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[[File:rsz tfs abridged par 805.jpg|link=Dragon Ball Abridged|frame|[[Dragon Ball|Krillin]] just can't seem to catch a break.]]
{{quote|''I think the writer hates me...''|'''[[Neon Genesis Evangelion|Shinji Ikari]]''', ''[[Evangelion Abridged]]''}}
|'''[[Neon Genesis Evangelion|Shinji Ikari]]''', ''[[Evangelion Abridged]]''}}
An odd sort of polar opposite to [[The Woobie]], [[The Chew Toy]] is a character the audience loves specifically ''because'' his or her misery amuses them so. The Chew Toy is roughed up or messed with on a constant basis... and is always, ''always'' [[Played for Laughs|used for comic effect and treated with a light touch]], generally [[Comedic Sociopathy|glossing over the meaner undertones of the idea]].
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** Sesshomaru's abuse of Jaken in his early appearances was threatening to kill him; it was other characters that beat up Jaken. But as Sesshomaru become less of a villain and started to care about Jaken after a fashion, his abuse of Jaken started to descend into slapstick beatings and verbal abuse.
* Keitaro in ''[[Love Hina]]''. He moved in to the place of his childhood, only to find it to be turned into a [[Unwanted Harem|girls-only pension]]. When he is accepted as a legitimate resident [[It Makes Sense in Context|(it's a long story)]] he is then forced to work like a slave for roommates who constantly beat him up for his [[Accidental Pervert|bad luck]], when they're not doing it ''for fun''. It gets better, but [[Abuse Is Okay When It Is Female On Male|for some reason]], [[Karma Houdini|none of the girls ever get any retribution]] [[Awesome Moments|except one]].
* In ''[[xxxHolic×××HOLiC]]'', one Watanuki Kimihiro never seems to get a break. He's antagonized by monsters [[Invisible to Normals|normal people can't see]], degraded and belittled by his employer, constantly having to be rescued by his "rival" and to top it all off, he never gets the girl.
** It's later either [[Justified Trope]] or made worse, depending on perspective, when it is [[The Reveal|revealed]] that ''he is literally {{spoiler|not supposed to exist}}'', and he knows it. Those invisible horrors stalking him? They're only doing it due to his supernatural nature combined with ''{{spoiler|subconscious suicidal desires}}''.
* Lancer from ''[[Fate/stay night]]'' may have been a credible threat in the original work, but subsequent sequels and fan works often portray him as largely useless, particularly whenever Archer is around. In the recent ''[[Carnival Phantasm]]'' series, he's killed off more or less [[Once Per Episode]], and his 'guest appearance' on the (fake) preview for Arcueid's magical girl show has his silhouette dramatically show up... before instantly being hit by a car. Assassin has been entirely replaced with a cardboard cutout.
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* There’s the Team Rocket Trio from the ''[[Pokémon]]'' anime, since they always follow Ash just to get Pikachu but their plans keep backfiring on them and usually causes them to blast off into the sky on almost all of their appearances.
** Ash himself is no better than Team Rocket either, mainly in the early seasons due to his Pokémon not following his orders such as Charizard, getting mocked by his rival; Gary Oak, and suffering several [[Amusing Injuries]], his chew toy status came back in the Sun and Moon anime.
** Misty can be this at times on the same level as Team Rocket and Ash as well, even when she doesn’t deserve it, she’s been scared by various Bug-type Pokémon, had her bike destroyed, had a Vulpix spew fire on her face, got whacked by Onix's tail, got her head covered in Spinarak silk, got hit on the head by Brock (twice), occasionally gets electrocuted by Pikachu along with Ash and Brock, gets picked on by her older sisters, gets tied up by Team Rocket several times, accidentally catches a Psyduck, has Psyduck sent out of her PokeBall instead of the Pokémon she wants to use, have Ash and Brock laugh at her makeup, and so fourth.
** Clemont from the Pokémon X & Y anime, due to his inventions usually backfiring on him and how he gets attacked by several other Pokémon.
