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L.A. Noire/Trivia: Difference between revisions

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* [[Actor Allusion]]: In "The Consul's Car", Valdez angrily calls Cole a [[Mad Men|madman]] (the actor playing Cole stars in ''[[Mad Men]]'').
* [[Creator Killer]]: Team Bondi shuttered months after release. Though the game was a critical and commercial success, Team Bondi's founder clearly considered it his [[Magnum Opus]] and terrible working conditions and endless delays resulted. It destroyed the relationship with Rockstar and ensured they would never get another publisher.
* [[Defictionalization]]: Hey kids, you now can get your very own [https://web.archive.org/web/20110903133911/http://rockstarwarehouse.stores.yahoo.net/lnonoandpese.html ''L.A. Noire'' notebook, now go get cracking on those cases]!
* [[Hey, It's That Guy!]]: [[Mad Men|Ken Cosgrove]] interrogates fellow Sterling Cooper coworkers Harry Crane, Paul Kinsey, Pete Campbell, and client comedian Jimmy Barrett. Dr. Wayne has also became a coroner.
* [[Development Hell]]: Beyond the obvious fact that the game took over seven years to make, there's a literal example here. Team Bondi was by all accounts... a shitty place to work. Plus, studio head Brendan McNamara was ''charitably'' described as "a tyrant" by most of the workers. [[It Got Worse]] when Team Bondi was [https://web.archive.org/web/20111227064434/http://kotaku.com/5847883/la-noire-studio-owes-1-million-to-employees++and-a-quarter-of-that-is-claimed-by-the-boss liquidated. Most of their employees still haven't received their back pay.]
* [[Hey, It's That Guy!]]: [[Mad Men|Ken Cosgrove]] interrogates fellow Sterling Cooper coworkers Harry Crane, Paul Kinsey, Pete Campbell, and client comedian Jimmy Barrett. Dr. Wayne has also became a coroner.
** [[Heroes|Matt Parkman]] is a suspect in a case.
** [[Mass Effect 2|Harbinger]] has [[Memetic Mutation|ASSUMED DIRECT CONTROL]] of an arson investigator.
*** Perhaps its fitting then that you meet and partner up with [[Fallout: New Vegas|the Burned Man]] at the arson desk. Joss Whedon fans will figure out he's [[Angel|Daniel Holtz]]. He and [[Angel|Connor]] actually have a reunion, only most people will probably attribute the latter to his role in Mad Men more.
** [[Fringe|Walter Bishop]] is a shady real estate magnate! Splendid!
*** His fate after the game was that he [[Lord of the Rings|doused himself in oil and jumped off a ledge while on fire.]].
** [[Supernatural (TV series)|Zachariah]] is still a smarmy dick, even in 1947 Los Angeles.
** [[Mass Effect|Garrus]] shows up in [[Los Angeles]], too, having left C-Sec to work as a Burglary detective. If the Burglary desk [[What Could Have Been|had made it into the final release,]] [[Missed Moment of Awesome|he even would've been your partner!]]
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** [[Glee|Karofsky]] is a [https://web.archive.org/web/20110625230601/http://twitpic.com/4zbwbp/full firefighter].
** [[Charmed|Leo]] owns a wine store.
** [[Californication|Daisy]], A.K.A. [[Superbad|Period blood girl]] is a wife you have to interview at one point. See if you can hazard a guess [[Mad Men|what other show]] she appeared on.
** [[How I Met Your Mother|Carl the bartender]] is still a bartender. In a Mexican bar. So... Carlos?
** Honestly, it seems like the only people from [[Mad Men|Sterling Cooper Draper Pryce]] who ''don't'' show up are Sterling, Cooper, Draper, and Pryce.
** [[Lost|Lesley Arzt]] (and father of one of the above others) is now providing a different kind of education.
** [[The Dark Knight|After he fails to handle the Joker,]] [[The Dark Knight|Detective Stephen]] quits GCPD to work in Arson in L.A.
** [[Buffy the Vampire Slayer|Principal Flutie]] is a bartender in The Studio Secretary Murder case.
** Isn't Richard Coombs supposed to [[Ghostbusters|lie to us and kiss our butts?]]?
** [[The Cosby Show|Denny is now in the illegal numbers business]].
* [[Hey, It's That Voice!]]: Guess [[Dead Space (video game)|Doctor Kyne]] got himself an arson desk job, with a little [[Narrator|narrating]] on the side.
* [[Name's the Same]]: Amusingly, this is the ''second'' major story-driven action game set in the 1940's/1950's era with a [[Big Bad]] named {{spoiler|[[BioShock (series)|Fontaine]]}}.
* [[Real Life Relative]]: Aaron Staton and Connie Fletcher, who are married in real life, play in-game couple Cole and Marie Phelps.
* [[Saved From Development Hell]]: Trailers were running for this game for at least four years before its release, and judging from the increase in [[Signature Style|"Rockstarisms"]] in the later trailers, it underwent many design changes.
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