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Courage the Cowardly Dog/Characters: Difference between revisions

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* [[Dogs Are Dumb]]: Inverted. Courage is one of the smartest characters in the show.
* [[Evil-Detecting Dog]]
* [[Fanservice]]: The extremely gratuitous close-up shot that the bare soles of his feet get when said feet start transforming into kangaroo ones in "The Transplant".
* [[Gag Nose]]: With a zigzag on it.
* [[Genre Savvy]]: He KNOWS when something's wrong.
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A sweet old lady of Scottish descent who found Courage abandoned by an alley and took him home. She is constantly in danger from the things that come to Nowhere but she always smiles at some point during the episode. And she loves Eustace despite his [[Jerkass]] personality. She also loves using vinegar in ''all'' of her cooking, and in an early episode picked up playing the sitar and also has a fondness for tea.
* [[Adorkable]]
* [[Blind Without'Em]]: Shown in "Muriel Meets Her Match".
* [[Captain Oblivious]]
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=== Di Lung ===
A guy of '''extremely'''-heavily implied Chinese descent (and royalty at that) who makes small cameos in episodes where he almost runs into Courage (usually in his car) and says his catchphrase.
* [[All There in the Script]]: He's never referred to by name, though his name is known.
* [[Amusing Injuries]]: One of numerous ways in which the show punishes him for how much of a douche he is.
* [[Arrogant Kung Fu Guy]]: Especially when he brags about how "invincibly superior" Mecha-Courage supposedly is to Courage in "Courage VS Mecha-Courage"; [[Curb Stomp Battle|he isn't entirely wrong about that]], however.
* [[Asian and Nerdy]]
* [[Asian Drivers]]: Especially when he parks his car all the way across an open road in "Hothead".
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* [[Annoying Laugh]]
* [[Asshole Victim]]: Good luck finding a ''[[Courage the Cowardly Dog]]'' character who deserves getting his/her car blown up (and being hit by a truck, and being publicly humiliated in his own home country, and being crushed by a giant starfish, and [[Arson, Murder, and Jaywalking|only appearing for about five seconds in most of his episodes]]) more than this guy...
* [[Awesome McCoolname]]: His name in Chinese means "Big Dragon".
* [[Big Fancy House]]: He uses [[It's All About Me|the TV show that he stars in]] to show off his beautiful new mansion in "Campsite Of Terror".
* [[Brainy Brunette]]
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* [[Freeze-Frame Bonus]]: Ma Bagge's and the Dancing Rats' reactions to [[Watch Where You're Going|his]] [[You Fool!|catchphrase]] in "Scuba-Scuba Doo" and "The Nutcracker"; Ma attempts to attack him with her bare hands, while the Rats [[Death Glare|angrily glare]] at him.
** Also, he and the Evil Empress briefly appear on Courage's television during Season 4's intro.
* [[Funny Foreigner]]: He is quite-arguably an even more hilariously blatant stereotype caricature than the one that [[Bollywood Nerd|Dr. Vindaloo]] is.
* [[Geek Physiques]]: He has a downright-''horrifically'' skinny one, adding to his stereotypical Asian-ness.
* [[Genius Ditz]]: He may generally act like a '''complete''' idiot (especially when delivering his infamous [[Catch Phrase|catchphrase]]), but when it comes to science and engineering, he is '''absurdly''' talented to say the '''least'''.
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* [[Human Sacrifice]]: In order to contact the magic silkworm that gives the Evil Empress her powers, Di Lung ends up having to remove the bones of someone truly innocent (in other words, Muriel)...''using chopsticks''.
