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=== From [[The Avengers: Earth's Mightiest Heroes|the cartoon]]: ===
== General ==
* Let's be honest, the [[Hulk]] (even more than the other characters) is a walking CMOA. Seriously, he gets at least one in every episode he's in.
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== Season 1 ==
=== Micro-Episodes ===
* Iron Man overcoming a severe power drain and being held at gunpoint by the SHIELD Mandroids in order to defeat the HYDRA Dreadnoughts in the climax of his series of shorts.
* Nick Fury. Why is his hair white? Old Age? Yeah, right. No, his hair's white because he got into a fight with Baron Von Strucker who drained his life force, and he decided to walk away is if losing a decent percentage of his life force was worth it to keep this one villain from escaping.
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* The Wasp blasting Whirlwind in the face at point blank range with one of her energy blasts in "Enter the Whirlwind".
=== Breakout ===
* Now that the show has premiered, let's take a look at "Breakout". We have Thor duking it out with Graviton in full Norse God Mode, along with [[Did You Just Punch Out Cthulhu?|Wasp zapping him repeatedly to shut him up]], Iron Man doing what he does best, the first time Giant Man goes big, and the Hulk showing up to turn the tide, followed by the entire team taking Graviton down.... Okay, let's face it. The ''entire premiere'' counts as a [[Crowning Moment of Awesome]].
{{quote|'''Gravitron''': [[A God Am I|I'm stronger than all of you!]] [[Tempting Fate|I'm the strongest one there is!]]<br />
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* [[Crowning Music of Awesome]]: [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IbHLEOg5RPo The opening theme] aired on TV for the first time in this episode.
=== Living Legend ===
* Captain America reawakening, then ''repeatedly putting Thor, Ant-Man, and Iron Man down.'' Sure, they weren't looking for a fight (though Thor learned faster than the others), but Cap still handed their asses to them soundly, including putting Thor down ''four times'' in less than that many minutes! And the last time he did it was a flying shield version of an [[Offhand Backhand]]!
* Baron Zemo curbstomping Grim Reaper in only a couple of moves.
* Cap beating the crud out of Zemo after regaining his confidence.
=== Panther's Quest ===
* A non serious T'Challa handles himself very well against Captain America, Iron Man, Wasp, and Giant Man. Wasp even admits he was kicking their butts.
* As the battle between Black Panther and Man-Ape reaches its climax, Man-Ape pulls out a tiny sonic disruptor, which generates sound waves which could kill Panther in the same way as his father. Panther falls, but lifts himself back up and slowly walks towards his foe, crushing the sonic disruptor beneath his foot.
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** After this, Panther slays Man-Ape with one more swipe of his claws.
=== Gamma World ===
* Hawkeye directly threatens to take down the Hulk if he doesn't produce Bruce Banner. As foolish as that is, it actually works! Hulk laughs at him, which causes him to turn back into Banner.
* Thor showing Absorbing Man why taking the properties of Mjolnir was a bad idea in "Gamma World, pt. 2".
* The Hulk destroying the gamma generator, causing great pain to the Leader in the process.
=== Masters of Evil ===
* As part of their plan to defeat the Avengers, the Enchantress poofs Hulk to Asgard to meet a couple of 50 foot tall frost giants. Later, when he gets poofed back, what happens? Does he fall out of the portal exhausted? No, he victoriously walks out of the portal covered in snow with an ice club in his hand. The [[Oh Crap]] look on Enchantress' face when he sees her is priceless.
* Giant-Man [[Incredibly Lame Pun|kickstarting]] the battle by punting Abomination through the roof.
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* Zemo effortlessly taking down the Abomination with two attacks and delivering a brief [[Reason You Suck Speech]] to the brute who spent the whole episode questioning why the man with no special powers was their leader. Talk about [[Asskicking Equals Authority]].
=== The Man Who Stole Tomorrow ===
* Ant-Man summoning millions of cockroaches to defeat Kang.
* Hulk throwing rocks to create an epic distraction.
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{{quote|'''Iron Man:''' A very smart man told me once that [[Meaningful Echo|those who forget the past are doomed to repeat it]].}}
=== Come the Conqueror ===
* Captain America has one in the beginning of episode: Kang's robots attack the entire city and they are going to [[Kick the Dog|destroy innocent]] [[Would Hurt a Child|children]], but Captain America shows up and defeats Kang's robots. He even proceeds to say, "[[Avengers Assemble]]!" for the first time in the show.
=== The Kang Dynasty ===
* Thor deflecting [[Converging Stream Weapon|a beam]] Kang tried to shoot at the Avengers ''almost'' makes up for his constant succumbing to [[The Worf Effect]].
** The beam wouldn't have just killed the Avengers. Its power would have wiped out the entire city of New York, and according to Kang, ''nothing'' on the planet should have been able to stop the beam. Thor knocked it ''right back'' at Kang's ship. ''That'' is what having a ''god'' on your team means.
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* {{spoiler|Iron Man}}'s [[No-Holds-Barred Beatdown]] of Kang.
