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* A whole industry of vegetarian products exists to provide replacements for burgers and bacon, among others.
* [[Nazi Germany]] pushed "moral" (for lack of a better word) substitutes throughout the arts and sciences.
** Early on, the Nazis advocated "Deutsche Physik" as an alternative to the physics mainstream, which they felt to be too dominated by Jews like [[Albert Einstein]]. It fell out of favor in the late '30s once the sturdiness of the "Jewish physics" became apparent even to many Nazis. If there's any consolation to it, Hitler's insistence on eschewing "Jewish physics" also played a role in [[Hoist by His Own Petard|the failure]] of their nuclear weapons project.
** After the Nazis [[Culture Police|clamped down]] on "entartete kunst" ([[wikipedia:Degenerate art|degenerate art]]) following their rise to power, they pushed art that upheld "blood and soil" themes of militarism and racial purity, often infused with classical Greek and Roman influence. Hilariously, as ''[[Cracked.com]]'' [http://www.cracked.com/article_19840_5-nazi-plans-that-prove-they-were-dumber-than-you-think_p2.html pointed out], an exhibition of the banned art (the only legal venue for such work) to show the German people how evil and Jew-corrupted it was wound up [[Do Not Do This Cool Thing|attracting far more visitors]] than a nearby exhibition of Nazi-sponsored art.
** Arguably, fascism itself, as its proponents saw it as this towards socialism. It combined many of its economic proposals (broad populism, state control of industry, etc.) and its revolutionary spirit with ultra-nationalism and reactionary social views, in sharp opposition to socialism's international worldview. In ''Mein Kampf'', [[Adolf Hitler]] described both capitalism and socialism as two sides of the same coin, i.e. both controlled by Jews, and both needing to be destroyed. It's not for nothing that the Nazis called themselves the "National Socialists", the "National" part differentiating them from the "subversive" ''international'' socialists that they viewed as destroying Germany.
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