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* In the Robots in Disguise comics in the IDW continuity; Zetca and Dirge have become this. Zetca (A former Autobot) gets beaten almost to death by two Decepticons after getting into an argument, and then beaten up by another, and almost framed for murder. Dirge (A Decepticon) finds himself bored with the war and makes friends with an Autobot. That Autobot is killed by explosions from the planet (which wasn't his fault), and he's almost killed by the Autobot's superior because he survived. Later, he gets a job at a garbage plant, then witnesses a murder, gets mind controlled, and beaten up. When the autobot Prowl breaks the mind control by killing the bot controlling him, he tries to kill Dirge because he witnessed another murder.
== Fan Works ==
* [[Overshadowed by Awesome|Krillin]] (pictured above), from ''[[Dragon Ball Abridged]]'' goes through some physical/verbal abuse that is actually lampshaded by the [[Exactly What It Says on the Tin|Krillin Owned Count]]
** Vegeta applies as well.
* Snape from ''[[Potter Puppet Pals]]''. If you need proof, look no further than this diary entry: "Today, the orange one accidentally drank one of my more expensive elixirs. He promptly vomited a glittering rainbow of foul waste, and the classroom erupted with applause, triggering my migraine. I aborted the class and was left to clean the boy's sick. Halfway through, Argus Filch showed up and bragged about his many affairs with Hogsmeade barmaids. Then he told me I smelled of broccoli and left [[Forgotten Birthday|without wishing me a happy birthday]]. Later, I noticed my bottle of sangria was gone. I settled for a cup of coffee, scalding my writing hand in the process and spilling it on my pants. I walked to the hospital wing, covering the wet spot with a book. Madame Pomfrey laughed and made me wait while she treated a student's runny nose. After an hour it became apparent that she had forgotten about me, so I returned to my room and found that I had locked myself out. I called for Filch, who turned up covered in lipstick and clearly having finished the sangria. He broke open my door, laughed at me, punched me in the shoulder too hard, and left me alone. I thought of my father."
** "I cried."
== Film ==
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* Ash from the ''[[Evil Dead]]'' series. In spite of his action hero transformation in the third film, he spends most of the series screaming and getting pummeled by deadites.
* Andy, the kid from ''[[Freddy Got Fingered]]''. In every scene he is in, he gets horrifically injured- either from Gord's antics or the hand of fate.
* Marv and Harry from ''[[Home Alone]]''.
* Ernie and Lars as well as Catzilla and Caesar the Exterminator from ''[[Mousehunt (film)|Mousehunt]]''.
== Literature ==
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== [[Live -Action TV]] ==
* Fat-Blue/Mr. Johnson in ''[[Sesame Street]].'' Can't Grover ever get his order right? Even when Grover isn't around, he has bad luck with other restaurants.
* Father Larry Duff in ''[[Father Ted]]'' suffers horribly on every appearance, usually as the result of the title character phoning him at an awkward moment; among other catastrophes he gets buried in an avalanche, mauled by his pet Rottweilers and trampled by a herd of stampeding donkeys.
* [[Jaded Washout|Al Bundy]] on ''[[Married... with Children|Married With Children]]'' is a perfect example of this trope. Berated by his neighbors, stuck in a dead-end minimum-wage job, and badgered by his freeloading wife for sex every night...it's no wonder he constantly [[Smite Me, OhO Mighty Smiter!|wants God to take him out]]. Whether [[This Loser Is You|viewers identify with Al Bundy because of their similarly dysfunctional home lives and miserable jobs]], or simply because they love to see him suffer, much of the show's humor is derived from Al's misery as the Chew Toy. One of the show's producers even told an anecdote about a fan letter they received from a viewer who had a crappy home life and a shit job, but who was always cheered up by the fact that, no matter how bad his week had been, Al Bundy's week was just a little bit worse. That letter made the producers so happy that they framed it and hung it up on the studio wall.
* Mikhail from ''[[Lost]]''. His [[Eyepatch of Power]] seems to be the only thing that keeps him alive. Something bad happens to him in every episode in which he appears. He is, in order, beaten up, shoved into a sonic fence and [[Not Quite Dead|apparently killed]], beaten up again, beaten up ''yet again'', and finally gets speared (and comes back five minutes later) and blown up in his final appearance. Even then, it took [[Word of God]] to assure fans that he was really dead.
