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Captain Marvel: Difference between revisions

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Whoops! [[Name's the Same|Turns out there are several superheroes named Captain Marvel.]] Are you looking for:
* ''[[Shazam]]!'' (rightleft): The original, created in [[The Golden Age of Comic Books]]. Billy Batson shouts the magic word "SHAZAM!" to call down magic lightning which transforms him into the World's Mightiest Mortal. Now owned by [[DC Comics]], but couldn't be advertised with his real name for years and eventually had it changed to "Shazam" due to...
* ''[[Captain Mar-Vell]]'' (leftright): Created by [[Marvel Comics]] when the trademark lapsed. A Captain in the alien Kree army named Mar-Vell, sent to spy on Earth but coming to use his powers to protect humans. He eventually died of cancer, but [[Legacy Character|has been succeeded by several other heroes to take the "Captain Marvel" name.]]
* At least one other comics company decided to cash in on the [http://www.superdickery.com/behold-captain-marvel-no-not-that-one-not-the-other-one-either/ Captain Marvel] name, too.
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