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In some kaers, though, the Horrors broke through the wards. Inside you may find treasure and lore, but you may find a Horror. It can mark you without your even noticing, and then it can track you and try to influence you. The only way to remove the mark is to kill the Horror. If that's not bad enough, someone can attract a Horror's attention by casting a spell the wrong way or even by ''thinking'' about a Horror. Going into astral space? fugeddaboutit.
Wait, there's more. The humans run the Theran Empire, they use blood magic, they enslave other races, and they make war in flying castles. The trolls are [[Sky Pirate|SkyPirates]]s in flying stone longboats. The obsidimen are nine feet tall and made of rock. The windlings are tiny flying people. The t'skrang are Lizardmen who run boats on the many rivers. The orks have been enslaved by almost everybody and are trying to establish their own nation. All these races are called Name-Givers, on the assumption that naming a thing gives it a magical identity, a pattern that can be manipulated.
How about conspiracies? Everywhere you go there are secret societies, Theran spies, imperial spies, intrigues.
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And Parlainth, the [[Unperson|Lost City]]? Don't get me started. There's a whole boxed set about it.
Of course there are dragons. In fact, they are behind many of the conspiracies. If you know ''[[Shadowrun]],'' you may even [[Beethoven Was an Alien Spy|recognize]] some of them ... but that means ... it is [[Earth All Along]]! Yes, you may recognize Thera as the name of a Greek island—it may have inspired the myths about Atlantis when it exploded thousands of years ago. Yes, the magic level [[The Magic Goes Away|eventually goes back down to nothing]], only to go back up in our time for ''Shadowrun.'' A cosmic case of [[Eternal Recurrence|history repeating itself]].
Then FASA went out of business. Living Room Games brought out a [[They Changed It, Now It Sucks|second edition]]. Then LRG went out of business. RedBrick brought out two virtual editions, a third and an alternate second. There's talk that RedBrick is working on a D&D-compatible edition as well.
Wait, you want to ''play'' ''[[Earthdawn]]''? That's a different thing altogether. To use a skill, you have to work out your step number, which is your skill level plus modifiers. Now refer to your Step Table, which tells you how many dice of which types to roll. That's right, using the same skill, you may roll different types of dice from one use to the next. It beats using calculus to simulate swinging on a rope, but there are simpler systems.
This haswas recentlysolved beenin solved2011, as an ''Earthdawn'' fan asked himself "[[I Want My Jetpack|I'm living in the Future, why aren't I Gaming like it?]]" and coded a [[No-Paper Future|Virtual Tabletop System]] for ''Earthdawn'': ''[http://bit.ly/earthdawnVirtualTabletop MapTool Earthdawn Framework]''.
This game contains examples of:
* [[The Ageless]]: Both dragons and elves have this as a racial trait.
* [[Awesome but Impractical]]: One of the artifacts included in the first edition main book, Nioku's Bow, was a legendary bow of a famous archer that would glow like the moon if it was ever brought to full power. Doing so required the expenditure of millions of points as well as going on multiple quests, each one of which would be legendary in its own right. The net result of all this is a bow that can do ''almost'' as much damage as the third circle Archer talent Flame Arrow. Flame Arrow involves no special quests and a fraction of the points.
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