** John "Don't tell me what I can't do!" Locke was the man was conned out of a kidney by his father whom he had never previously met and made it obvious that he wanted nothing more to do with John, thrown out an eight story window by said father and paralyzed from the waist down, rejected when proposing to the woman he loved, and when his paralysis is cured when arriving on the island thanks the island's miraculous healing powers and he begins to find a purpose in life, he is sent off the island and killed.
* Meredith from ''[[The Office]]''. She is usually the one to absorb all of the physical damage, from having a bat trapped against her head by Dwight, being hit by a car by Michael, resulting in a broken pelvis, being hit in the face with a football by Pam and setting her hair on fire during an office party. Poor Meredith just can't seem to catch a break.
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** More comedy than tragic, though; on the one occasion he managed to jump, an enterprising custodial staff's scam was exposed by the fact that it saved Ted's life. And then the Janitor got mad at Ted for ruining his cushy gig.
* Howard Steel in ''[[The Worst Week of My Life]]''.
* Bad things happen to ''[[Firefly]]'s'{{'}}s Jayne Cobb. But then again, being a borderline [[Token Evil Teammate]], he probably deserves it.
* Blair Sandburg from ''[[The Sentinel (TV series)|The Sentinel]]'' couldn't get through an episode without being captured, drugged, tied up, shot, held hostage or drowned by the criminal of the week. He even died from said drowning, though this [[Cliff Hanger]] was solved in the next season.
* With a heartbreakingly long list of characters lining up to tell him how worthless he is, Dean Winchester from ''[[Supernatural (TV series)|Supernatural]]'' is walking an incredibly thin line between this and [[The Woobie|woobiedom]]. This was made especially clear by the episode where they have to go back to their old house; The first half went to great lengths to tell us how much it's upsetting him but then, suddenly, it switches to ''[[Extras]]''-like comedy and Missouri seems to have it out for him, smacking him down every five minutes.
** If you disliked that then you must have hated ''"Hunted''"; He's at his lowest point (up until ''"All Hell Breaks Loose''") but he's been reduced to begging Sam not to be mad at him (which, again, happens in ''"All Hell Breaks Loose''") gets treated like an [[Extreme Doormat]] by a disturbingly John-like Sam and only loses his fight with Gordon (who he actually won against easily in ''"Bloodlust''") because they needed him to be tied up and used as bait quicker.
* Antonio on ''[[Wings (TV series)|Wings]]'' in the later seasons. Although he was a reasonably contented homeowner during his few seasons, he was to become dirt poor, have his mental health collapse, lose his one true love, and be attacked by a pack of wild dogs.
* Karen Ball from ''[[Green Wing]]'' gets her hair stuck in a copy machine, is ostracized after she gets [[Harry Potter (novel)|Slytherin]] in an online "sorting hat," and is not noticed, for days, to have fallen out of an open window. However, once she falls out the window, she returns in the series-closing special as a much more aggressive person
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* As do the Divine Predecessors of ''[[Lexx]]''.
* Neil from ''[[The Young Ones]]'' flits between this and [[The Eeyore]], though some may see fit to make him into [[The Woobie]]. Stuck with all the drudge work, and mistreated at least once every episode, Neil's lot is not a happy one. He's also the show's resident [[Butt Monkey]].
* Alan on ''[[Two and Aa Half Men]]''. Although every once in awhile, they make sure you know that he brings it on himself. Every time he gets a slight advantage, he lets it go to his head and starts acting like the biggest jerk on the show. And that's saying something.
* If something bad is going to happen on ''[[The Mighty Boosh]]''—whether it be mildly unpleasant or a living nightmare of pain and degradation—smart money says it will happen to Howard Moon, even if it should logically happen to someone else. Howard's bad luck is one of the best [[Running Gag|running gags]] on the show and was [[Lampshaded]] in the third series, when, to Howard's utter disbelief, something bad happened to Vince for a change:
{{quote|'''Howard:''' [[Painting the Fourth Wall|Have you got my script?]]}}
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** It ''never'' happens to Gibbs or Ziva. They are just too cool. (And too hot.) Not that they avoid drama, though.