* [[Hypocritical Humor]]: Despite [[Watch Where You're Going|his]] [[You Fool!|catchphrase]], [[Never My Fault|he's just as likely to be the one not paying attention]], [[I Was Just Passing Through|and/or be saying it to someone who didn't really have a choice in the matter]]. Sometimes, he even puts himself in harm’s way; for example, one time he stood in the middle of the street before then getting hit by a truck. [[Jerkass Has a Point|Even Eustace sort of points out how incredibly hypocritical Di Lung's catchphrase often is]] by [[Borrowed Catchphrase|using it himself]] in the episode "Courage In The Big Stinkin' City", and in the episode "The Nutcracker", the rats whose glue trap he has somehow gotten himself stuck in even give him [[Death Glare|Death Glares]] in response to hearing him yell the phrase at Courage while being stuck in said glue trap. Hell, Ma Bagge nearly '''attacks''' him for how hypocritical his "Scuba Scuba Doo" usage of said phrase (telling her not to swim in the tidal wave that he is surfing in) is.
* [[Ink Suit Actor]]: He is modeled after Tim Chi Ly (the guy who did his voice). Ironically, however, he actually looks considerably more like [https://youtube.fandom.com/wiki/RiceGum RiceGum].
* [[Insufferable Genius]]
* [[Ironic Name]]: Even though the English version of his name is Big Dragon, he is quite-possibly ''the'' scrawniest little rat in the entire ''CTCD'' franchise.
* [[It's All About Me]]: To the point where [[Show Within a Show|he even made his own television show about himself]].
* [[Jerkass]]: Arguably the biggest one in the entire series, to the point where he even makes Eustace look like a saint at times.
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* [[Narcissist]]: Revealed when [[Hypocritical Humor|"Eustace"]] knocks his photos of himself out of his hands in "Cabaret Courage"; heavily implied when he calls himself "[[Title Drop|perfect]]" while sitting on an Eiffel Tower replica in "Perfect".
* [[Nightmare Fetishist]]: Heavily implied by how ridiculously excited he gets over [[Human Sacrifice|getting to yank Muriel's bones out]] (not to mention how much he actually ''does'', in fact, enjoy doing it) in "Squatting Tiger, Hidden Dog".
* [[No Celebrities Were Harmed]]: He is basically [https://youtube.fandom.com/wiki/RiceGum RiceGum] without '''any''' of the redeeming qualities.
* [[No Name Given]]: See [[All There in the Script]] above.
* [[Noodle People]]
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* [[Rich Bitch|Rich Bastard]]: He is basically a disgustingly rich version of Eustace, complete with living in a [[Big Fancy House]].
* [[Royal Brat]]: Heavily implied by the fact that the [[Polar Opposite Twins|Good and Evil Empresses]] of China are his aunts.
* [[Running Gag|Running Gags]]s: [[Watch Where You're Going|His]] [[You Fool!|catchphrase]] and his constant wrecking of his car.
* [[Show Within a Show]]: He makes one of these [[It's All About Me|about himself]] so that he can steal money from his fans.
* [[Sinister Shades]]
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{{quote|'''Di Lung (talking about Mecha-Courage):''' Give up, dog! '''I''' win bet! '''New''' dog in town! He better than you! Better than you in every way! [[Department of Redundancy Department|Better than you in every]] '''[[Department of Redundancy Department|other]]''' [[Department of Redundancy Department|way!]] No '''way''' you beat him! [[Tempting Fate|No way you]] '''[[Tempting Fate|ever]]''' [[Tempting Fate|beat him!]]}}
* [[The Sociopath]]: He has absolutely no moral qualms. He can hurt a dog out of sadism, or horribly kill an old lady out of a desire for power (even if said power is for someone else). If he wasn't used as a background character most of the time, he would take more credit as one of the show's most utterly evil villains.
* [[Totally Radical]]: He wears some of the coolest-looking sunglasses in the entire ''CTCD'' franchise and drives a [[Cool Car|vintage hot rod]], ya '''''FOO!'''''
* [[Sunglasses At Night]]: He literally does this in "Fishy Business", "The Nutcracker", and "Cabaret Courage".
* [[Thin Chin of Sin]]: Possibly his version of Eustace's [[Lantern Jaw of Justice|Lantern Jaw of Injustice]].
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* [[Deus Ex Machina]]: Essentially his purpose in the series.
* [[Face of a Thug]]
* [[Fat Bastard]]: Subverted; he actually just ''looks'' like one of these.
