko sees right through it, but the pirates take the bait, a fight breaks out, and the gaang escapes during the chaos.
** Perhaps this inspired [[The Hero|Aang]] to try this on Zhao four episodes later... but it didn't work.
* ''[[Re BootReBoot]].'': This is Bob's only option to deal with Hexadecimal in the early episodes, since Hex is far more powerful than Bob. When she succeeds in [[Taken for Granite|turning the entire city to stone]] Bob has to convince her that petrifying the city goes against her nature as a chaos virus. To be precise, petrified city is the opposite of chaotic- it's quiet, predictable, the same forever. This works and she reverses the effect and lets Bob go.
* ''[[My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic|My Little Pony Friendship Is Magic]].'': In the "Dog and Pony Show" episode, Rarity gets taken captive by a pack of diamond obsessed dogs. She puts up absolute minimal (physical) resistance. But she coerces/complains/whines the whole time. By the end of the episode, just as [[The Cavalry]] arrives, the Dogs are begging to be RID of Rarity.
== [[Real Life]] ==
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