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Assassin's Creed II: Difference between revisions

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** On the schmucks/Those Who Came Before side, we've got [[Jesus]], [[King Arthur]], [[Harry Houdini|Houdini]], [[John F. Kennedy]] and maybe Gandhi and John the Baptist. Oh, and Cleopatra, [[Emperor Caligula|Caligula]], [[Genghis Khan]], [[Alexander the Great]], the First Emperor of China and King Xerxes? All killed by Assassins. However, those are just the ones famous by Ezio's time; Subject 16 mentions additional people. ''Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood'' adds [[Gaius Julius Caesar]] to the list of people killed through influence by the Pieces of Eden.
** Also, a number of major historical events, such as {{spoiler|the Moon landing, [[Who Shot JFK?|the assassination of JFK]], the first nuclear detonations, and THE MURDER OF JESUS}} were done either because of or to acquire Pieces of Eden. [[The Tunguska Event]], on the other hand, was an attempt to {{spoiler|destroy a Piece of Eden by Nikola Tesla. It failed}}.
* [[An Entrepreneur Is You]]: There's a mini-mechanic were the player has to manage banks and sells stuff.
* [[And Your Reward Is Clothes]]: Ezio obtains a pair of capes, the Medici and Venetian Capes, that mark him as a friend of them, keeping his notoriety from rising in Florence and Tuscany/San Gimignano (Medici Cape), and Venice. However, the reward for collecting all 100 feathers is the Auditore Cape, which makes you notorious everywhere except Monteriggioni; removing it sends your Notoriety back to whatever that was before you equipped it. Also, the game's ultimate reward is Altaïr's Armour, which is made from uber-metal that was literally only discovered with the help of the Gods (i.e. Altaïr consulting his Piece of Eden). It maxes out the health bar and is completely unbreakable, along with looking awesome.
** The last one here is also oddly [[Inverted]]. Acquiring the Armor of Altaïr makes Ezio unable to change his appearance by dying his clothes, so Your Reward is Fewer Clothes unless you want to deliberately reduce your health bar and continue paying for repairs.
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