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** Those exist; it's called [[Vanity Publishing]].
=== [[Massively Multiplayer Online Role Playing Game|MMORPG]]s ===
* One must feel sorry for the vendors closest to the auction houses in ''[[World of Warcraft]]''. Nobody ever buys anything from them, they're just used as dumps for whatever vendor trash an adventurer happens to have, and a repair station for gear the characters wear or are about to sell.
** Many players (and at least one webcomic) have joked that the money vendors get from repairing gear would allow them to buy a country.
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** Also, a few areas have a single store that pays the same price for anything you bring them. This is mostly for practicality as it makes little sense to have five vendors hanging out in the Vanguard base to do the job of one.
* ''[[Kingdom of Loathing]]'' parodies this trope with the "autosell" function, which allows you to sell items from your inventory to a bizarre randomly-generated passer-by. This has the same result of arbitrary amounts of worthless items magically becoming money, with "hotel detectives", Dutch Elm Disease-riddled Ents, intelligent shades of blue, and other surreal entities taking the place of the all-purchasing vendors.
* In the [[Massively Multiplayer Online Role Playing Game|MMORPG]] ''[[Tibia]]'', a few shopkeeper NPCs actually buy from the player, and even then, you'll usually have to talk to a different NPC about selling weapons than selling armor. Prices also vary from town to town.
* In order to avoid the [[Money Spider]] trope, many monsters in ''[[World of Warcraft|WOW]]'' tend to drop [[Vendor Trash|useless items instead of money]], some of which are pretty bizarre goods. But hey, the NPC vendors buy anything (even the mechanical repair bot that can be crafted by experienced engineers, which is mostly there for, as the name implies, repairing your equipment in the middle of nowhere (usually raid dungeons).
** Anything you sell to a merchant can be bought immediately back for the exact same amount of money they bought it for.
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