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Gadgeteer Genius: Difference between revisions

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* The [[Child Prodigy]] {{spoiler|Sieglinde Sullivan}} in the ''[[Kuroshitsuji (manga)|Kuroshitsuji]]'' manga goes in a space of a few weeks from not knowing anything about technology to single-handedly inventing the field of robotics... in 1889.
== [[Comics]] ==
* ''[[X-Men (Comic Book)|X-Men]]'s'' Forge has the ability to intuitively determine how anything works, and by this point, after years of exposure to all manner of gadgetry, is able to whip up any manner of [[Applied Phlebotinum]] you can possibly imagine. We're talking ''[[Star Wars]]'' level.
** He is also a [[Magical Native American|shaman]]. This fact isn't brought up so much, because combining the two aptitudes leads to questions of why he has not whooped most of evil's ass by now.
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