* [[Half-Dressed Cartoon Animal]]
* [[Instant Home Delivery]]
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* [[Porn Stache]]
* [[Redheaded Hero]]: Most of the time.
* [[Reused Character Design]]{{context|1=With who?}}
* [[Trademark Favorite Food]]: Cookies, seen in "Courage Meets The Mummy" and donuts, seen in "Courage In The Big Stinkin' City".
* [[Why Do You Keep Changing Jobs?]]
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* [[No Name Given]]
* [[Noodle People]]
* [[Reused Character Design]]: Shares hers with The Storm Goddess' character design is also hers.
* [[Shiny Midnight Black]]
* [[Skirt Over Slacks]]
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* [[Four Eyes, Zero Soul]]
* [[Gag Nose]]
* [[Gonk]]
* [[Lean and Mean]]
* [[No Celebrities Were Harmed]]: [[Quentin Tarantino]].
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* [[Fat Bastard]]
* [[Gasshole]]
* [[Gonk]]: Seriously, what we're talking about here is a giant purple (fungus-infected human) foot with faces on its toes.
* [[The Runt At the End]]: The Pinky toe.
* [[Stating the Simple Solution]]: Pinky toe suggested they [[Just Shoot Him]] in "Ball of Revenge", and was reprimanded by the other 4 toes.
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* [[Attack of the 50-Foot Whatever]]: From humanity's point of view, he is this.
* [[Companion Cube]]/[[I Call It Vera|I Call It "Ivana"]]: His reindeer.
* [[Cute Giant]]: When he isn't terrorizing people.
* [[Genius Bruiser]]
* [[Gentle Giant]]: When he isn't bullying Courage, Eustace and Muriel, at least.
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* [[Big Creepy-Crawlies]]
* [[Con Man]]
* [[Do Not Call Me "Paul"|Do Not Call Me Buschwick]]: Just "Schwick".
* [[Fan Disservice]]: Him stripping himself down to his underwear during his "Boxers VS Briefs" argument with Eustace.
* [[Fat Bastard]]
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* [[Expy]]: He looks (and acts) like a fusion of [[Frankenstein|Dr. Frankenstein]] and said scientist's monster.
* [[Gonk]]/[[The Grotesque]]
* [[Herr Doktor|Herr Doktor?]]
* [[Knight of Cerebus]]: To the point where his main "power" is an ability to make people soul-crushingly depressed.
* [[Lantern Jaw of Justice]]
Line 1,024 ⟶ 1,026:
* [[Actually a Doombot]]
* [[Curb Stomp Battle]]: In its titular battle against Courage at the end of ''Courage VS Mecha-Courage'', it utterly '''crushes''' said dog...until {{spoiler|its batteries run out}}, at least.
* [[Cute Machines]]: It looks like something straight out of a ''[[Wallace and Gromit]]'' episode, but don't be [[PunA Worldwide Punomenon|fooled]].
* [[Do-Anything Robot]]: Complete with [[Hammerspace]].
* [[Evil Counterpart]]
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* [[Robot Me]]
* [[Robot Names]]
* [[Smart People Build Robots]]: Di Lung is its creator.
=== The Raccoon Twins ===
Line 1,073 ⟶ 1,074:
* [[Personal Raincloud]]
* [[Physical God]]
* [[Reused Character Design]]: HerShares characterhers design is alsowith the Parachute Lady's.
* [[Sassy Black Girl]]: Not a traditional example, but she's very argumentative.
Line 1,205 ⟶ 1,206:
* [[Cool Shades]]
* [[Evil Counterpart|Eviler Counterpart]]: Of Eustace.
* [[Gonk]]: Just like Eustace.
* [[The Heartless]]: The living embodiment of all Eustace's nastiness.
* [[Humanoid Abomination]]
Line 1,249 ⟶ 1,251:
* [[Gonk]]: His most notable physical features are his remarkably weird-looking hair, his horrifically numerous missing teeth, and his ridiculously fat body.
* [[Hoist by His Own Petard]]: Is hypnotized by his own face on a billboard.
