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== [[Professional Wrestling]] ==
* Quite possibly the worst possible thing to happen to a pro wrestler outside of injuries is to get this sort of reaction. The entire [[Kayfabe|point]] of wrestling is to get the crowds to [[Face|cheer]] or [[Heel|boo]] you. Not getting ''either'' is almost considered to be worse than getting [[X-Pac Heat]], and is practically guaranteed to put you on the fast track to getting fired.
* This is the general outcome of a heel vs. heel feud. Face vs. Face feuds(case in point, Austin/Rock heading into [[WMWrestlemania|Wrestlemania 19]] and/or Cena/HBK heading into [[WMWrestlemania|Wrestlemania 23]]) can generally work on the fact that the crowd likes, to some extent or another, both participants and thus interest can be gained in seeing these two men/women, who respect each other immensely, square off in the ring. Heel/Heel feuds, meanwhile, pit two villains against one another. While this dynamic may work in literature, video games, or even film, to some extent, in wrestling, where the crowd controls a lot of the show, a match with two villains squaring off is more than likely going to drain interest in the show, considering that these are two characters the crowd ''hates''.
== [[Video Games]] ==
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