* Fredward Benson from ''[[iCarly]]''. Constantly rejected romantically by his best friend, his mother is insane, is constantly beaten up and insulted by his [[With Friends Like These...|other best friend]], can never win something without losing something else. This is played for laughs in all but one episode. And because that resolution was private, he still would have had to deal with the consequences anyway.
* On ''[[The Jersey]]'', Nick's older sister Hilary is the victim of most [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kM4CyacD3Cc slapstick gags which usually leaves her wet or messy]. She has even [[Lampshadeslampshade]]s the number of times she has been [[Covered in Gunge]] with this [[Tempting Fate]] statement:
{{quote|I am usually such a klutz, you know. I am always getting stuff dumped on me like guacamole or pies, but with this car I managed to stay perfectly clean! Looks like my luck is changing. Oh, the dipsticks a little bit out...}}
* Alex Krycek in ''[[The X-Files]]'' basically exists so people can beat him up. Granted, he's not a particularly nice man, but the dude spends every episode getting bitched.
** It almost winds up a [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vi9MX1xCsAs&list=FLigRN4Ui8IvQSh_o68X0wKw&index=4&feature=plpp_video running gag].
* Mason of ''[[Dead Like Me]]''. He is ridiculed by his colleagues, shot at, run over and hurt in various other ways, he once had a stash of drugs dissolve in his anal tract, and he died from ''drilling a hole into his own head''.
* Beaker of ''[[The Muppet Show]]'' was brought in as a lab assistant for Dr. Bunsen Honeydew to test his inventions on. They invariably went wrong. Over time he began to be used in more skits outside of Muppet Labs, which usually also involved him getting hurt somehow, even if he was the only one taking part in the skit. He seems to be one of the more popular Muppets, however, judging by how frequently he is used (and tormented) in the [[YouTube]] videos that The Muppets Studio are currently{{when}} producing.
* Victor Meldrew from ''[[One Foot in the Grave]]''.
** And Patrick, often a secondary victim of the weirdness affecting the Meldrews, including having his genitals attacked by a live crab, having a naked suicidal man hanging outside his office window whilst entertaining important clients and having his house flooded with a hosepipe. And Mrs. Warboys - in "The Return of the Speckled Band" Mrs. Warboys, already suffering from drawn-out food poisoning, ends up in hospital. Margaret, trying to cheer her up, brings her a video of ''[[Alien (franchise)|Alien]]'', having no idea of its content but knowing that Mrs. Warboys likes sci-fi "like ''[[Mork and Mindy]]''", leaving her unable to leave the bathroom for two and a half hours. In a second attempt to cheer her up, Margaret unknowingly boils developing alligator eggs and delivers them to her for breakfast. In fact, about the only non-Chew Toys in it seem to be Pippa and Mr. Swainey.
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* Nelson Van Alden on ''[[Boardwalk Empire]]''. Nothing ever goes his way, and any time he tries to fix anything he just makes it worse. All of this is played for comedy (admittedly, sometimes it is very dark comedy). That the character is a complete [[Jerkass]] and the very epitome of [[The Comically Serious]] just adds to the hilarity.
* Santana Lopez on ''[[Glee]]''.
== Newspaper Comics ==
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'''Garfield''': [[Jerkass|I ate it, vac-boy. Where's the paper?]] }}
* The title character of Australian comic ''Snake''. The plots of typical strips include: Snake tells a bad joke and gets smashed under his own rock; Snake fails to get anywhere with Lady Snake and gets smashed under his own rock; Snake is randomly abused by tourists and gets smashed under his own rock; Snake gets a package airmail that smashes him into a pulp, but for a change isn't smashed under his own rock; and the list goes on.
* Wade Duck from ''[[U.S. Acres]]'', he’s a cowardly duck who has a fear of almost everything, falls victim to Roy's pranks, has a lot of stuff fall on him, [[Animals Hate Him|gets beaten up by several animals]] and gets picked on by the other characters, the poor guy can’t seem to take a break.
