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== Sports ==
* The Soviet Union formed the [[wikipedia:Spartakiad|Spartakiads]] from 1928 to 1937 as they initially branded the Olympics as "bourgeois". The event was put on the backburner when World War II broke out; after the war, they finally relented and sent a team at the Helsinki Olympics in 1952. They still continued to hold Spartakiads within the Soviet Union up until 1991.
* In response to the rash of political drama spilling over to the Olympics, particularly the wave of boycotts such as the United States-led boycott of the 1980 Games in Moscow following the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan, as well as the retaliatory boycott by the Soviets in 1984 in the Los Angeles Olympiad, American broadcaster Ted Turner (of CNN and ''[[Captain Planet]]'' fame) organised the [[wikipedia:Goodwill Games|Goodwill Games]], a charitable sporting series made with the intent on providing a much less politicised alternative to an event which Turner felt has degenerated more into national or [[Cold War]] posturing than sport.
== Tabletop Games ==
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