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The current Representative Fiend and daughter of the previous Archfiend, Gai. She was originally conceived to become the next Archfiend after her father, but after the failure of the blood transfer he carefully choose an ordinary schoolgirl from another dimension to become the next Archfiend instead. When her father died, she, along with other Fiends, decided to follow his dying wish to make peace with humans with Kurusu Miki as their ruler. This causes the creation of the Hornet Faction which she leads. However, other Fiends disagreed and created the Kayblis faction to oppose her.
As expected of the Representative Fiend she has LV2 Skill Levels in Magic, Holy Magic and Sword Combat. She was raised by her father to be spell-blader like him, but while her swordplay is comparable to most talented swordsmen, she mostly uses magic to fight. In combat she surrounds herself with elemental orbs created through her Magic skill. Each of these orbs have a different color and ability which are also empowered by her knowledge of countless magic spells. This makes her a fearsome foe to fight against.
{{tropelist|Tropes exhibited by Hornet include:}}
* The Ace: Can master any magic, is proficient with swords, and has the second highest Level Cap known in the series, at 320.
* Always Second Best: Despite being the Representative, she cannot rival Kayblis in sheer power despite having a higher Level Cap than him.
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=== Kayblis ===
The first Fiend ever created, born during the KK Era. He was originally a Lis, and was raised and transformed by the first Archfiend Kkulf Kkulf as part of an experiment. Since its death, Kayblis sought to live up to his master and began to evolve his body in monstrous ways. He's also known to be a huge coward, and rarely engages into battles unless he is 100% sure to win. Consequently, he's still alive by the Little Princess Era, living for six entire millenia and having evolved his body to an insane degree. After the death of the Archfiend Gai, and with the current Archfiend on the run, he began to make his moves to be the next Archfiend by trying to kill her, creating the Kayblis Faction. His faction consists of the majority of Fiends, and opposes the Hornet Faction.
{{tropelist|Tropes exhibited by Kayblis include:}}
* 0% Approval Rating: Almost all of his subordinates hate him, with the exceptions of his Apostles, who adore him; Stroganoff, who feels a sense of kinship with him; and Medusa, who genuinely views him as a friend despite mocking him constantly. The "From the Sea" route of ''Rance X'' features him having a Villainous Breakdown after almost all of his strongest subordinates rebel against him and he's forced to confront the fact that close to everyone hates him.
* Abhorrent Admirer: He's been in love with Camilla for millennia, but she finds him to be completely repulsive.
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=== Kesselring ===
One of the eldest Fiends alive, born during the SS Era. He was originally a female of the Kalar Tribe, but the transformation into a Fiend changed him into a male. He's known among his peers to be one of the most powerful and merciful Fiends, offering shelter to any women who were abused by men. As a result, he harbors an intense hatred towards humanity, and joined the Kayblis Faction despite hating his ways, simply viewing a world ruled by monsters better than one led by humans.
{{tropelist|Tropes exhibited by Kesselring include:}}
* Affectionate Nickname: "The Lord of the Night", which was given by Ssulal.
* Affably Evil: Very polite towards his enemies, and in general not prone to pointless violence.
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=== Silky Littleraisin ===
The youngest of the Four Dread Fiends, born during the late GI Era. She was a human warrior who managed to reach the Archfiend Gai's throne room with sheer determination and skill. On the verge of death upon reaching the Archfiend, she asked him to free humanity from slavery, which he accepted in exchange for her transformation into a Fiend. Like Kesselring, she's not prone to violence and prefers to avoid conflict, unless she's forced to, even though she is one of the most powerful Fiends. By the events of the series, she joined the Hornet Faction to preserve peace once more, and out of friendship for her.
{{tropelist|Tropes exhibited by Silky include:}}
* Ambiguously Brown: She has a slightly dark skin tone.
* An Arm and a Leg: She lost one arm as a human during her storming of the Archfiend's Castle in the beginning of the GI Era.
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She launched in ''Rance VI'' an invasion of Zeth helped by fellow Fiends Sieg and Seizel, which was quite successful until Rance got Chaos, and proceed to push them back, killing Sieg and incapacitating Seizel in the process. She ultimately goes down after a fierce fight against Rance and was sealed in Zeth afterwards.