== Radio ==
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* In ''[[The Kingfisher]]'', Darren seems to only serve the purpose of being humiliated for the audience's amusement. He may be working his way up to [[Bumbling Sidekick]].
* Charles' girlfriend from ''[[Cyanide & Happiness]]'' exists only to be insulted and cuckolded by her boyfriend. She always ends the strip with the same frown on her face.
* Mordecai in ''[[Lackadaisy]]'' is mostly a stuck-up and astoundingly apathetic triggerman who doesn't inspire much sympathy, so seeing him get repeatedly embarrassed and ridiculed in bonus comics is nothing short of hysterical. Rocky also suffers [[Amusing Injuries]] on a regular basis and displays a ridiculously upbeat attitude at all times {{spoiler|at least until he suffers one injury so nasty it cannot be construed as amusing in any context, and character development kicks in and we get to see how miserable his life truly is}}.
== Web Original ==
* [[Overshadowed by Awesome|Krillin]] (pictured above), from ''[[Dragon Ball Abridged]]'' goes through some physical/verbal abuse that is actually lampshaded by the [[Exactly What It Says on the Tin|Krillin Owned Count]]
** Vegeta applies as well.
* Snape from ''[[Potter Puppet Pals]]''. If you need proof, look no further than this diary entry: "Today, the orange one accidentally drank one of my more expensive elixirs. He promptly vomited a glittering rainbow of foul waste, and the classroom erupted with applause, triggering my migraine. I aborted the class and was left to clean the boy's sick. Halfway through, Argus Filch showed up and bragged about his many affairs with Hogsmeade barmaids. Then he told me I smelled of broccoli and left [[Forgotten Birthday|without wishing me a happy birthday]]. Later, I noticed my bottle of sangria was gone. I settled for a cup of coffee, scalding my writing hand in the process and spilling it on my pants. I walked to the hospital wing, covering the wet spot with a book. Madame Pomfrey laughed and made me wait while she treated a student's runny nose. After an hour it became apparent that she had forgotten about me, so I returned to my room and found that I had locked myself out. I called for Filch, who turned up covered in lipstick and clearly having finished the sangria. He broke open my door, laughed at me, punched me in the shoulder too hard, and left me alone. I thought of my father."
** "I cried."
* American President [[George W. Bush]] in a series of [[The Onion]] News In Brief [https://web.archive.org/web/20090213194335/http://www.theonion.com/content/search/onion/advanced?search=%22Bush+is+resting+comfortably%22 starting just over a week after the election of Barack Obama.]
* [[The Nostalgia Critic]], overlapping with [[Jerkass Woobie]]. He's not based on [[Daffy Duck]] for nothing, y'know.
* ''[[Survival of the Fittest]]'': Considering [[Kill'Em All|the setting]], it's almost impressive that any one person could stand out above the rest as an example, but the world really just seems to exist entirely to make Jimmy Brennan miserable.
* Chase of the [[College Humor]] series "Troopers" seems to be shaping up as a [[South Park|Kenny]]-style Chew Toy, having already died more than once.
* Evan Guido from ''[[Shiny Objects Videos]]'' is a minor example, though mostly he's just on the receiving end of Matt's tormenting.
* [[True Capitalist|Ghost]] is a special example, in that it's the audience that ''makes'' him suffer, through [[Manipulative Editing|embarrassing splices]], [[Stupid Statement Dance Mix]]es, and generally [[Troll]]ing him.
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*** Plucky Duck of ''[[Tiny Toon Adventures]]'', as the [[Spiritual Successor]] to Daffy, is also a victim to this, especially around Buster and Babs Bunny, whenever he gets [[Anvil on Head|crushed by an Anvil]], shot out of a cannon, [[Anvil on Head|crushed by an Anvil]], beaten up over treasure, [[Anvil on Head|crushed by an Anvil]], flatten by a monster, lose the money he made in a boxing match, and lose an award to another monster. [[Department of Redundancy Department|Did I mention he gets]] [[Anvil on Head|crushed by an Anvil?]]
