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* Leo X (1513–21): Real name, Giovanni de' Medici. The son of [[The Magnificent|Lorenzo the Magnificent]], mainly remembered for promoting the sale of indulgences for money to such an extent that it sparked the Lutheran reformation in the 16th century. Famously called the Reformation "some quarrel of monks". Patronized art and literature in Rome to an extraordinary extent, establishing a papal court that was the envy of Renaissance Italy.
* Julius II (1503-1513): Real name, Giuliano della Rovere. [[Church Militant|The Warrior Pope]], famous for commanding troops at the front, wearing armor and directing siege works. Bitter enemy of Alexander VI. Also famous for overseeing Michelangelo when the artist painted the ceiling to the Sistine Chapel. Played by Rex Harrison in ''The Agony and the Ecstasy'', opposite Charlton Heston as Michelangelo. Originally employed the [[Praetorian Guard|Swiss Guards]]; their iconic Michaelangelo-designed uniforms are in the colors of his family's coat of arms.
* Alexander VI (1492-1503): Formerly Rodrigo Borgia (or Borja), he was from Spain. Bought the vote and appointed a lot of relatives to Church jobs. He let Rome fall into a state of decay, and had a little party called the [[wikipedia:Banquet of Chestnuts|Banquet of Chestnuts]] (which, to borrow the words of [[Stephen Fry]], revolved around a night of naked prostitute racing in the Vatican). His son [[Magnificent Bastard|Cesare]]'s transformation of the Romagna district into a tyrannical, yet ordered state inspired a writer by the name of [[Niccolo Machiavelli]]. Also fathered a daughter, [[Femme Fatale|Lucrezia]], widely (but wrongly) rumored to have [[Black Widow|poisoned her husbands and several lovers]] (she would've had a much better life had the rumors been true). He was not [[Deadly Decadent Court|that far from the norm in those days]], to be fair. Also, he handed King Ferdinand of Aragon and Queen Isabella of Castile the ''Inter Caethera'' documents that let them start colonizing America. He was subject to a [[Historical Villain Upgrade]] for ''[[Assassin's Creed II]]'' and ''[[Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood]]'', with Cesare joining him for the latter in said upgrade. In ''[[The Borgias]]'', he's played by Jeremy Irons.
** Alexander's descendants include most of the noble and royal families of Catholic Europe. One of his descendants was a [[Badass Preacher|Jesuit]] named St. Francis Borgia; another is actress [[Brooke Shields]], whose paternal grandmother was an Italian princess.
* Clement V (1305–14): Real name, Raymond Bertrand de Got. The French pope who had [[The Knights Templar]] condemned for heresy, mainly as a favor to the French king, Philip the Fair, and they both died within the year (allegedly, he and the King were cursed by the last Templar Grand Master, Jacques de Molay, while was burning at the stake). Moved the Papal court away from Rome and eventually settled in Avignon, where the Papacy would stay until 1403.
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* Pope Joan (see below).
== {{examples|The Pope Inin Fiction ==}}
* ''The Agony and the Ecstasy'': As already mentioned, Rex Harrison plays Julius II as he supervises Michaelangelo (Charlton Heston) painting the Sistine Chapel ceiling.
* [[Battle Pope]]!
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* Jeremy Irons plays another pope in another Showtime series: Alexander VI in ''[[The Borgias]]''.
* After Rome is captured by the Seljuks in the [[Chaos Timeline]], he moves to France. Then, in the 18th century, when France becomes a secular republic, he has to flee to Spain, then to Britain when France conquers Spain... and finally to Antipodia (our ''Australia'') when Britain becomes Socialist.
* ''[[The Black Adder]]'' parodies the0the... complex religious politics of the medieval period, by having Edmund excommunicated by "all three Popes".
** This is actually a [[Historical In-Joke]]. At one point there were actually two people claiming to be Pope. They both "officially" excommunicated each other, among other things. After a while the rest of the church leadership got fed up with it and elected a third man as "official" pope, who excommunicated the other two, and managed to make it stick.
** In ''Blackadder II'' we're told that a horse has become Pope in undisclosed circumstances, and in ''Blackadder The Third'' that a previous Pope, somewhat unexpectedly, married a milkmaid and became Amy Hardwood's Uncle Isaiah.
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