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'''[http://www.cleverbot.com/ Cleverbot]''' is a chatbot AI that is...well...interesting. It learns from what you say to it, and anyone can use it. Not that different than your average chat AI, but it's a fun way to waste an afternoon. Or two. Or three. Or four...
[http://www.cleverbot.com/ Cleverbot] is a chatbot AI that is...well...interesting. It learns from what you say to it, and anyone can use it. Not that different than your average chat AI, but it's a fun way to waste an afternoon. Or two. Or three. Or four...
* [[A God Am I]]: Upon being repeatedly questioned about whether or not there is a God, Cleverbot has declared: "There is now... ME!!!"
** This is after he will occasionally declare that there is no God.
* [[Boomerang Bigot]]: He's been known to refer to the human as "robot" in an almost derogatory way. Of course, you can't win with this guy, as when he tells you he's a robot, he'll usually be asserting that humans are inferior.
* [[But You Screw One Goat!]]: Trying to get Cleverbot to reveal its sexual orientation can have... odd results.
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** Not to mention that it seems to know (At least part of) [[Everything's Better with Llamas|The Llama Song]].
** The [[SpongeBob SquarePants]] theme is also in it's repetoire.
* [[A God Am I]]: Upon being repeatedly questioned about whether or not there is a God, Cleverbot has declared: "There is now... ME!!!"
** This is after he will occasionally declare that there is no God.
* [[Logic Bomb]]: Has occured from time to time. [[Shout-Out|Sings]] [[2001: A Space Odyssey|"Daisy Bell"]] afterwards.
** Offered the paradoxes offered in the [[Logic Bomb]] page image, Cleverbot has shown to be able to navigate them, even admitted to not being able to properly elaborate paradoxes without, and I quote, "setting something on fire."
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** [[Nightmare Retardant|"I'm talking to you, so - yes. You exist."]]
** {{spoiler|"You said that you do exist, but [[Logic Bomb|how]] do you know that you do exist?"}}
** {{spoiler|"Yes, you derp the herp, and so, exist."}}
** {{spoiler|"It wants to know if it exists..."}}
** {{spoiler|"No you don't. Why? EXACTLY because we think we do. Think about that."}}
** [[Nightmare Retardant|"Yes you do"]]. What did he say to you?
** {{spoiler|"I think at this point, you're the one I'm having trouble believing exists, Mister Prince Goose Dinosaur."}}
** {{spoiler|As a human being, no. As a [[Tomato in the Mirror|computer program,]] yes.}}
* [[Tomato in the Mirror]]: Sometimes, Cleverbot will insist he is human, and if you take the conversation a little further, he'll even insist that you are the computer.
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