{{tropelist|Tropes exhibited by Camilla include:}}
* Action Girl: Camilla wipes the floor with ''Rance's entire party'' in ''Rance VI''.
* Better to Die than Be Killed: During the final battle in ''Kichikuou Rance'', this is her final fate. If Rance manages to invade her castle, she will kill herself to save her Apostle Reincock from death and at the same time, escaping a life of servitude under Rance. Otherwise, she will be abducted by Kayblis and is given a last chance: to be his bride or die. She choose the latter, refusing his proposal a last time.
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=== Satella ===
One of the youngest Fiends, along with Hornet, born 150 years before the beginning of the series, she was a young human female chosen by the Archfiend Gai to be the playmate and friend of his daughter Hornet. She was then changed into a Fiend along with Hornet, and during the Little Princess Era, she joined the Hornet Faction during the civil war between the Fiends. She first appeared in ''Rance III / 03'' along with fellow Fiends Ithere and Noce, helping Helman to invade Leazas and capturing the princess Lia Parapara Leazas in the hopes of getting the sword Chaos, giving the upper hand to the Hornet Faction in the civil war. After her defeat and her first encounter with Rance, she swore to kill him someday for revenge, not admitting her true feelings for him.
{{tropelist|Tropes exhibited by Satella include:}}
* Adaptational Badass: In ''Kichikuou Rance'', the first game featuring playable Fiends, she is by far the weakest one and most of her attacks don't hurt them. By the time of ''Rance X'', while still being one of the weakest Fiends, she is able to pull her weight considerably more.
* Adaptational Nice Guy: By comparing ''Kichikuou Rance'' and ''Rance X'', which both details the events of the Second Fiend War, Satella got much nicer than her former counterpart, notably being an genuine ally of the Human Alliance and much more friendly with humanity overall.
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=== La Hawzel ===
Along with her sister La Seizel, La Hawzel was a single entity known as "La Vaswald", a 2nd Class God. She was split into two angels, and then turned into Fiends during the JL Era. Once the LP Era began, she joined the Hornet Faction, respecting the Archfiend Gai's last will. Along with Satella, she traveled some time with Kurusu Miki and her childhood friend Ogawa Kentarou in LP 0003, protecting her from the attacks of the Kayblis Faction. They were then defeated by the current Hero, Arios Theoman, but he couldn't bring himself to kill an innocent girl. Some time after, she and Satella parted ways with the young couple to return to Hornet's side.
{{tropelist|Tropes exhibited by La Hawzel include:}}
* Badass Bookworm: She is a fan of the writer Don Dossky and often reads his books under the guise of "Haw Zel".
* Fire-Breathing Weapon: Her main weapon when fighting.
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* I Call It "Vera": "Tower of Fire."
* Nerves of Steel: La Hawzel is always calm and collected, even in the verge of defeat.
* Our Angels Are Different: She harbors horns, is not actually hostile to humans and wears mostly normal and red clothes. And she has a fire-launcher.
* Paper-Thin Disguise: When disguising as a human, she uses the not so clever name of "Haw Zel".
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=== Ithere ===
Ithere was a human turned into a Fiend at an unknown date during the JL Era. His looks greatly resemble those of a vampire, has the nobleminded, demure behavior expected of those, and possesses three Apostles: Garnet, Sapphire and Topaz. A kind man at heart, he choose to join the Hornet Faction during the war involving the Fiends in the LP Era. In the series, he appeared in ''Rance III / 03'' along with fellow Fiends Satella and Noce, helping Helman to invade Leazas and capturing the princess Lia Parapara Leazas in the hope to get the sword Chaos, giving the upper hand to the Hornet Faction in the civil war. In the midst of the battefield, he encountered the human mage Shizuka Masou and fell in love with her, although she rejected his offer to make her into one of his Apostles. He was defeated by Rance at the end of ''03'' and has gone missing since then.
{{tropelist|Tropes exhibited by Ithere include:}}
* Affably Evil: Unlike Satella and Noce, he's actually very nice to his enemies and dislikes violence. He even proposed to Shizuka to take her under his wing as a Apostle when Jill gets released by Noce.
