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{{quote|"You enjoyed his dance. [[You Bastard|It's ''your fault.'']]"|'''[[Quentin Tarantino]]''' (paraphrased) on Mr. Blonde's [[Moral Event Horizon]], from the "Making Of" feature in ''[[Reservoir Dogs]]''}}
|'''[[Quentin Tarantino]]''' (paraphrased) on Mr. Blonde's [[Moral Event Horizon]], from the "Making Of" feature in ''[[Reservoir Dogs]]''}}
You're watching a movie or something, and there's some character who may or may not be rumoured to be kind of evil, but you don't know for sure. All you know is what he's doing right this minute is kind of endearing from an audience perspective. He's fun, he's cool. Quirky, maybe, but in a good way. At this rate, he'll be a runaway favourite with the fans. Yeah, he's fun. We like him. He's...
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== [[Anime]] and [[Manga]] ==
* Nena Trinity from ''[[Mobile Suit Gundam 00]]''. She was introduced as cute, quirky (she kissed the protagonist upon first meeting him) and seemed like a [[Genki Girl]] [[War Is Hell|caught in a bad situation]] but [[Stepford Smiler|trying to smile]] [[Power Trio|to her two older brothers and herself]] (and further supported that [[Pigeonholed Voice Actor|she has the voice of]] [[Rie Kugimiya]], a popular voice actress known for heroic [[Tsundere]] loli roles, which also makes people think she's going to be great). Then, in the very next episode when flying over a civilian wedding, says, "How dare you have fun while I'm working! You should just die." and then promptly [[Death From Above|sends a missile their way]]. ''Twice''. All the attendants but a young girl are killed, and even that poor kid loses one of her hands and her mind. And then, when asked by her teammates (and brothers) why she did it, laughs and says, "Oops! I guess I pushed the wrong button!". She's a [[Cute and Psycho]] [[Tyke Bomb]], if you don't get what this scene totally says. Of course, there's that [[Hoist by His Own Petard|karmic retribution for her in Episode 22...]].
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* General Melchett in the fourth series of ''[[Blackadder]]'' initially seems like a comically eccentric [[Pointy-Haired Boss]], but his behavior in the second episode, in which Blackadder is court marshaled suggests that he is seriously mentally unstable. Although Melchett is at first a comic parody of the [[We Have Reserves]] habit of [[World War I]] generals, it's ultimately pretty clear that Melchett's not just incompetent- he's a [[Lack of Empathy|sociopath]] who couldn't give a damn about his troops.
* ''[[Lost]]'' has Locke's father, Anthony Cooper. At first, he seems happy to finally meet Locke and starts giving him the family life he never had. Then it turns out all that was a con to steal Locke's kidney, after which he wants nothing more to do with his son. {{spoiler|Later, he [[Moral Event Horizon|tries to kill Locke by pushing him out a window]], which led to Locke ending up in a wheelchair.}}
* Happens a few times on the new ''[[Battlestar Galactica Reimagined(2004 TV series)|Battlestar Galactica]]. First there's Cavil/#1, who's introduced as a [[Deadpan Snarker]] type and even seems to be one of the more sympathetic Cylons. As the story develops, we get to know Cavil for [[Complete Monster|what he]] [[Big Bad|really is.]] Then there's Tory, who {{spoiler|learns she's a Cylon, but manages to keep it together at first. When Cally has a breakdown upon realizing her husband Tyrol is a Cylon, she takes her infant son and prepares to toss herself and him out of an airlock. Tory shows up, talks Cally down-and then takes Cally's son before [[Moral Event Horizon|ejecting her into space anyway.]]}}
* In ''[[Samurai Sentai Shinkenger]]'', there's Fuwa Juzou, who is a half-Gedoushuu and sets himself up as [[The Hero|Takeru]]'s [[Worthy Opponent]], constantly seeking to fight him. With him not really getting along with the [[Big Bad|head honcho]] of Gedoushuu, Chimatsuri Doukokuu, plus building up some 'friendship' with [[Dark Chick|Usukawa Dayuu]] and the fact that he's half-human makes people think that since this is [[Super Sentai]], he'd at least be shown as either a [[Noble Demon]], or pull a [[Heel Face Turn]] later. Then, he foils Akumaro's plan... by revealing that he ''revels'' on his Gedoushuu lineage, preferring to be a full-blooded Gedoushuu (which he did), and his sword Uramasa turned out to be his parents begging him to stop killing, but he ''doesn't care one bit'', liking his profession as a [[Blood Knight]] to the max and wants nothing more than kill and more killing. At that point, any hopes of him as mentioned above are dashed forever and he places himself as one of [[Super Sentai]]'s [[Complete Monster]]s.
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