=== The Casket of Ancient Winters ===
* {{spoiler|Johnny Storm}} and {{spoiler|Ben Grimm}} get one for entering the fight. It's just a cameo, sure, but the one liner makes it worth it.
** [[Catch Phrase|It's Clobberin' time!]]
=== Hail HYDRA! ===
* Hawkeye and Ant-Man get a joint one as Hawkeye fires an arrow at long distance ''through several buildings' worth of windows'' next to Baron Strucker- so Ant-Man can size back to normal and punch Strucker in the face.
* Cap then gets one when, despite being aged ahead a few years by Strucker's artificial arm, he still owns him in one to one combat.
* And finally {{spoiler|Black Widow's}} line to him "By the authority of SHIELD, you're under arrest" makes {{spoiler|her [[Heel Face Turn]]}} awesome.
=== Ultron-5 ===
* After getting trapped in a Quinjet flying into space, the Hulk busts out, and started diving right back down to Earth looking very, ''very'' angry.
{{quote|'''Hulk''': [[Tranquil Fury|Give me something to smash!]]}}
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* Wasp pulling an [[I Am Not Left-Handed]] on Ultron by showing that shrinking isn't the only size-shifting she's capable of in a pinch.
=== The Ultron Imperative ===
* Considering how the two of them act towards each other, this line also counts as a [[Heartwarming Moments|CMOH]]
{{quote|'''Hulk''': I'm going to enjoy this, robot. THIS IS FOR THOR!}}
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'''Wasp:''' Hank, you did it! You saved the world! With ''science'', even! }}
=== This Hostage Earth ===
* Despite her stingers having little effect on Abomination, Wasp triggers a mini rock slide to try to fight. (It doesn't work, but still)
* Hank almost literally curb-stomping the Abomination.
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* The battle between Hulk and Executioner was pretty awesome, especially when Hulk wins by punching/tossing Skurge all the way across the lake and into the forest and taking his battle-axe as a prize.
=== The Fall of Asgard ===
* Hulk with a battle-ax smashing trolls and ogres. 'Nuff said.
** No, two things must be said. The trolls have Hulk pinned and one says, "The beast is strong, [[Tempting Fate|but not strong enough]]." Hulk's Response?
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*** Speaking of Tony, stabbing the arc reactor in his chest with a sword to defeat Ulik, knowing he needs that to survive was ridiculously awesome.
=== A Day Unlike Any Other ===
* Captain America escaping from Nifflheim to rally the Avengers together, and using some [[Team Spirit|epic teamwork]] to take down the giant ice wolf.
* Ironman gets armor made of the same metal as Thor's hammer: Uru Armor.
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== Season 2 ==
=== The Private War of Dr. Doom ===
* Dr. Doom successfully defends himself from the entire Avengers team ''and'' the Fantastic Four. An impressive showing for Marvel's premiere super-villain.
** More like everyone gets completely punked by Doom.
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* More of an accidental CMOA, but when the heroes begin their assault on Castle Doom, Hulk and Thing are standing in the open Quinjet and Hulk pushes Thing off, sending him falling through the roof of the castle and crashing right on top of a Doom-Bot that was in the process of fighting the others.
=== Alone Against A.I.M. ===
* Tony defeating Technovore, by overloading the Arc Reactor in Stark Industries. Made doubly awesome by the quote afterwards.
{{quote|'''Rhodey:''' How did you know that wouldn't set off the explosives?
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* Pepper Potts beating up Scientist Supreme.
=== Acts Of Vengeance ===
* This episode essentially amounts to Amora and Skurge vs The Avengers and The Masters of Evil, and the scariest part is that Amora fights most of them off one by one. Scary awesome.
** Executioner doesn't do too badly either, managing to hold off both the Hulk ''and'' Abomination at once. It takes a surprise attack by Zemo to finally take him down.
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* {{spoiler|Wonder Man's}} [[Heroic Sacrifice]].
=== Welcome to the Kree Empire ===
* Ms. Marvel going up a level as [[The Determinator]] and pushing through an extremely powerful blast from Ronan the Accuser, absorbing the energy along the way.
* Abigail Brand comes at a very close second, taking out the Kree invading Damocles base.
* During the Avengers' battle with Ronan, Iron Man leads Ronan on a chase through the air, sharing banter, then suddenly dodges out of the way as the Hulk leaps up and slams into the Accuser, knocking him to the ground.
=== To Steal an Ant-Man ===
* Luke Cage gets attacked by a thug, but simply stands with a smile on his face as the thug's punches do absolutely nothing to hurt him.
{{quote|'''Luke:''' It's called unbreakable skin, ''fool''! ''(cracks opponent's wrist, than hurls him into a dumpster)''}}
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{{quote|'''Scott''': [[Papa Wolf|You will]] ''[[Papa Wolf|never]]'' [[Papa Wolf|threaten my daughter again!]]}}
=== Michael Korvac ===
* The fight between the Avengers and the Guardians of the Galaxy in general, but especially the fights between Black Panther and Adam Warlock, which was essentially a stalemate, and the fight between Hulk and Rocket Raccoon, where the 3 foot raccoon was actually beating the 9 foot rage monster.