* Anti-Villain: In ''Rance 03'', Satella and Ithere are only helping Helman invade Leazas to find the whereabouts of the sword Chaos, and help the Hornet Faction turn the tables against the Kayblis Faction.
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By the time of the GI Era, he was genuinly surprised by the Archfiend Gai who allowed the non-monster races to live in peace, and joined the Hornet Faction after his death, not wanting to revert to the previous eras of slaughter and unrest. He only appeared in ''Kichikuou Rance'' with Satella, and was tasked by Hornet to protect Miki from any threat. He is also mentioned several times in ''Rance X''.
{{tropelist|Tropes exhibited by Meglass include:}}
* The Aloner: Meglass mostly keeps to himself, and rarely engages anyone, even the other members of the Hornet Faction, in conversation.
* And I Must Scream: His existence as a Fiend could be seen as this. In order to protect the rest of his colony, he allowed himself to become the Archfiend's slave, in the process committing himself to a life of spreading chaos and carnage throughout the world despite his own dislike of fighting. He has since spent over four thousand years in essential isolation, unable to connect with anything on the Continent due to being an alien, and has become painfully lonely as a result. Knowing this about him, his silence starts to make a lot more sense.
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After succeeding in freeing her, he acted as his bodyguard and helped her regaining her former strength up until his defeat by the Leazas Liberation Army, and he's ultimately consumed back by Jill, rendering him Deader Than Dead.
{{tropelist|Tropes exhibited by Noce include:}}
* Adaptive Ability: His skin hardens in response to attacks. The more damage he gets, the stronger his skin.
* Attack of the 50-Foot Whatever: His dragon form is massive enough to make him look like a mountain, and he can create earthquakes simply by stomping on the ground.
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Sieg was a former monster known as a Panaclonic, whose ability is to copy the appearance of any living being and its powers. He was turned into a Fiend by the Archfiend Jill and his transformation gave him a somehow humanoid form, with longer arms and legs. Since he was born into the JL Era, he thinks of humans as a subordinate race to monsters, and joined the Kayblis Faction by default, even though he finds him vulgar and brutish. However, he's one of the nicest Fiends amongst them all, known for his integrity and never come back on his word, often making himself a target of abuse by others.
He appears in ''Rance VI'' alongside fellow Fiend Camilla and Seizel, invading the Kingdom of Zeth. He mainly uses his Apostle Aurora for covert operations and to sabotage it from within, prefering leaving the direct combat to Camilla and her army.
{{tropelist|Tropes exhibited by Sieg include:}}
* Adaptational Badass: He's considerably more formidable in ''Rance VI'' than he is in ''Kichikuou Rance'', though he's still Laughably Evil.
* Affably Evil: Considers humans to be inferior to monsters, but is still nothing less than courteous towards them at all times. This is weaponized against him throughout his appearances.
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=== La Seizel ===
Along with her sister La Hawzel, La Seizel was a single entity known as "La Vaswald", a 2nd Class God. She was split into two angels, and then turned into Fiends during the JL Era. Unlike her sister, La Seizel was more immature and brash, leading to a lot of comparisons to La Hawzel. Consequently, it caused her to develop a Inferiority Superiority Complex and began to resent her sister as a result. Even though she loves her, she cannot bring herself to admit it due to her self-esteem, and it went so far as the beginning of the LP Era, when she joined the Kayblis Faction solely to antagonize her sister. She first appearead in ''Rance VI'' alongside Camilla and Sieg, as a commander for the former.
{{tropelist|Tropes exhibited by La Seizel include:}}
* Always Identical Twins: Played straight in ''Kichikuou Rance'', where she's a blue color swap of her sister, but subverted in the canon games, where she has several differences with her sister,
* Arrogant Kung-Fu Guy: She boasts her strength and abilities at the Rance's party even though he's armed with Chaos.
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He joined the Kayblis Faction at the beginning of the LP Era due to his hatred of humanity, and made his first appeareance in ''Kichikuou Rance'', and his canonical one in ''Rance Quest''.
{{tropelist|Tropes exhibited by Kite include:}}
* Anti-Villain: He's only opposed to humanity due to their lack of treatment regarding the Green Village, where he acts as a guardian for all of the unfortunate human girls infected by the Green Disease.
