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Supernatural (TV series)/Heartwarming: Difference between revisions

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'''==Season 1'''==
* In "Skin", when Sam admits he's never fit in at Stanford, Dean calls him a freak. And then he says this. "I'm a freak too. I'm right there with you, all the way."
* The end of "Nightmare". Dean telling Sam "As long as I'm around, nothing bad is gonna happen to you" ''killed'' this Troper.
'''==Season 2'''==
* He might have screwed it up all again five minutes later but John finally telling Dean that he's proud of him in "My Time Of Dying" and also pleading with Sam for them not to fight for once almost makes this troper wish he didn't die.
* While most of their heartwarming moments have disturbing or depressing undercurrents and while some are shown to be flat-out lies by later episodes, Sam's "You're my big brother. There's ''nothing'' I wouldn't do for you" is certain to make any troper's heart melt a little.
* The man in "Crossroad Blues" who knows the demon is coming for him and gets his wife to leave the house, simply telling her he'll love her forever. Later you find out that his deal was to save her from cancer.
'''==Season 3'''==
* There was a moment in "A Very Supernatural Christmas" when Wee!Sam realised what an utter bastard his father was and acknowledged that Dean was the real caregiver, his real father figure, and the most important person in his life. And how did he show it? By giving Dean the amulet that he even wears when he gets dragged down to hell. Say it with me now: ''Awwww!''
** Not only that scene, but the ending scene where Sam and Dean open each other's ordinary, but thoughtful, gifts was incredibly heartwarming. This troper and her little sister hugged through the entirety of both of those scenes.
* The two brothers singing together in "No Rest for the Wicked."
'''==Season 4'''==
* The amulet gets a double whammy in "Lazarus Rising". The first one is realizing Sam wore it under his shirt in the four months Dean was gone and the second one is him giving it back to Dean, who looks just as touched as he looked when he first got it.
** So this troper was watching the diner scene and is wondering why Dean's shirt and jacket swap affected him so, right? Then it hit him; ''Dean is wearing Sam's clothes''! That's so sweet!
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** Oh, Castiel indeed. He has another one, IMO, in ''On the Head of a Pin''. "You can't win, {{spoiler|Uriel}}. I still serve God." Possibly doubling as a [[Crowning Moment of Awesome]], YMMV.
'''==Season 5'''==
* In "Sympathy for the Devil", {{spoiler|Demon!Bobby yells at Sam, and basically tells Sam that after all is said and done, he never wants to speak to his again. But after the demon is dead and Bobby (recovering in the hospital) is done giving the doctors and nurses hell (not literally)...}}
{{quote|{{spoiler|Bobby: I was awake. I know what I said back there. I just want you to know that ''was'' the demon talking. I'm not cutting you out, boy. Not ever.}}}}
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** After being told that there's nothing he can do to save Sam, Dean replies, "Well then I ain't gonna let him die alone." Also a bit of a [[Tear Jerker]].
'''==Season 6'''==
* Sam and Dean choosing a name for {{spoiler|the shifter baby}} in "The Third Man". Sam chooses John, showing that he's forgiven his father while Dean picks Bobby, cementing Bobby as his father figure.
* "All Dogs go to Heaven". {{spoiler|Someone has been planting skinwalkers with various families, so they can all turn their families into 'walkers at a given signal, forming an army. The guy who's been killing people? A 'walker who's come to care about his family. Just like a real dog.}}
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* In "The French Mistake," Sam and Dean are catapulted into our world, where Supernatural is just a TV series, there are no monsters, and they're living the lives of the actors who portray them on television. Throughout the episode, they constantly try to return to their own world. But at one point, Dean wonders if Sam even wants to go back to their old lives, seeing as this life is pretty good in comparison. Sam's response is that this life isn't appealing at all, because in this world they don't mean anything. Even worse? Sam and Dean aren't even BROTHERS! That's right- the thought of spending the rest of their lives as celebrities holds no appeal to them because they wouldn't even related anymore.
'''==Season 7'''==
* In the season seven premiere, after he {{spoiler|seemingly dies and comes back to life,}} Castiel repeatedly tells Dean that he will prove that he can be trusted, and he will do anything to make up for his recent behavior. It is clear that Dean is touched, even if he tries to cover it up. [[Aw, Look -- They Really Do Love Each Other]]!
** Then came "The Born Again Identity", where Cas makes good on that promise {{spoiler|by taking on Sam's madness in order to save his life.}} Doubles as a major [[Tear Jerker]].
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* In "The Girl With The Dungeons and Dragons Tattoo," a scared [[Felicia Day]] character psyches herself before a dangerous mission by saying she's gonna "Kick it in the ass." This was Kim Manners, departed producer and director's, catchphrase.
'''==[[Supernatural (Anime)|Supernatural]] Anime'''==
* In "Three Years Ago," the episode takes place during Sam's time in college and one of the targets was Jessica, Sam's girlfriend. When John Winchester finds this out, he becomes even more concerned about the case and obviously is motivated by Sam's involvement more than anything. This also goes for Dean, when he also finds out. The episode ends with them watching Sam and Jessica happily walk off, unaware that John and Dean had just saved their lives, and looking very proud at how much Sam's grown.
* Hugs always tend to be heartwarming/heartbreaking in ''[[Supernatural]]''. In "Shadow", you've got Dean striding over to his daddy and hugging him with no embarrassment and then Sam (the disowned one, remember?) doing the same. In "All Hell Breaks Loose, Part 2" (Dean for Sam)/"Mystery Spot" (Sam for Dean), you've got a crushingly tight (albeit, one-sided) "I'm really glad you're not dead anymore hug" and in "Lazarus Rising", when Bobby finally realizes that Dean is really Dean, you get another tight hug. Excuse this troper, he has something in his eye.
* A bit of a meta-example here. One [[Big Name Fan]] of the Supernatural fandom, known as Sashi, was diagnosed with [[wikipedia:Endometriosis|endometriosis]]. Her friends, unable to take her not asking others for help and hating to see her suffering any more, started a donation fund on Tumblr to help called "Donate For Sashi". It was rotated around Tumblr and after a day they managed to collect over $7000 in Sashi's paypal account. One person in particular asked Supernatural star Kim Rhodes to rotate the donation fund and spread the news about it, but Kim Rhodes did one better and actually ''asked for her information so that she could refer Sashi to a doctor'' in California who would actually work with her on the money issues. [[Crowning Moment of Heartwarming]] for the fandom and Kim Rhodes.
[[Category:Live Action TV/Heartwarming]]
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