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|'''On the [[The Fair Folk|Dark]] [[Our Elves Are Better|Eldar]]''', ''[[Warhammer 40,000]]''}}
A common conceit of the sci-fi and fantasy genres (and especially games of those genres) is the notion of not an organization, not a clan, not a city, but an entire ''race'' of bad guys who [[Card-Carrying Villain|brag about how '''''Evil''''' they are]]. All of the racial members behave evilly, because - let's face it - ''[[StarGoblin TrekSlayer]]'' would've been really boring if the [[The KirkDeterminator|Kirktitular character]] had to interview every Klingon[[What Measure Is a Non-Cute?|ugly goblin]] he met before, punchingwell, them''slaying'' outthem. This may sometimes go so far that a [[Final Solution]] against the defined-as-evil race is portrayed [[Would Be Rude to Say Genocide|in a quite cheerful light]].
This trope is actually [[Older Than Dirt]]—are there any myths and folk tales that ''don't'' have some creatures that are portrayed as always evil? Naturally, its subversions have also existed for quite a long time.


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