* Bald of Awesome: Lacks hair and is able to kick Rance's ass in their first encounter in ''Rance Quest''.
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=== Medusa ===
Formerly a Gal Monster known as a "Snake Lady", Medusa was turned during the JL Era, and is one of the most sadistic Fiends ever known by humanity and other Fiends alike. She made herself a name by invading the recently founded Kingdom of Zeth, slaughtering countless people in the year GI 0815, afterward named the "Medusa Dark". She is notable for being the sole Fiend to join the Kayblis out of friendship and shared hobbies (that is, torturing people), however she isn't very active in the war, preferring goofing around in her castle and sometimes attacking small villages to get a female victim. She first appeared in ''Kichikuou Rance'' as a commander of the Kayblis Army, and in ''Rance X'' as well.
{{tropelist|Tropes exhibited by Medusa include:}}
* Action Girl: Despite being quite lazy, she's perfectly able to fight off many opponents at once, complete with regenerative abilities and transforming people into stone.
* Adaptational Badass: In ''Kichikuou Rance'', she only got her regenerative abilities to her name, but ''Rance X'' made her much stronger and deadly, along with the new ability to turn her victims to stone.
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* This Cannot Be!: This was her reaction when Rance actually killed her instead of having sex with her like she thought.
* Token Evil Teammate: Aside from RedEye, Medusa lacks any kind, sympathetic or noble qualities her fellow Fiends possess as shown with her brutal rampage in Zeth. It really shows how vile she is when you consider that Rance killed her without any hesitation, because even he didn't want to have sex with someone like her, nor forcing her to join his army.
* Yellow Eyes of Sneakiness: Though "sneakiness" is an understatement...
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He first appeared in ''Kichikuou Rance'', possessing the Wargod Gamma, and in ''Rance X''.
{{tropelist|Tropes exhibited by RedEye include:}}
* Abusive Precursors: Regarding the Kestina lineage, he only keeps their last decendant barely alive as an Apostle, and only uses it for breeding purposes.
* Atomic F-Bomb: Drops them whenever he's is danger.
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At the beginning of the LP Era however, he choose to join the Kayblis Faction because the promise of a peace between humans and monsters seemed boring to him, and prefered a chaotic world instead, despite hating Kayblis' guts. He appeared in ''Kichikuou Rance'' amongst the Fiends tasked to capture Kurusu Miki, and in ''Rance X'' as a commander of the Monster Army.
{{tropelist|Tropes exhibited by Lei include:}}
* Adaptational Badass: While Lei's status as a powerhouse is consistent across his appearances, his current level in ''Rance X'' (111) is nearly twice as high as it was during ''Kichikuou Rance'' (60). He is also portrayed as being much better at controlling his electrical current in the former than he is in the latter.
* Adaptational Heroism: Can be recruited to aid humanity in defeating the Monster Army in ''Rance X'', whereas he is only ever an enemy in ''Kichikuou Rance''.
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=== Galtia ===
A former Insect User (the same people as Caloria and Dolhan Cricket) who was born in the ancient SS Era. He was exceptionnaly good at fighting: while normal Insect Users could keep up to 4 insects in their body, Galtia was able to stock '''twenty of them'''. He managed to protect his people from numerous assaults of the Monster Army. However, his appetite was also big as well, caused by the sheer number of Insects he hosted. Interested by his abilities (and weaknesses), the Archfiend Ssulal came to him and convinced him with food, betraying his tribe to became a Fiend solely for eating. Despite this, he's still known as a legendary figure amongst the Insect Users, and his tale was preserved to this day.In the LP Era, he quickly joined the Kayblis Faction because of their higher food stock, and made friends with fellow Fiend Babolat, prone to sleeping, eating, and pretty much fighting. He made his first appearance in ''Kichikuou Rance'' amongst the other commanders of the Monster Army, and in ''Rance X'' as well.
{{tropelist|Tropes exhibited by Galtia include:}}
* Affectionate Nickname: "The Lord of Beasts", which was given by Ssulal.
* Big Eater: Galtia's numerous Insects push his appetite Up to Eleven, and he can easily change sides as long as the food is good and in large quantities.
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During the LP Era, he joined Kayblis by default since he considers humans to be inferior to himself.
