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=== Season 5 ===
*Normally, Paula was an excellent chef with strong challenge performances, but not in Episode 2 where she put in the worst result of either kitchen in the Scallop challenge; out of a batch of 10 scallops she'd prepared, Paula only had 1 that was any good. For some reason, nobody called her out on this (probably because Lacey's poor attitude took centre stage that day).
*In Episode 3, Ben misinterpreted Gordon's call of "Desserts, pick up" believing it to mean "bring the desserts now". This is especially moronic seeing Ben could easily have asked for clarification (even if he would get a bollocking for it), but the fact that he did this before a single appetizer was sent out only made Ben look completely stupid to where even resident [[Butt Monkey]] Seth commented on this!
*Seth singlehandedly ruined the Blue Team's chances for completing that same episode's Steak Night service, by butchering a fillet so badly that he can't even blame bad knife skills for it, cutting so much meat off the joint that Giovanni described it as if Seth molested it with a jackhammer.
**Speaking of Giovanni, he struggled to cook meat properly that episode, despite his background as an executive chef...in a steak house!
*In Episode 5, J served a salad that still had the butt of a lettuce in it! He tried to claim he didn't see it, but come on; nobody was buying that excuse!
*Episode 8 was a miserable performance from J, who managed to put the kitchen in the shit immediately by overcooking the restaurant's supply of rice for the risotto ''for both kitchens!'' This forced Chef Ramsay to take the risotto off the menu for the night, and for serving raw rubbery scallops, J was booted from the competition mid-service.
*In Episode 10, Carol made such a complete pig's ear of her gratin dauphinois that after a desperate bid to save them, the Red Team had to prepare a quick alternative. Feeling that she had given up (and that she had sabotaged the team), Gordon Ramsay does something unprecedented, and eliminates Carol for her disastrous performance, despite the Red Team actually winning that evening's service.
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=== Season 7 ===
* Episode 2's challenge took the contestants back to basics by cooking eggs in four different ways. The women performed well in said challenge, until Siobhan cocked it up by disobeying Chef Ramsay's instruction to work alone, working with Autumn and Fran when prompted by the former. The result is that half of the trio's eggs were disqualified, costing the Red team the win.
* During the Pork challenge in Episode 5, Nilka had served Chef Ramsay an unflattering dish consisting of blood sausage with a prune puree (with a lot of prodding from Scott). It is apparently so nasty there Ramsay also threw up from it. What really cost the Red team in this challenge however, is the final dish served by Maria; it was a sweet potato soup with a ham hock garnish. The problem with it is that the ham hock was supposed to be the '''''main''''' ingredient, and the sweet potato was the garnish. Ramsay disqualified it as a result, giving the men ([[My Friends and Zoidberg|and Autumn]]) the win.
** By the way, Autumn isn't innocent in this either; she heard Ramsay tell Siobhan to fly solo, yet she still suggested they work together anyway. Given how Chef Ramsay reacts when mistakes happen by accident, both Autumn and Siobhan really should've known better. To make things worse, it wasn't like Autumn whispered this to Siobhan, rather she blurted the suggestion out loud; you would think one of the other women would've heard this and stopped her.
* During the Pork challenge in Episode 5, Nilka had served Chef Ramsay an unflattering dish consisting of blood sausage with a prune puree (with a lot of prodding from Scott). It is apparently so nasty there Ramsay also threw up from it. What really cost the Red team in this challenge, however, is the final dish served by Maria; it was a sweet potato soup with a ham hock garnish. The problem with it is that the ham hock was supposed to be the '''''main''''' ingredient, and the sweet potato was the garnish. Ramsay disqualified it as a result, giving the men ([[My Friends and Zoidberg|and Autumn]]) the win.
** Fran suffering from a severe case of [[Genre Blindness]] when picking nominees for elimination in the same episode also left a lot to be desired. Having been named "Best of the Worst" in an otherwise terrible service, she had to pick two teammates to eliminate, but showed poor decision making by picking Nilka instead of either Scott or Siobhan. Maria was a no brainer, but Fran showed how gullible she was when Scott manipulated her into saving his ass in the dorms beforehand, by claiming that Chef Ramsay will eliminate both him and Maria if they are both put up. What Fran should've realised is that a) Siobhan was bad enough to warrant a nomination that night, b) Chef Ramsay doesn't do double eliminations outside of Black Jackets (at least, not until Season 11), and c) Ramsay can, and will, eliminate anyone he thinks deserves it regardless of whether they were nominated or not.
*** That last point is one that Fran has absolutely '''NO''' excuse for considering Mikey was eliminated three episodes back despite not being nominated that night, so she has seen this happen first hand, and should've come to the conclusion that even if she did spare Scott by not nominating him, his safety wasn't guaranteed since Gordon will call him up anyway (and he did).