* [[Irony]]/[[Vocal Dissonance]]: He has an extremely sexy voice but also has an extremely ugly body, just like [[The Ren and Stimpy Show|Ren Hoek]].
* [[Madness Mantra]]: ''"Buy Flantasy Flan, buy Flantasy Flan..."''
* [[Manipulative Bastard]]
Line 1,255 ⟶ 1,257:
* [[No Celebrities Were Harmed]]: He is basically a [[Fat Bastard]] version of [[Peter Lorre]].
* [[Rolling Attack]]: He attempts to use this tactic on Courage near the end of his episode.
* [[Scary Teeth]]
* [[Slasher Smile]]
* [[Villainous Glutton]]
Line 1,323 ⟶ 1,326:
* [[Knight of Cerebus|Literal Knights of Cerebus]]: Well, except for the fact that the way in which they chop Courage's, Eustace's and Muriel's heads off is so incredibly cartoonish...
* [[Our Ghosts Are Different]]
* [[Rated "M" for Manly]]: They are undead and skeletal Viking warriors who ride atop equally skeletal and undead horses.
* [[Red Eyes, Take Warning]]
Line 1,375 ⟶ 1,377:
* [[Evil Is Hammy]]
* [[Eyes of Gold]]
* [[Fantastic Voyage Plot]]: His episode, due to his main ability being an ability to enter people's stomachs and then (make said people) [[Catchphrase|grow, expand and explode]] inside said stomachs.
* [[Flat Character]]: He enters people's stomachs, repeatedly yells his [[Catch Phrase|catchphrase]] while inside said stomachs, and does literally '''nothing''' else.
* [[Large Ham]]
* [[No Indoor Voice]]
* [[The Bad Guy Wins]]: More specifically, he does at the end of his episode.
* [[Wire Dilemma]]: The General's [[Epic Fail|hilariously]] incompetent attempt to disable his wire brain.
=== Silhouette Maker ===
Line 1,400:
* [[Cool Mask]]: Kitty's.
* [[Fantastic Racism]]: Masked Kitty's hatred of dogs.
* [[Getting Crap Past the Radar]]{{context}}
* [[Getting Crap Past the Radar]]: Kitty's heavily implied lesbian relationship with Bunny (who Mad Dog is implied to be a sexual assaulter of) and the fact that Masked Kitty basically wears a Ku Klax Klan robe.
* [[Green Eyes]]: Kitty.
* [[Humanlike Foot Anatomy]]
Line 1,410:
* {{spoiler|[[Poor Communication Kills]]}}: {{spoiler|Almost the case between Courage and Kitty.}}
* [[Romantic Two-Girl Friendship]]
* [[Straw Feminist]]: Masked Kitty is basically one of these (but with the "hating men" part of the trope replaced with "hating dogs").
* [[Super Strength]]: Kitty's ability to effortlessly swing '''washing machines''' at people.
* [[Tsundere]]: Kitty is Type A.
Line 1,427 ⟶ 1,426:
* [[Jerkass]]
* [[Large Ham]]
* [[Rape Is a Special Kind of Evil]]: He is very-heavily implied to be doing this to Bunny during his episode.
* [[Red Eyes, Take Warning]]
* [[Scary Black Man|Scary Black Man?]]
=== The Evil Empress ===
Line 1,444 ⟶ 1,441:
* [[Foreign Sounding Gibberish]]: She's not speaking real Chinese.
* [[Hoist By Her Own Petard]]: She basically gets killed by one of her own laser beams when Courage reflects said laser beam back at her.
* [[Human Sacrifice]]: In order to make sure that the energy on which her superpowers run doesn't run out, Di Lung ends up having to remove Muriel's bones in order to contact [[It Makes Just As Much Sense in Context|the Magic Silkworm]] for her.
* [[Lean and Mean]]
* [[Nice Hat]]
Line 1,514 ⟶ 1,511:
* [[Caustic Critic]]
* [[Eyes of Gold]]
* '''[[Gonk]]''': Arguably the most blatant example of this in the entire series.
=== The Librarian ===
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