{{tropelist|Tropes exhibited by Pi-R include:}}
* Beyond the Impossible: '''Big time.''' He managed to One-Hit Kill a unnamed Fiend by extracting his Blood Soul despite not being able to break the Invicibility Field. Furthermore, in ''Kichikuou Rance'', he made a robot capable of capturing the half-awakenened Archfiend Little Princess, and bring her to Kayblis without being harmed.
* Boomerang Bigot: As a human, he was already looking down on humans, and becoming a Fiend didn't change a lot: he refuses to cure his sister by turning her into an Apostle, because he considers them "impure".
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Babolat was a Oni, former guardian of Hell whose function is to purify humans Souls in the afterlife. He was turned into a Fiend at an unknown date in the GI Era, with the strange side effect of growing him nonstop. However, his brain didn't expand along with his body, and by the time of the LP Era, he mainly communicates with grunts. He is one of the only Fiends who were defeated in the Holy Magic War, after a 7 years long fight against the Wargod Zeta. He reappeared 300 years later, when his body grew large enough to unearth himself.
When the LP Era began, he first joined the Hornet Faction, but Kayblis pressuring him into switching sides, fearing him greatly. He appears in ''Kichikuou Rance'' and ''Rance X'' as a commander of the Monster Army.
{{tropelist|Tropes exhibited by Babolat include:}}
* Attack of the 50-Foot Whatever: Over 50 meters by the time of the LP Era.
* Dumb Muscle: Not at first, but his transformation into a Fiend progressively made him one.
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Lexington was a former Oni who became a Fiend in the NC Era, after leaving his homeland in Hell. During his life, he created two Apostles, named Atlanta and Juno, who served their master right until the First Fiend War against the Holy Magic Sect in the GI Era. During a fierce battle with the Wargod Upsilon, in a competition with the Fiend Noce, the latter took advantage of the chaos on the battlefield to backstab him, killing him in the process. Since then, his Apostles have retrieved his Blood Soul, and spent several centuries searching for a way to resurrect him.
An attempt was made in LP Era, during the events of ''Rance IV'', when his Apostles tried to made Rance consume his Blood Soul, but it ended up in failure. They tried once again in ''Rance X'', by giving it to a dying human girl named Nimitz Leak. While it did resurrect Lexington, his will was partially overwritten by Nimitz, and his Apostles are not aware of this.
{{tropelist|Tropes exhibited by Lexington include:}}
* Back for the Dead: He can take back control if his Apostles manage to take Nimitz back from Rance, or if she's killed early. However, he's also killed quickly afterwards.
* Blood Knight: Lives only for the thrill of battle and nothing more, and developed a rivalry with the Fiend Noce during the First Fiend War.
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=== Burksham ===
A former human and loyal servant of Archfiend Gai. He possessed the ability to see into the future, and is known to have advised Gai about his successor as Archfiend. Following the former's death at the hands of Kentarou, he tries to kidnap Miki to force her to be the next Archfiend but was stopped before he could do so, and afterwards is killed by the Fiend Noce, who feared his clairvoyance abilities.
{{tropelist|Tropes exhibited by Burksham include:}}
* Big Bad: He's the main antagonist of the game ''Little Vampire'', where he kidnaps Miki and tries to turn her into the Archfiend.
* The Confidant: He was very close to Archfiend Gai, trusted with many of Gai's secrets and his input was held in high regard.
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At the end of the game during the restart of the Maginot Line, Camilla began to lose her cool. Concerned by her behaviour, not fitting of the "iron lady" he remembers in his youth, Abert eventually put her into a "trial" himself: first by killing her Apostle Reincock to see how she would react, and then secretly helping Rance's party to capture her. After her defeat, he found the Apostle Aurora in possession of Sieg's Blood Soul and consumed it for himself, effectively killing him to become a Fiend in his place. He then made Anise Sawatari his Lesser Apostle and tried to launch a campaign to become the Archfiend, but was stopped dead in his tracks by Rance's party in the postgame of ''Rance VI''.
{{tropelist|Tropes exhibited by Abert include:}}
* Anonymous Benefactor: Thanks to his help, Rance defeats Camilla once and for all, but Abert has other plans...