*The red team of Season 7 might just be the worst team in the show's history. With the possible exception of Holli (who only got shouted at a handful of times), the women simply could not work together at all, even when Chef Ramsay drafted Scott and eventually Benjamin from the Blue Team to even the numbers and bolster their failing teamwork. In fact, the two men just made the reds even worse. As a result, the red team only won 3/10 challenges, and only mustered 2 joint service wins against the blues, meaning they never managed to win a service outright!
=== Season 8 ===
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*Sabrina and Rob both scored 0/4 in the Blind Taste Test, but both somehow misidentified filet mignon as chicken! Oh, and because they were non-smokers, their taste buds should've been immaculate.
*Trev on multiple occasions was screwing up a Caesar salad of all things by over-dressing it!
*The final six were kicked out of the kitchen in the first Black Jacket service due to poor communication, with Trevor and Sabrina struggling to work together on appetizers.
*Emily's unpassionate plea in Episode 5 belongs here, too. When questioned about why she should stay in Hell's Kitchen, she says she does have passion, but isn't an "emotionally extroverted person" and "isn't good at showing it". Ramsay wasn't impressed by this, and asks Nona what she thinks. Ramsay agrees with her that Emily is in over her head, and eliminates her.
**This is the same episode by the way, in which the other nominee, Melissa, fired off '''''nearly two-dozen''''' filet mignon before they were on order (and they were overcooked as well)!
**Speaking of Melissa, she did the same thing the following episode by burning through the blue team's scallops in a similar fashion! The men however, weren't as interested in protecting her, and eliminated her after only one service with the blues.
=== Season 9 ===
*Having already lost Jason to dehydration prior to service in the first episode, 3 of the men were side-lined in the opening service; Chino burnt a piece of cod, Stephen overcooked some scallopedscallops, and Tommy also struggled with fish. This meant that Jonathon's perfectly cooked beef wellingtons had to be sent back. The real kicker is that before Ramsay could even shut the Blue kitchen down, customers have already started walking out. On the Red side, Elise was also benched, also for being bad on fish, but more because she tried to [[Unwanted Assistance|"help out"]] by cooking it before appetizers were ready.
*Episode 3 was Family Night, and an episode were the Red Team performed so poorly that Gina (who served as maître'd that night) was asked to lead her team into the dining room and [[Humiliation Conga|apologise to every table]] that was affected by their crap performance. To twist the knife in further, everyone on the Red Team - including Gina - was ejected from service immediately afterwards.
*In Episode 5's High School Reunion Challenge, the Red Team suffered a 3-0 defeat thanks to Elizabeth's poor leadership and communication. For context, Elizabeth and Paul were called up to Gordon's office to listen to the Reunion Committee's likes and dislikes, which include Hawaiian dishes, one of the guests even telling them point blank that she only ate fish. Elizabeth even asked if the guests wanted a Surf 'n' Turf right after this! While Paul relayed every bit of detail to his team, Elizabeth missed every singled cue and served bacon wrapped scallops and had her team prepare Asian dishes. Understandably, the rest of the Red Team were not happy with Elizabeth after this.
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* The opening service was a disaster for both teams, as neither of them managed to serve any entrees before Ramsay shut both kitchens down. Tavon had managed to butcher the men's entire supply of scallops, while Christina repeatedly served up raw wellingtons. The blue team came off worse though, since they didn't even complete appetisers before they were thrown out. In fact, to indicate how shitty this season's opening was, no entrees were served within the first two episodes!
** Tavon's performance on opening night despite being an executive chef: not only did he serve a raw pigeon, but he also mutilated the men's entire supply of scallops.
* Royce pissed off Chef Ramsay in Episode 8 by serving a seafood dish to some Michelin Star chefs that had a giant hair in it! What's more, he had left the "shit sack" in there as well, cementing the Blue Team's defeat!
* In Episode 9, the Red Team lost the Steak Slots challenge after Robyn had presented an overcooked piece of rib eye steak with a flour and coffee rub that apparently tasted foul. Furthermore, Kimmie's dish (that was sat out since the women had an extra member) was deemed to be miles better than Robyn's, and would've won them the point, and thus the challenge. Also, Dana and Patrick both received common steakhouse ingredients, but both ended up botching their dishes; Dana's was full of liquid, and Patrick's was too salty.
* Brian sent up burnt fish [can't remember which one], which Chef Ramsay forced him to eat, but when asked what it tasted like, he got the brilliant idea to reply with: ''"It tastes like fish, Chef."'' Even he could not believe he said that!
* As far as team performances go, Season 10's Blue Team is up there as one of the worst teams in the show's history, only winning one dinner service and losing all the others (6 outright, 5 jointly).