**** Hamton and Furrball also qualify as well.
**Goofy as well, especially during the ''How to'' cartoons, though not as bad as Donald.
* Wile E. Coyote, in ''Road Runner'' cartoons. The sheer unfairness of the clever, inventive Coyote always losing to an idiot bird capable of exactly one act in the most bizarre of ways makes it physically painful to watch. According to Chuck Jones, the "rules" of Road Runner cartoons are actually built to keep this theme lighthearted—the major one being that the Coyote [[Determinator|could give up at any time but doesn't]], making it partly his own fault.
**Mickey's loyal dog; [[Designated Monkey|Pluto]] can be this at times, though usually played more dramatically with him rather than with Donald and Goofy, and it’s hard not to sympathize for the poor [[The Woobie|dog]].
* Wile E. Coyote, in ''Road Runner'' cartoons. The sheer unfairness of the clever, inventive Coyote always losing to an idiota bird capable of exactly one act in the most bizarre of ways makes it physically painful to watch. According to Chuck Jones, the "rules" of Road Runner cartoons are actually built to keep this theme lighthearted—the major one being that the Coyote [[Determinator|could give up at any time but doesn't]], making it partly his own fault.
** [[Chuck Jones]] seemed to have a perverse fondness for Chew Toys: his version of Daffy, Wile E Coyote, Claude Cat, the nameless and hapless guy in ''[[One Froggy Evening]]''...
** Sylvester the Cat is usually one of these, even his luck got much worse on [[The Sylvester and Tweety Mysteries]].
** Porky Pig can be this at times, mainly when pitted against Daffy whenever he’s a screwball or Charlie Dog.
** Then there’s Snafu from the ''[[Private Snafu]]'' shorts who has died a lot of times due to his carelessness and obliviousness.
* Tom from ''[[Tom and Jerry]]'' is much the same way as Wile E. Coyote, and in an even more agonizing fashion: A large number of episodes have Tom chasing Jerry strictly so that Jerry will not mess up the house he's living in, thus resulting in not only Tom not getting dinner, but being beaten with whatever is handy by his owner. He never, ever succeeds. No matter how much one might come to the conclusion that that *** mouse deserves a beating.
** Actually, Tom did [[Throw the Dog a Bone|win]] a few times. Those victories may be outnumbered by Jerry's victories, but they did occur. They occur particularly when Jerry initiates the fight with Tom - which is [[Captain Obvious|rare]].
** ''[[Herman and Katnip]]'' has Katnip as the show's Tom, though he suffers much more painful injuries and deaths from Herman the Mouse that it might give Tom a run for his money.
** Scratchy from ''[[The Itchy and Scratchy Show]]'' always gets tortured and killed by the psychopathic mouse; Itchy, even if he didn’t do anything wrong to deserve it.
* [[They Killed Kenny|Kenny]] from ''[[South Park]]''. Later was supposed to be replaced by Butters, but most audiences did ''not'' enjoy watching Butters suffer, so Kenny was brought back.
** Kenny's Chew Toy status was subverted once, in a Christmas special. At the end of the episode, all the characters gather in front of the screen and the words "[[The End]]" appear above them, at which point Kenny shouts, "WOO HOO!" in utter joy.
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* In the ''[[Ice Age]]'' movies, Scrat.
* Jay Sherman of ''[[The Critic (animation)|The Critic]]'' has had his fair share of troubles.
* Both Milhouse Van Houten and his father Kirk in ''[[The Simpsons (animation)|The Simpsons]]'': are frequently used as chew toys.
** Both Milhouse Van Houten and his father Kirk in are frequently used as chew toys.
** Good old Gil was used as a chew toy in every episode he appeared in.
** Hans Moleman, who seems to have very narrowly escaped death ([[Negative Continuity|or not]]) several times by now.
** Scratchy from ''[[The Itchy and Scratchy Show]]'' due to him dying on almost every episode.
** Homer Simpson has suffered a ton of [[Amusing Injuries]] such as falling down the Springfield Gorge, getting hit on the head numerous times, getting hit in the groin while skiing, and getting electrocuted by a lightning bolt.
** Both Bart and Lisa have their fair share of Chew Toy moments such as in "Bart's Girlfriend" and "Lost our Lisa".
** Principal Seymour Skinner is frequently nagged by his overbearing mother Agnes who thinks he's a wuss and a failure, Edna Krabappel jilts him at the altar on their wedding day when he mentions getting cold feet, and Chalmers chews him out whenever he makes a really big blunder.
