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* In ''[[Alpha Protocol]]'' Mike has the option to spare whoever the final boss turns out to be, knowing they'll be dragged through courtroom after courtroom for the rest of their lives, watching while their empire crumbles.
* This happens to Faba in ''[[Pokémon Sun and Moon| Pokémon Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon]]''. When exposed as [[The Mole]] for Team Rainbow Rocket, Lusamine chooses not to turn him in or even fire him, but instead demotes him to intern. The last scene in the post-game shows him groaning and exhausted at the work he has to do as such.
* If you want the good ending in ''[[Dishonored]]'', you have to take out foes without killing them; problem is, if you do this, many are sentenced to a [[Fate Worse Than Death]]. One is branded a heretic, cast out of society, and later seen dying of the plague. A group of crooks are physically mutilated and made to work as slaves in their own mines (which they had been doing to innocent civilians, by the way). Another you kidnap and hand over to her [[Stalker Without a Crush]], the implication that she'll be his [[Sex Slave]] for the rest of her life, and two more are hauled to prison where it is implied they will be executed later. The player can only take solace knowing that they were all [[Asshole Victim|cruel people who clearly deserved it.]]
** The non-lethal options are even worse in the sequel. Delilah herself is trapped in her own painting, presumably for eternity, and if that weren't enough, the [[Come to Gawk| painting is displayed in Emily's throne room at the end of the game.]]
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