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* [[Crazy Awesome]]: Johnny Gat, the Boss.
** The games themselves. If the first one was too straight laced the sequel has side missions doing stunts from ''[[Jackass]]'' and spraying everything with raw sewage. The third game has [[Command & Conquer: Red Alert 3|man canons]] and a mission where you speed around ''with a tiger in the passenger seat.''
* [[Crowning Moment of Awesome]]: See the appropriate page.
* [[Crowning Moment of Funny]]: See the appropriate page.
* [[Crowning Music of Awesome]]: Always a great selection of licensed music.
* [[Ensemble Darkhorse]]: Johnny Gat, Maero (to a lesser extent), and Shaundi (in the second game at least).
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* [[The Face of the Band]]: The majority of the Saint's merchandise is based on Johnny Gat, from the Gat-faced Gatmobile, to the Gat-bobblehead mascots.
* [[Flanderization]]: The first game was a humorous open-world crime game in the vein of ''Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas'' that was lauded as a legitimate alternative to GTA. The second game emphasized the humor and wackiness more (with trailers taking jabs at GTA's newfound seriousness). The marketing for the third game makes the wackiness and crude humor the main selling point of the game. Whether this is the franchise [[Growing the Beard|finding its true voice and stepping out from under GTA's shadow]] or [[They Changed It, Now It Sucks|abandoning what made the first game great]], [[Your Mileage May Vary|YMMV]]
* [[Follow the Leader]]: More than a few reviewers and fans criticized the first game for being a "[[Grand Theft Auto| GTA]] clone".
* [[Funny Aneurysm Moment]]: When she calls a radio show with a request for her and Maero's anniversary the host says how they're gonna make it. Ay yup.
* [[Hilarious in Hindsight]]. In the second game Shaundi was voiced by [[Eliza Dushku]], and in the third game it's mentioned she really wants to meet the actor who plays Nightblade. Given [[Angel|one]] of the influence of the character this is amusing.
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** Speaking of deals, there is {{spoiler|Shogo's giving Jyunichi's position away to the Saints}}, arguably his gang's most capable man. I get it, he wanted to prove he could lead the gang/show his father he was a man. He attempts to pull a [[Uriah Gambit]] that ends up failing spectacularly ''and'' cripples {{spoiler|The Ronin}} past the point of no return, or at least gives them a big push in that direction. Way to go, {{spoiler|Shogo}} you ''idiot''.
== YMMV Tropes exclusive to Saints Row The Third ==
* [[Awesome Music]]: The soundtrack for the game is greater, but two examples stand out for just how great they went with the times they were played: Joe Esposito's ''You're The Best'', played during Murderbrawl XXXI while fighting Luchadores off of Angel with a chainsaw; and Bonnie Tyler's ''I Need a Hero'', an extended version of which played during Three Way {{spoiler|during the race to either save Shaundi and Viola or stop Killbane}}.
** A third is [[Kanye West]]'s Power. Not only does it introduce a early [[Crowning Moment of Awesome]], [[Villain Song|few songs are more fitting of the character.]]
** In the mission "The Belgian Problem", {{spoiler|chasing after Loren by falling after him on a giant steel ornament}} is awesome enough, but what really seals the deal? You do it while ''[http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xB-6ATu4EUw this]'' rocks on in the background. The violins make it especially powerful.
* [[Non Sequitur Scene]] The last mission {{spoiler|gangsters in space}}. It might qualify as a Gainax Ending as well
* [[Dude, Not Funny]]: The Ho Boat, wherein you {{spoiler|take over a human trafficking operation}}, has received quite a bit of flak.
** The dev team seems to acknowledged that this wasn't meant to be perceived as a good thing. The achievement asks if what you decided has left you, "happy with yourself."
** One mission has the Boss trying to get to Killbane by eliminating his opponents for a wrestling match. The first target is done away with by making it look like he's killed a number of people before killing himself. The unfunny part kicks in with several possible mentions of [[Chris Benoit|steroids and how people will blame the killings on roid rage.]]
** Not everyone thinks furries are [[Acceptable Targets]].
* [[Game Breaker]]: The Bear returns from Saints Row 2 and is still extremly tough. It's machine gun can blow up enemy vehicles fair quickly, making Snatch and Traffic missions almost too easy. Unlike the Tanks it counts as vehicle and can use the Nitro ability. While marked as unupgradable, you can still upgrade it via a trick.
** The .45 Shepard also can be seen as that. Pistol upgrades are the cheapest in the game and the Shepard when fully upgraded can kill almost anything in a few hits.
* [[Good Bad Bugs]]: It's possible to upgrade vehicles which are marked unupgradable like police vehicles, [[APCs]] and unique vehicles, by driving a normal car into a Rim Jobs, highlight a special vehicle in the garage and cancel causing said vehicle to appear in the upgrade menu. This includes changing the color of the virtual X-2 cycle to something else, like red.
** Sometimes, picking up a De4th Blossom will result in the player being able to use the entire ammo supply without [[Bottomless Magazines|without having to reload]].
* [[HSQ]]: One per mission as a goal set by the developers themselves.
