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* [[Nasty Party]]: Two in one story!
** The NPCs at the Mad Tea Party don’t bear any malice to the PCs, but all of them are hopelessly insane, making the place very dangerous. The Hatter continually tries to display his wares by throwing them at the PCs, and many of these hats are Executioner’s Hoods (monsters from the original Monster Manual 2 who try to clasp to a victim’s head and suffocate him). The March Hare is a brute cursed with Body Horror by the White Rabbit, which drove him insane. Should any player actually try to drink the tea, they find it to be a deadly poison. And if the players decide to flat-out attack the Hatter and Hare, they discover that both are mid-Level monks. Not an easy fight.
** The final encounter of the two modules is by far the most dangerous, and also fits the Trope. If the players make it to the Manor House, they are met by the Red Queen and White Queen, who invite them inside (if they players refuse, [[An Offer You Can't Refuse| the Queens use their henchmen to "insist" on it]]). The Queens announce that the PCs have won "the game" by getting this far, and are to be rewarded with royal titles, giving them royal crowns and promising safe passage anywhere in the kingdom. After a banquet, naturally. Of course, it's a trap. The two Queens are night hags, the servants and guests are minor fiends and larvae, the mutton leg is a disguised mimic, and the plum pudding is a black pudding. The illusion is maintained by the crowns the PCs were given. Simply fighting back against these monsters requires an attempt to disbelieve the illusion to overcome the crown's magic, and even then, this fight can overwhelm them quickly. Gygax recommends mercy be shown if the players are able to show ''some'' cleverness. After all, it seems a ''little'' too cruel to inflict a [[Total Party Kill]] right after telling them they've won...
** The final encounter of the two modules is by far the most dangerous, and also fits the Trope.
* [[Nintendo Hard]]: Not as hard as ''[[Tomb of Horrors]]'', but still a brutally difficult "killer dungeon".
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