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→‎Dexter Morgan: added data and tropes moved from "Dexter (TV series)/Characters#Dexter Morgan"
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(→‎Dexter Morgan: added data and tropes moved from "Dexter (TV series)/Characters#Dexter Morgan")
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{{quote|''"I'm Dexter, and... I'm not sure what I am. I just know there's something dark in me."'' }}
The show's protagonist. Dexter was adopted into his foster-family as a three-year old after {{spoiler|his mother was murdered in front of him}}. He was taken in by the Morgan family who he loved dearly; however, Dexter had been horribly traumatized by what he'd seen. Growing up with sociopathic tendencies, Dexter was trained by his father to direct his urges to kill at those who "deserve it", and to never get caught. Works as a blood spatter analyst for Miami Metro PD.
Over the course of the show Dexter slowly realises he isn't as monstrous as he initially thought.
{{tropelist|Tropes exhibited by Dexter include:}}
* [[Affably Evil]]: Bordering sometimes on [[Faux Affably Evil]]. He may be a serial killer who feels no guilt about his actions, but he is unfailingly polite and always expresses gratitude when someone does him a favor.
* [[Afraid of Blood]]: Especially in the books. He expresses considerable unease about blood that isn't tidily confined, which makes his choice of career seem rather odd until you realise that his job effectively requires putting blood back into order and so could actually be therapeutic. Of course, given that {{spoiler|after his mother's murder, he spent at least two days sitting in her blood, surrounded by pieces of her and other ex-people}}, the aversion is understandable.
{{quote|'''Dexter Morgan:''' Blood. Sometimes it sets my teeth on edge, other times it helps me control the chaos.}}
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* [[Animals Hate Him]]: Especially in the novels, where it is revealed that he have unsuccessfully tried to keep pets, which included a dog that kept barking and growling at him, and a turtle that would hide away from him in its shell to the point where it died of starvation.
* [[Anti-Hero]] (Type V): Unless you consider him an....
* [[Anti-Villain]]: He kills but he also has a code, loves his family and protects children from harm. (Type I)
* [[Badass]]: If there's a dirty cop, ex-special forces soldier, gigantic gangster, Nicaraguan death squad leader or [[Arson, Murder, and Jaywalking|fucking Jock]] Dexter can't kill he hasn't met them and killed them yet.
* [[Badass Bookworm]]
* [[Becoming the Mask]]: He was only using Rita to appear more normal but also he eventually realised he has grown to love her very much.
* [[Benevolent Boss]]: to Jamie. He allows her as much time of as she needs after Cassie is killed.
* [[Berserk Button]]: Some advice if you live in Miami: be gentle with Rita, and ''don't try to harm any children''.
** He also becomes very protective of Lumen.
* [[Beware the Nice Ones]]
* [[Big Brother Instinct]]: He loves Deb very much, to the point he killed his biological brother for her.
* [[Can't Stand Them Can't Live Without Them]]: Dexter jokingly remarks "Can't live with her, can't kill her" about his sister Debra.
* [[Control Freak]]
* [[Creature of Habit]]: He's obsessed with daily rituals and routines of his and other peoples.
* [[Creepy Monotone]]: His inner monologue.
* [[Dating Catwoman]]: His relationship with Lila though he kills her after she tries to kill Cody and Astor. His relationship with Hannah also who he protects at the risk of endangering Civilians.
* [[Deadpan Snarker]]: Really really [[Incredibly Lame Pun|DEADpan]].
* [[Did I Just Say That Out Loud?]]
* [[Disproportionate Retribution]]: Dexter ISis the poster boy offor this trope. In the first episode of season 8, he begins strangling a man who cut him off in traffic and only stops when he sees there's a child in the back.
* [[Enemy to All Living Things]]: As a child his killing of neighbourhood animals convinced Harry he would become a monster. Even as an adult he kills a ferret as part of his plan to murder Boyd Fowler.
* [[Even Evil Has Standards]]: Dexter kills only killers and pedophiles.
* [[Even Evil Has Standards]]:
* [[Even Evil Has Standards]]:* Dexter kills only killers and pedophiles.
** He brags of being a "very neat monster" and doesn't look too well on those who don't tidy their playground, whatever it may be.
** He also doesn't like to tamper with evidence unless it's his own hide on the rope, and even then he half-heartedly does it. Makes you wonder why he went into forensics if he wasn't prepared to someday use the position to tamper with some incriminating evidence against himself.
*** Though this gets thrown out the window in season 6, where he becomes obsessed with taking down the Doomsday Killers himself and sabotages the police investigation (which incidentally makes his sister look very bad after she was just promoted to lieutenant) several times.
*** It doesn't help how the {{spoiler|4th}} season ended. If he had used his position to help instead of impede the investigation {{spoiler|of the Trinity Killer, Rita might not be dead.}}
** And of course The Code.
** He despise those who harm children and goes to great lengths to protect a young boy from Trinity.
** He can't bring himself to kill Doakes as he knows for as much shit as Doakes gives him he is a decent man. Framing Doakes on the other hand is perfectly acceptable due to [[Loophole Abuse]].