* {{spoiler|[[He's Just Hiding]]: Johnny Gat. It didn't help that the developers left it ambiguous as to if he died or not. The [[Big Bad]] told the main characters that Gat was dead when Gat could've been chillin somewhere.}}
** {{spoiler|Beating the game unlocks Zombie Gat. Make of that what you will.}}
* [[Love Makes You Evil]]: {{spoiler|Perhaps the reason why Kia was willing to (secretly) cross lines that even Cyrus would dare not to is because she still harbored strong feelings for him and therefore wanted to help him succeed at all costs.}}
* [[Narm Charm]]: Intentional example in the later half of {{spoiler|"Three Way", in which Bonnie Tyler's Narm-tastic "Holding Out for a Hero" will start playing as you go to either rescue Shaundi or kill Killbane.}}
* [[Pet the Dog]]: {{spoiler|When Matt Miller says he's leaving the syndicate to pursue new opportunities (in reality, it's because the Saints beat him), Killbane says he's going to miss the kid, and says Matt can use him as a reference. In general, he treats him like a little brother. Given that he's killed or alienated just about everyone else high-up in the syndicate, and is maybe one step back from sociopathy most of the time, it provides a sharp contrast.}}
** {{spoiler|While it comes across as that in a sense it's also quite possible Killbane was passively intimidating him, since Matt was visibly terrified during their last meeting. Many real-life gangs [[Resignations Not Accepted|don't take very kindly to members leaving either]], especially not someone that was that high up in the ranks.}}
*** {{spoiler|You'd be terrified too if you just recently saw the giant manhandling you (in a jovial fashion) snap a woman's neck with one hand. A woman of roughly your size, build, and weight. But Killbane is nothing if not theatrical, and respects Miller for telling him to his about wanting to resign.}}
* [[Tear Jerker]]: Despite this being the silliest installment (until the following one), that seems to make its honest emotional moments stand out all the more. A giant hulking Johnny Gat clone with reduced intelligence that talks in [[Hulk Speak]]? Goofy as hell. That clone struggling to deal with the emotional pain it feels from its scattered memories while not being quite intelligent enough to understand ''why'' they hurt so badly, while the Boss desperately tries to comfort the closest thing they think they'll ever have to their best friend again? Gutwrenching.
* [[They Changed It, Now It Sucks]]: Some people aren't thrilled about Shaundi's new look, personality and [[The Other Darrin|new voice actor.]] When she was originally played by [[Eliza Dushku]] it's a big pair of heels to fill. [[Your Mileage May Vary|Some would say she does a admirable job of portraying a more mature Shaundi,]] but they couldn't have gotten a similar voice actress and retained some of the character's personality? Some actually thought she was a new character at first until they realized she was 'the pothead chick with the dreads' from SR2.
** [[Took a Level in Jerkass]]: Others have attributed their hate more towards her shift in personality, namely from being a carefree druggie with a humorous snark attitude to a "stick up the ass" gun-toting serious bitch.
** The change or removal of a number of elements of the game also lead to this. You can no longer customize your clothing in layers, eat, drink, or smoke, or customize your cribs (Or even enter some of them), and as said above how you can't replay missions or re-watch scenes.
* [[That One Sidequest]]: Snatch. Possibly even moreso than Escort (see ''[[Saints Row 2]]'' entry above for why that one's so reviled), due to [[Artificial Stupidity|the hos you need to pick up sometimes getting hung up walking around the car instead of getting in the car]] while you have an entire army of gang members shooting at you. Even with a fully upgraded vehicle, it may not be durable enough to withstand all the bullets being thrown at you. Worse off, if you're not careful and stay parked too long trying to get one of the hos to get in the car already, an enemy gang member might pull you out of the car, causing them to exit and you losing even more valuable seconds trying to get them in the car in the first place and right the hell out of the group of gang members trying to kill you all. [[Precision F-Strike|Fuck Snatch.]]
* [[The Scrappy]]: Each of the new NPCs have recieved criticism or hate from some corners of the fandom, but the one everyone universally hates the most is Angel. But, then again, when you're a former wrestler who claims the player isn't tough enough to fight Killbane, even after they've flown through a [[Precision F-Strike|Fucking]] plane, took on ''the army'' and ''won'', and took down possibly hundreds of gangbangers (And if you want, with your ''bare hands''), and that a big deal is made about how only he can beat Killbane, only to get thrown from the ring when he actually gets a rematch, leaving you to fight him in, what is a pretty easy bossfight, and when they seem to use [[Insane Troll Logic]], people tend to hate you. Killbane to a lesser degree is also pretty hated, again for being a pretty easy boss in the two times you fight him( {{spoiler|except in Gangstas in Space due to him being invulnerable to your attacks, but that's not really him}}). And, the change in Shaundi's personality caused many to dislike her new characterization.
* [[Tough Act to Follow]] / [[Contested Sequel]]: ''[[Saints Row 2]]'' was very well-liked and had a lot going for it. The majority of the complaints that crop up about ''[[Saints Row the Third]]'' are in context to the second game; "the second game had more secret areas," "clothing customization was better there," etc. If you put the second game completely out of your mind or never played it to begin with, The Third only has a few flaws and is still fun either way. ''Saints Row 2'' was a ''really'' tough act to follow.
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