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Fire Emblem Elibe/YMMV: Difference between revisions

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* [[Ron the Death Eater]]: His role is often exaggeratedmisinformed by some fans, particularly those who are unaware of where his character was going in the previous game, to the point of painting him as a [[Token Evil Teammate|villain]] [[Villain Protagonist|protagonist]] rather than an [[Sociopathic Hero|anti-hero]]. It also doesn't help that some fanfiction writers portray him this way.
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* [[Complete Monster]]: While he does have believable human responses which cause them, his better qualities become warped due to his hatred and jealousy of ''his own son''.
* [[Love to Hate]]: For a character only appearing in several scenes in ''The Blazing Blade'' and being dead before ''The Binding Blade'', his actions have sure earned him a lot of hatred. Of course, being responsible for {{spoiler|trying to murder your own son at ''least'' two times - out of pure jealousy - and indirectly turning him into a misanthropic tyrant as a result}} tends to do that kind of thing to a character's reputation.
* [[Unintentionally Unsympathetic]]: He's bitter because he was forced to marry Hellene instead of his [[One True Love|one true love]] and feels inadequate compared to [[The Ace|his son]]. That's still no excuse for [[Abusive Parents|treating said son like shit]], trying to sabotage his coming of age ceremony so [[Parental Favoritism|his illegitimate daughter]] can have the throne, and {{Spoiler|''trying to kill the poor boy twice''}}. Especially when [[The Woobie|Zephiel]] has nothing but respect for his father and [["Well Done, Son" Guy|wants to please him]]. He even considers Desmond's mistress part of the family!


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