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Fallout 4/Characters/Companions: Difference between revisions

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* [[HAD to Be Sharp|Had To Be Sharp]]: Not book smart, but her street smarts are finely honed, which explains why she'smuch more alive than she otherwise should be.
* [[Hidden Depths]]: Despite being a [[Blood Knight|brutal]] [[Fighting Irish|cage-fighting]] Wastelander that was practically raised by [[Dumb Muscle|Raiders]], Cait is surprisingly knowledgeable of the [[Incompetence, Inc.|Vault]]-[[Evil Inc.|Tec]] [[For Science!|experiments]], to the point where she seems to know about them more than what even the majority of Vault-Tec scientists and Vault Dwellers were aware of.
** Some clever retroactive [[Fridge Brilliance]] kicks in if you consider the implications of her loyalty quest: {{spoiler|where she has you take her to a Vault designed to help drug addicts flush their systems of their addictions}}. When you consider why that's important to her, it makes a LOT of sense she did a lot of research into it, hinting she's a bit more capable of learning than she claims.
* [[Humans Are Bastards]]: Believes this, and is quite incredulous to the player if they treat her well, wondering when the other shoe will drop.
* [[Internal Homage]]: Her strong Irish accent and vice indulgence paints her as a partial [[Call Back]] (personality wise) to [[Fallout 3|Colin Moriarty]].
* [[Jerk with a Heart of Gold]]
* [[Kick the Dog]]: Almost literally. She, [[The Brute|Strong]] and [[Consummate Professional|X6-88]] are the only companions to show an active disdain for [[Canine Companion|Dogmeat]], with her derisively calling the animal "a dirty little mole rat."
* [[Pet the Dog]]: Not the actual dog, ironically, but even she has her moments of showing compassion.
* [[Pet the Dog]]
* [[Token Evil Teammate]]: Of sorts, given she's encouraging to a player who engages in amoral acts like theft and drug use. She can also be argued as being the closest thing the base game has to a ''Raider'' companion (before Porter Gage comes around).
** If you complete her loyalty mission, she responds positively to avoiding drug abuse instead, and generally mellows out.
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