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* ''[[Kingdom of Loathing]]'' uses a mixture of real-world and fictional holidays, to go with its fictional calendar: The Festival of Jarlsberg (New Years Day), St. Sneaky Pete's Day (St. Patrick's Day), Oyster Egg Day (Easter), Generic Summer Holiday (Summer Break, more or less, rather than any specific day), Dependence Day (Fourth of July aka Independence Day), and Crimbo (Christmas) circulate around the calendar along with real-world holidays like Valentines Day and Halloween. Borderline cases such as Labór Day and Arrrrbor Day also exist.
* CAPSLOCK DAY in ''[[Billy vs. SNAKEMAN]]''
* ''[[World of Warcraft]]'' has similar events, including Noblegarden (Easter), Love is in the Air (Valentines Day), Lunar Festival (Chinese New Year), Midsummer Fire Festival (Independence Day), Brewfest (Oktoberfest), Hallows End (Halloween), Pilgrim's Bounty (Thanksgiving), and Feast of Winter's Veil (Christmas), alongside a few real-world holidays like the Day of the Dead and original ones like Children's Week.
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