* Hulk using his sonic-clap move to disintegrate Groot ''twice''.
* Hawkeye, trapped using a kitchen counter as cover, using the reflection in a dangling pot to bounce an arrow off of the ceiling and hit his target.
=== Who Do You Trust? ===
* Nick Fury sneaking onboard the SHIELD Helicarrier, just to give a warning message to Maria Hill, then doing a [[Stealth Hi Bye]].
* Ms. Marvel utterly curbstomping Griffin.
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* When it looks like nobody is about to stand up for Hawkeye and it looks like he's going to get stomped to the ground, Hulk steps in and declares that he'll happily wipe the floor with anybody who tries to harm him. Doubles as a [[Heartwarming Moment]].
=== The Ballad of Beta Ray Bill ===
* The first fight between Beta Ray Bill and Thor. Then after that Bill hands most of the Asgardian elite their backsides...
** ... Then Odin reminds us why he's king of Asgard, disarming him and threatening that if he's harmed Thor in any way, ''he will end Bill there and then''.
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* Scuttlebutt also gets a mention for backing Sif up as well, with a hearty supply of [[More Dakka|Dakka]] nonetheless.
=== Nightmare in Red ===
* When Red Hulk is fighting the original Hulk:
{{quote|'''Red Hulk:''' Hahaha! You've lost! You're nothing!
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'''Hulk:''' Avengers Assemble! }}
=== Prisoner of War ===
* Pretty much the entirety of this episode is flat-out awesome, but there are some notable moments:
* Cap laughing at his Skrull interrogators for being [[Little Green Men]].
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''({{spoiler|Quartermain}} kicks him and knocks him out)'' }}
=== Infiltration ===
* {{spoiler|Black Panther}} kills his own Skrull double, and exposes it to Ms. Marvel.
* Wasp, {{spoiler|whose comic counterpart was known for years only as [[Never Live It Down|Hank Pym's punching bag]], gets to punch Skrull Ant-Man in the face.}}
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* {{spoiler|Nick Fury}} should get props for finding some of the [[Out of Character Alert|Out of Character Alerts]] the Avengers' infiltrator accidentally dropped.
=== Secret Invasion ===
* After Maria Hill refuses to surrender to the Skrulls:
{{quote|{{spoiler|'''Quartermain:'''}} How disappointing. I liked you, Maria. You could have held a position of power among the human slaves.
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* {{spoiler|Thor's [[Big Damn Heroes|entire return is this in spades]]}}
=== Along Came a Spider... ===
* Captain America giving his trademark heroic encouragement to Spider-Man when Spidey was struggling to hold up the collapsing sewer ceiling.
* Right after this, Cap proceeds to take on ''all'' of the Serpent Society by himself and holds the upper hand for most of the battle.
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* The fact this episode exists is an awesome moment. After so long Spidey finally gets to appear in someone else's show and alongside the Avengers no less.
=== Behold... the Vision! ===
* Vision himself was pretty awesome as he [[Curb Stomp Battle|Curb Stomps]] just about everybody (from Weapon X to even Thor) throughout the episode, seemingly without any exertion.
* {{spoiler|After nearly 10+ episodes of it being missing in action (and broken), it's finally awesome to see the Mighty Shield fixed and Captain America using it once more to help the Avengers fight off Vision.}}
=== Powerless! ===
* The Big Three taking down {{spoiler|Loki in the Destroyer armor}} with a subway rail, a carefully placed shield throw, and a bolt of lightning.
* When he runs out of arrows, Hawkeye improvises with a sharp stick in the {{spoiler|Destroyer's}} eye.
=== Assault On 42 ===
* Once again, an epic {{spoiler|[[Enemy Mine]] takes place,}} in which all kinds of awesome happens.
* Even some of {{spoiler|the supervillains get awesome moments, such as Absorbing Man absorbing Radioactive Man's radiation and barreling through a horde of Annihilation bugs, or Blizzard freezing solid a whole wave of them. The Leader of all people saves the day when he hacks into the prison's computer and releases an energy signature that takes out Annihilus's weapon.}}
* Cap and Thor beating down {{spoiler|Annihilus}} and destroying {{spoiler|his cosmic control rod}}.
=== Ultron Unlimited ===
* Thor vs the {{spoiler|robo-vengers}}. He really showed just how tough an Asgardian is, {{spoiler|until robo-Thor showed up}}.
* The battle between the {{spoiler|real}} Avengers and the {{spoiler|robo-vengers}} is absolutely brutal, but awesome.
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*** {{spoiler|And of course what likely caused Vision to turn good in the first place: Captain America refusing to surrender against him, even with all his fellow Avengers detained.}}
=== Yellowjacket ===
* Wasp goes all out in this episode, showing just what kind of power potential she can reach when properly motivated.
* Thor unleashing lightning all over the place when in pursuit of Yellowjacket. Shattering the entire side of a building just by whirling his hammer around is but a simple task for the God of Thunder.
[[Category{{DEFAULTSORT:Avengers: EarthsEarth's Mightiest Heroes]], The}}
[[Category:Awesome (animation)]]
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