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Parental Abandonment/Video Games: Difference between revisions

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* In the ''[[Spore]]'' cutscence for when for when your creature family migrates to a new nest, one of the adults will stay behind to watch over the eggs. Your creature then hatches and you have to find the new nest.
* Eroge ''[[Snow Sakura]]'', Yuuji Tachibana has jerkass parents who force him to move from Tokyo to Hokkaido to live with an uncle and a [[Tsundere]] female cousin while they have a nice, long holiday in Hawaii.
* Depending on the version of ''[[Nie RNieR]]'', either both Yonah and Nier have lost both their parents (''Replicant''), or Yonah has lost her mother and her father Nier spends a very good deal of time searching for a cure for her condition (''Gestalt'').
** Jakob and Gideon loose their mother, the Masked King lost his father, and both Fyra and Kaine were literally abandoned by their parents.
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