** He always kills quickly and never draws it out.
** He expresses dislike for cannibals.
** He feels guilty when he kills someone outside his code shown by his murders of Oscar Prado and Jonathan Farrow. He's haunted by his role in Miguel's murder of Ellen Wolf.
** He knows no-one should be like, trying to save both Jeremy and Zach from going down a dark path.
** His victims must be likely to reoffend.
* [[The Fettered]]
* [[First-Person Smartass]]
* [[Guilt Complex]]: In season 2 he briefly finds himself unable to kill anyone because of his conflicted feelings about {{spoiler|murdering his own brother}}.
* [[Happily Adopted]]: He sees Deb and Harry as family regardless of blood.
* [[Sociopathic Hero|Heroic Sociopath]]
** In the books. In the show he comes off as more of a Heroic Secret Schizoid with uncontrollable homicidal urges.
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*** He can't get a handle on the religious motivation behind the killings.
*** He makes an effort to learn about religion, because he wants to instill some sort of morality into his son. Not that he make a good teacher...
* [[Honor Before Reason]]: In season 5 he saves Lumen at the risk of his own freedom.
* [[Hot Dad]]
* [[It's All About Me]]: Downplayed in comparison to his enemies but if he had helped the police apprehend Trinity instead of insisting on being the one to kill him Rita would still be alive.
** [[Jerkass]]: Dexter is usually civil to everyone but sometimes acts like a total dick to Quinn without provocation.
* [[Karma Houdini]]
* [[Kick the Dog]]: In season 2 he taunts Doakes, telling him he has no inherent worth as no-one will miss him when he dies.
* [[Knife Nut]]: His routine involves a knife, but he sometimes chooses a more exotic weapon - axe, chainsaw, hammer...
* [[Knight Templar Parent]]: Boarders on this at times.
* [[Like a Son to Me]] Cody and Astor are as good as his own flesh and blood.
* [[Manipulative Bastard]]
* [[Manipulative Bastard]]: Is great at convincing people he's an innocent, well-meaning lad. Of particular note is the way he convinces Miguel to keep Ramon in the dark about Freebo by playing them against each other and tricking Ramon into a bar fight.
* [[Murder Is the Best Solution]]: His first thought when someone gets in his way is "can I kill them?"
* [[No Good Deed Goes Unpunished]]: Any time he attempts to be more human, it backfires
** Giving Travis another Chance indirectly leads to Deb uncovering his true identity and everything bad that happens from that point onward.
** Deciding to turn Saxon into the cops rather than kill him leads to him Dexter having to {{spoiler|kill his own sister}} to put her out of her misery.
* [[Noble Demon]]
* [[Papa Wolf]]
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* [[Unreliable Narrator]]: Dexter often talks about how he doesn't have any emotions. While his emotions are definitely subdued, it's pretty clear that's not the case. Just look at [[Papa Wolf]] above.
** He's actually pretty reliable regarding everything but himself.
* [[Villain Protagonist]]: While a very likeable example he is an unapologetically selfish person who has committed many criminal acts and indirectly ruins the lives of many people around him.
* [[Villain Protagonist]]
* [[Well-Intentioned Extremist]]: Subverted. His methods certainly are extreme and his target selection ensures that he's probably a net positive force in the universe, but he doesn't do it to make the world a better place, he does it because he needs to.
* [[Why Did It Have to Be Snakes?|Why Did it Have To Be Jocks?]]
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* [[Wrong Genre Savvy]]: Dexter often projects his own experiences and motivations onto other killers and thus misinterprets their motivations and reactions. He expects the killer to play out one of the usual stereotypes and is blindsided when the killer actually does something completely different. This gets him in a lot of trouble and gets a lot of people killed.
* [[Xanatos Speed Chess]]: He often has to work on his own crime scenes, and has to play merry hell with the chain of evidence.
* [[Your Cheating Heart]]: His relationship with Rita ends in season 2 after a one-night-stand with Lila.
== Miami Metro Police Department ==
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* [[Nightmare Fetishist]]: Although it's possible this was only just an act in order to get pieces of evidence from famous cases to sell online.
* [[Ms. Fanservice]]: Is setting a new record.
=== Mike Anderson ===
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* [[Noble Bigot with a Badge]]
* [[Suspiciously Similar Substitute]]: to Doakes.
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Played by Courtney Ford
An [[Hot Scoop|attractive young reporter]] who forms a relationship with Quinn while pumping him for information. {{spoiler|She's later revealed to be Arthur Mitchell's daughter from a previous relationship, and Lundy's killer.}}
{{tropelist|Tropes exhibited by this character include:}}
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* [[Hot Scoop]]
* [[Well Done Daughter Girl]]: {{spoiler|Towards Arthur, AKA The Trinity Killer.}}
=== Neil Perry ===
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