** Frank Grimes from "Homer's Enemy" starts out as an orphan who struggles through childhood, and after being self-educated, he gets a job at the Springfield Nuclear Power Plant. As he witnesses Homer's incompetence, [[The Peter Principle|he's shocked to see how dimwitted and accident-prone Homer ever became a safety inspector]]. Later, Homer invites Frank over to his house in the hopes of relieving the tension, but Homer's list of unlikely accomplishments including being an astronaut, winning a Grammy, and befriending Gerald Ford fails to impress Frank. He borrows a "Design Your Own Power Plant" contest flyer from Springfield Elementary, and when Homer wins it, Frank has a [[Sanity Slippage]] which results in him grabbing electrical wires that shock him to death.
* The incredibly minor, infrequently recurring character Invader Skooge from ''[[Invader Zim]]'' is absolutely nothing '''but''' a chew toy. In his few appearances, he was assigned to the planet of the slaughtering rat people; shot out of an orbital cannon; and in an episode designed to showcase Zim being a [[Jerkass]], he was pushed into a canyon, attacked by the Meat-Thirsty Hogulus, landed on by a drill sergeant and wedged in his rear, then used as a weapon to bludgeon the aforementioned Hogulus.
** Most of the characters on Invader Zim can be thought of as chew toys, especially Zim himself. That's what happens when you live in a [[Crapsack World]].
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** Mort and Neil Goldman never catch a break.
** Brian suffers this in later seasons to the point he becomes the second "Meg" (which was even lampshaded at one point). Has no luck with woman due to bad luck, his own insecurities, or bad dating advice ([[Sarcasm Mode|thank you Stewie]]). [[Somebody Doesn't Love Raymond|An attempt to get someone to like him]] ends in a [["The Reason You Suck" Speech]] (by the most hypocritical person on the show no less). Never finished college costing him a posh job. His book bombs horribly and the people who'll celebrate it are "special" kind of readers, and any projects he tries to go for always ends in ruin. Granted some of these actions are well deserved due to either being cocky or following along with someone he likes who go against his beliefs. But half the time, the writers just seem to make him the designated victim for no reason solely to get some cruel laughs.
* Every character in ''[[Drawn Together]]'' falls under this category at one point or another, mainly Ling-Ling, Toot, Wooldoor, and Princess Clara.
** Xandir especially is Captain Hero's favorite Chew Toy.
* Pete, from ''[[Goof Troop]]'', falls into this category most of the time. Even when he's not being a [[Jerkass]] he still falls victim to painful accidents or embarrassing situations about every five minutes, usually caused by [[Goofy]].
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{{quote|'''Sokka''': The Universe just ''loves'' proving me wrong doesn't it?
'''Toph''': You make it too easy! }}
*:** Ironically, this turned out to be a subversion.
*:* In fact, there was a full episode where Sokka gets stuck in a hole in the ground, unable to move... while the baby moose-lion (Foofoo Cuddlypoops, Aang. Aang, Foofoo Cuddlypoops) that he was hunting sticks around to keep him company, including sleeping on his head.
*:* Any time the Cabbage Merchant shows up, you know something horrible is about to happen to [[Fruit Cart|a wagon full of cabbages]].
* XR from ''[[Buzz Lightyear of Star Command]]'' was literally - inside the [[Canon]] - created to be destroyed. Usually by exploding. In fact, other characters have a tendency to think the 'X' stands for 'eXpendable'.<ref>Possibly because it ''actually does''.</ref>
* In ''[[Animaniacs]]'', Buttons from the Buttons and Mindy shorts [[Badly-Battered Babysitter|gets thoroughly abused trying to keep his charge from getting killed]], and then gets yelled at by Mindy's mom for some minor infraction at the end.
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** One of the times he fell off a cliff had him alternately hit his head and [[Groin Attack|his groin]] off of very improbable objects on the way down.
