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Donald Trump: Difference between revisions

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* [[All Women Are Lustful]]: Trump's view of women, according to the Pussygate tape. After implying that Nancy O'Dell, who once rebuffed his advances, became sluttier with "big phony tits", he went on to explain that all women all want it with a star:
{{quote|And when you're a star, they let you do it. You can do anything. [[Beat|*beat*]] Grab 'em by the pussy. You can do anything.}}
* [[Admiring the Abomination]]: Trump has notoriously given praise to several world leaders viewed as controversial and some viewed as outright despots. These include [[Vladimir Putin]] of Russia, Rodrigo Duterte of the Philippines, Xi Jinping of China, and Kim Jong Un of North Korea. He once claimed he admired [[Saddam Hussein]] for executing terrorists, and if Michael Wolfe is truthful in his book ''[[Landslide]]'', had to be kept by aides from publicly saying positive things about [[Adolf Hitler]] himself.
* [[Appeal to Popularity]]: This logical fallacy underlies Trump's frequent claims that an unspecified but large number of unknown and anonymous "people" agree with him or certify his opinions and positions as correct. By counterfeiting a body of people who allegedly agree with him, he seeks to invoke this fallacy to validate his statements.
* [[Arch Enemy]]: Has several people who've committed themselves to going against him where the feeling's mutual. No need to list any examples - the list that used to be here was quite [[egregious]].
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