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** And, of course, Jibraan himself. A scared, innocent Muslim being set up as the patsy for the terrorists, he's told to retrieve a package and plant it somewhere that it will detonate, spreading a viral weapon everywhere. He searches for it, finds it, and then seeks frantically for a way to smuggle it to safety, knowing that, as a Middle-Eastern man acting suspiciously, the guards must be on to him. His response? "[[Bavarian Fire Drill|I am a terrorist!]] [[Refuge in Audacity|I have a bomb!]]" The crowds flee, the guards back off, the audience both [[Gallows Humor|laughs]] and cheers, and he saves the day.
* From the same episode: Once again [[Replacement Scrappy|Janice]] starts complaining when the FBI starts looking for all Muslims in Washington, as she feels it's racial profiling. Jack Bauer, who already served her once, [[Take That|gets back in her face]]. But this time... Jack calmly tells her that he's just as pained as she that they have to racially profile all Muslims, but he's trying to save lives and he'll gladly do it another way if there is one. Janice backs down without another peep. Yes, ladies and gentlemen, Jack is so [[Badass]], he doesn't have to kick your ass to kick your ass.
* Everyone groans as Kim is put in danger to blackmail Jack yet again. However, this time she stabs one of her captors (with a '''''[[Improbable Weapon User|pen]]''''') just in time to get away from the shots the other one fires, then follows the man and lets the cavalry know his location. After his car flips over, she goes into the burning vehicle to get a key piece of evidence and manages to fight off his last desperate attack, severely burning her arm but getting away with the bad guys' location. She's officially a [[TheDamsel KimberlyScrappy]] no more.
* President Allison Taylor demonstrates that even though she cares about her family, she is the President of The United States, and her duty comes first. In old-school Biblical fashion, she will no longer be called Allison Taylor. Henceforth, she will be known as [[Fan Nickname|President Allison]] ''[[Fan Nickname|Palmer]]''.
* Although it in itself is a bittersweet moment, Renee's final scene in the Season 7 finale is her Crowning Moment of Awesome. Having captured the mastermind behind the tragedies in the day, Renee, having undergone twenty-four hours of [[Break the Cutie]], [[Angst|spaces out angrily]] and alone as she looks at the captured Alan Wilson. Janis comes in to inform Renee that Alan's to be transferred out, but Renee, having come to a decision, tells Janis to get out. When Janis, knowing Renee probably wants revenge, refuses, Renee destroys the lock mechanism on the door and forces Janis to handcuff herself to a pole so no one can interfere, then walks calmly and silently into the interrogation room where Alan awaits. It isn't shown on screen, but it's heavily implied Renee decides that she's going to torture Alan to force him to give up information on the conspiracy. Although it's supposed to be a tragic moment - Renee's heart-wrenching and inevitable descent from [[Lawful Good]] to [[Chaotic Good]] - the fact that she's going along the exact same route as Jack's [[I Did What I Had to Do]] mentality gives fans a lot to look forward to.
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* The 2-3 PM ending. Everyone thought Jack would try to kill Subarov at the press conference. Instead he uses Logan to lure Subarov into his office so he can kill them both. His [[Slasher Smile]] at the end was icing to the cake.
[[Category:Live Action TV/Awesome]]
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