** That was all during ''Island'', though. In ''Action'', it was Harold and Justin who suffered physically while Owen became a [[Creator's Pet]]. In ''World Tour'', it seems to be Tyler's turn, shared with Blainley. Blainey is even [[Lampshade Hanging|called this once!]]
** Heather for the girls. Probably the most consistent across three seasons.
* Timon in ''[[Timon and Pumbaa]]''. Pumbaa in their "Stand By Me" video.
* Pretty much the main cast of ''[[King Arthur's Disasters|King Arthurs Disasters]]''. Hey, it's called King Arthur's DISASTERS [[Captain Obvious|for a reason, you know.]]
Line 380 ⟶ 390:
* Ren from ''[[The Ren and Stimpy Show]]''. Stimpy is more of a [[Butt Monkey]] because of the abuse he gets from Ren.
* Cat from ''[[CatDog]]'' usually due to everyone in Nearburg hating on him and Dog and Dog's obliviousness towards Cat.
* A lot of characters on ''[[The Grim Adventures of Billy and& Mandy]]'' such as Grim, Billy, Irwin, General Skarr, and Pudd'n.
* Spike the Bulldog (later known as Butch the Irish Bulldog to avoid confusion with the bulldog of the same name from Tom and Jerry) from the ''[[Tex Avery MGM Cartoons]]'' suffers several [[Amusing Injuries]].
* The title character of ''[[Johnny Bravo]]''.
* Dexter from ''[[Dexter's Laboratory]]''.
Line 394 ⟶ 404:
** Even the two titular characters fall under this, mainly Yumi to be more specific.
* [[Big Bad|Mojo Jojo]] from ''[[The Powerpuff Girls]]'' has been beaten up by the Powerpuff Girls in several humiliating ways.
** Fuzzy Lumpkins as well.
* Mr. Blik from ''[[Catscratch]]'' since he’s usually a [[Jerk Ass]] most of the time.
* Gumball from ''[[The Amazing World of Gumball]]'' and to a lesser extent, Darwin.
Line 399 ⟶ 410:
* Oggy from ''[[Oggy and the Cockroaches]]''.
* Cogsworth from ''[[Beauty and the Beast (1991 film)|Disney's Beauty and the Beast]]'' is prone to this.
* Kaa from ''[[The Jungle Book (Disney film)|The Jungle Book]]'' usually falls down trees, gets knots on his tail, gets stuck between trees, and gets bullied by Shere Khan.
* The titular hero; ''[[Darkwing Duck]]'' is accident-prone, to say the least. Not that it ever stops him.
* [[Plucky Comic Relief|Ron Stoppable]] from ''[[Kim Possible]]'' can’t seem to catch a break.
* Pain and Panic from Disney's ''[[Hercules (1997 film)|Hercules]]'' are basically the Disney equivalent to Scratch and Grounder.
* Percy and Flit from ''[[Pocahontas]]''.
* The unnamed mangy wolf who tries to eat Wart from ''[[The Sword in the Stone]]''.
* Olaf from ''[[Frozen (Disney film)|Frozen]]'', though he doesn’t care that much due to how dumb he is.
* Ol' Mr. Jolson from the 1988 cartoon''[[The Cat Came Back (film)|The Cat Came Back]]'' due to how he tries to dispose of the unnamed kitten in several ways, but all of his plans keep backfiring on him.
* In the Super Chicken segments of ''[[George of the Jungle]]'', the hero's poor assistant Fred is pulled through the wringer in ''every'' episode, although, [[Once Per Episode| as he's constantly reminded]], he knew the job was dangerous when he took it.
* "Torture Squidward Episodes" of ''[[SpongeBob SquarePants]]'' are oddly common, as are "Torture Ms. Puffs Episodes".
* From ''[[Inspector Gadget]]'':
** The [[Idiot Hero]]'s loyal dog Brain always had to be on the front lines in Penny's attempts to keep her uncle out of trouble, and as a result, always took the brunt of Gadget's bumbling.
** Also, poor Chief Quimby would be caught in the explosion of the self-destructing message he gave Gadget [[Once Per Episode|in every single episode]], and in the episodes where he had a larger role, he'd be lucky if that was ''all'' that happened to him.
== Real Life ==
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