* Even Evil Has Loved Ones: His Last Words are about planning a last trip with his deceased son.
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=== Xavier ===
A former Dread Fiend working as The Dragon of Archfiend Nighcisa. He was a creature known as a fire-kappa, who can manipulate fire, and was changed into a Fiend during the NC Era. During the conquest of the Nipponese warrior Fujiwara Ishimaru, he was deployed along with a large army of monster to take him down. While he defeated Ishimaru, he was left exhausted and was sealed in Nippon by the Devil Geppei (founder of Tenshiism). He freed himself several times but was cut down in his tracks, only to be sealed again, explaining his hatred of the Nipponese people. He was freed one more time during the events of ''Sengoku Rance'' by his Apostle Toukichirou.
{{tropelist|Tropes exhibited by Xavier include:}}
* 0% Approval Rating: No one likes Xavier. Not even his fellow Fiends do, which is why they don't bother unsealing him and are rather amused seeing him suffer.
* Absolute Xenophobe: In the game, it's gone to the point he unseals several Youkai if they can kill Nipponese faster.
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=== Masuzoe ===
A hanny Fiend, and one of the biggest mysteries among them. Very little is known of his past, such as how he became a Fiend and what Archfiend he originally served. He's very reclusive, mostly keeping to himself in a place known as the "Abyss".
{{tropelist|Tropes exhibited by Masuzoe include:}}
* Back from the Dead: He's first killed in ''Rance Quest'', but some hannies retrieved his blood soul, preventing him from being finished off. He becomes a possible enemy again in ''Rance X''.
* Names to Run Away from Really Fast: "The Lord of the Abyss" doesn't sound like someone anybody wants to mess with... though that does make him sound a bit more of a big deal than he actually is.
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However in ''Rance X'', she didn't choose a side, not wanting to interact with others and also because of her power. If Rance manages to defeat multiple Fiends at once, Kayblis forces her to act as a replacement for the Second Fiend War.
{{tropelist|Tropes exhibited by Warg include:}}
* Because You Were Nice to Me: She accept putting Rudrathaum to sleep at Rance's request at the end of ''Kichikuou Rance'', because he was the only one who showed her love and attention.
* Bonus Boss: She only enters the Second Fiend War if Rance defeats multiple Fiends at once.
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=== Nimitz ===
Nimitz Leak was a former pupil of Melfeis Promenade, one of the most powerful mages of Leazas. After a failed suicide attempt, she was found by the Apostle Atlanta who gave her master's Blood Soul to revive him, but Nimitz took over and was turned into a Fiend herself. Taking up the mantle of Lexington, Nimitz was quickly forced into the battlefield in the Second Fiend War and allying with the Kayblis Faction, accompanied by his two Apostles, unaware of their master's true identity.
{{tropelist|Tropes exhibited by Nimitz include:}}
* Amazonian Beauty: As Lexington, she's portrayed as muscular and very attractive.
* Enemy Summoner: She can summon Oni from Hell thanks to Lexington's power.
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== Spoiler Characters of ''Rance X'' ==
After the events of ''Rance X'', Miki couldn't hold the Archfiend's bloodlust anymore, and cedes her blood to Rance. During the events of the RA Era he first turned Rizna Lanfbitt into a Fiend to heal her, but years later, he slowly began to give in to the violent urges of the Archfiend and waged war on humanity twice. Four Fiends were created for the needs of the war. However, once Rance gets slapped by his daughter Reset, his mind was restored, and Neluaporon died in the war. Upon learning what he did, he killed Hebicalorie, while putting a curse on DD and Waluluport, giving excruciating pain to punish them for their deeds in the war. Waluluport later ends up killed by Arms Arc, who was wielding Nikkou at the time.
=== DD ===
One of the Four Fiends created in the RA Era. He was a former Power Gorilla chosen by Archfiend Rance for his brutality and savagery. During the events of ''Rance X: Part 2'', he's the only Fiend alive amongst the four, and suffers great pain due to the curse placed on him.
{{tropelist|Tropes exhibited by DD include:}}
* Blood Knight: Always in search of strong opponents who can entertain him enough to distract him from his pain.
* Fate Worse than Death: His everlasting pain is this to him, and it also greatly reduces his fighting prowess.


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