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* The Hutts in [[Star Wars Legacy]] undergo this after Vul Isen callously slaughters refugees fleeing the genocide of Dac (which incidentally, he carried out). The Hutts might be corrupt, but killing innocent refugees is apparently the line they cannot tolerate. (If nothing else, that means less prospective slaves or customers for illicit or smuggled goods.) Of course, given that the nephew of a high ranking Hutt died for sheltering them, revenge is partially responsible.
* This trope explains it all, and made life difficult for the [[Marvel Universe]] ''Nazi'' villain [[Red Skull]], as the other villains he has teamed with, notably [[Magneto]], have ultimately attempted to kill him. [[Crowning Moment of Awesome|Magneto even left him]] [[Buried Alive]]. Given that Magneto is Jewish (or possibly Roma, depending on which sources you believe) and a Holocaust survivor (in all sources), though, this isn't entirely unexpected...
** Pictured in the main page and here: In a [[Batman]] / [[Captain America (comics)|Captain America]] crossover book, [[The Joker]] abruptly ends a partnership with Red Skull when his affiliation comes out. Red Skull simply wonders why he is so surprised when he thinks that the Joker would make a great Nazi. The Joker is not too happy at this, proclaiming "I may be a criminal lunatic, but I'm an ''American'' criminal lunatic!" Yes, folks, even an equal-opportunity murderer like ''the Joker'' despises the Nazis! It makes even more sense when you realize that [[Fridge Brilliance|the Nazis systematically killed anyone with any mental illness]], and the Joker is a self-proclaimed "agent of chaos". He's very random in his killing, does anything he can to get a laugh, and is just generally insane. The Nazis are complete opposites. They're a dead serious organization which sticks their noses down on those with mental illnesses and who have a very systematic and bureaucratic method of killing, not to mention no sense of humor. They represent everything the Joker is against, so this becomes [[Hilarious in Hindsight|twice]] as funny after you've read a short story in one of the Batman prose collections, where the Joker falls in love/lust/''something'' with a female Nazi, and to get on her good side, eagerly helps the Reich with its war plans. {{spoiler|Though it turns out to be all [[All Just a Dream]], brought on during one of his shock therapy treatments at Arkham Asylum.}}
*** Still, [[The Joker]] is the incarnation of [[Depending on the Writer]], and that was one of the tamer versions. [[Batman: The Animated Series|Some]] [[Batman: Arkham Asylum|other]] [[All Star Batman and Robin|versions]] probably wouldn't have given a damn, if they'd even partner with anyone else at all.
*** Also, [[The Joker]] does go ''mano a mano'' with the Red Skull, though "it ends in a draw": {{spoiler|In their fight inside a bomber, the releases on the nuke they are fighting on are released. This causes the bomber's doors to open and dump Skull, Joker and the nuke over the ocean...where the next two pages show a mushroom cloud.}} Keep in mind, though, they're using the "Golden Age" Joker, where he ''would'' have these scruples in World War II.
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