* In the final episode of the team phase, the challenge was a total disaster for both teams; as no one scored a point, Ramsay declared both teams as losers and, in an unprecedented move, had '''''both teams''''' partake in the punishment for sucking so badly! Dana summed up the whole spectacle as such:
{{Quote|'''Dana:''' ''Hell's Kitchen Season 10, making history. Only making history because we SUCK!''}}
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* Sebastian clearly didn't understand the phrase "there's a time and a place for everything", when he tried to ease the tension by cracking jokes and using childish nicknames like "Mikey-Wikey". But he took it to its apex when Chef Ramsay heard him address Zack as "Zacky-Wacky". He then proceeded to try and re-enter the kitchen not once, not twice, but '''''three times!''''' It was only when Chef Ramsay threatened to kick him out through the front doors that Sebastian finally stopped poncing around, but he was kicked anyway.
*Anthony scoring a 0/4 on the annual Blind Taste Test. Gordon even states this is the first time this has happened.
**That claim is also a fail on Chef Ramsay's part, since that is blatantly not true, since other chefs before Anthony also scored 0/4 in this challenge, including: Jessica and Andrew (Season 1), Bobby and Louross (Season 4), Robert and Giovanni (Season 5), Rob and Sabrina (Season 8), Elizabeth (Season 9), and Robyn and Clemenza (Season 10). Maybe he simply forgot since so many chefs completed in this challenge since the very first season?
*Season 11's blue team might be among the worst in the show's history; having only won 2/12 challenges, and 3/14 dinner services, mostly due to the team's overall inconsistency. When [[Last Man Standing|Jon]] was eliminated just before the finale, Ramsay declared him to be the "lone shining star out of that Blue kitchen". That should speak volumes about how bad the rest of the team was.
=== Season 12 ===
* Gaurav's stay in Hell's Kitchen amounts to this; his signature dish, a herb crusted tuna steak, was considered to be dreadful by Chef Ramsay, then during opening night, he demonstrated poor sanitary care by using '''''his finger''''' to taste his risotto and sticking it back in right in front of Gordon. What got Gaurav booted afterwards though was he repeated excuses, and insistence that "everybody does it" showing total obliviousness to what he did wrong.
* Gaurav was foolish enough to taste the risotto he was making '''with his finger!''' Chef Ramsay booted him later that night after the former kept insisting he did nothing wrong.
*As far as services go, Season 12 had quite possibly the worst start for both teams, as they both failed to complete dinner service for the first three episodes.
*DeMarco has the dubious dishonour of being nominated for elimination in every episode he was in before he was eliminated, with a record [[Medal of Dishonor|5 straight nominations]]!
=== Season 13 ===
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=== Season 15 ===
=== Season 16 ===
* To get the elephant out the room early, this season was deemed one of the weakest due to how one-sided it was; the blue team of this season has one of the worst service records of any team in the show's history, only winning 2 out of 12 dinner services, while at the same time, having been kicked out of the kitchen a record ''7 times'' in the first 10 episodes, and out of the 5 they did complete, only managed 2 joint losses. This means the red team thrashed them outright 8 times.
** Paulie Giganti (who eventually placed 4th) was kicked out again in the first Black Jacket service along with the others, meaning he was kicked out of the kitchen a record 8 times for a single chef.
** Speaking of the first Black Jacket service, hoo boy that was a disaster and a half! Due to poor performances from all five chefs on all counts (such as poor communication, disorganisation, basic/repeated mistakes, etc.), Chef Ramsay got so fed up that he not only kicked them all out, but he also reluctantly pulled his Sous Chefs away from their day off just to complete the service. This also prevented Heidi from having a turn at running the pass. Needless to say, it was a mess!
* Episode 8 was yet another lop-sided defeat for the blue team, where they fell so far behind the red team that they were kicked out '''again''', and the red team had to complete their tickets. How far behind were the blues, you ask? '''''Ten!'''''
* In the Southern cuisine challenge in Episode X, Heidi failed to score a point against Koop. What makes this a colossal fail though is that Koop's dish was... an empty plate! Since Koop left the challenge for medical attention after he cut himself while chopping celery, he complete his dish in time, yet Heidi couldn't even beat that!
* Do you know how bad you have to be for Gordon Ramsay to drop an [[Precision F-Strike|F-bomb]] during his elimination comment? Well, Johnny was reason for the cock-up listed above in Episode 8; he blew off Shaina's suggestion to sear off the bass before service. When this eventually came back and bit him in the ass, he tried to blame Shaina for this lapse in judgement, which Ramsay quickly saw through that booted him for it.
=== Season 17 ===
*The Red Team had a dreadful start to the season, losing the first two challenges and services, the latter of which they were kicked out of both times. Even worse is when you remember that the Red Team had an advantage in the second challenge, The Seafood Tower, in which they had a 30 second head start over the men, and they still lost.
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=== Season 18 ===
* In Episode 3, Jen (originally from Season 4) struggled to get garnish up to the pass, but she decided it would be an excellent idea to accuse ''Gordon Ramsay'' of all people of sabotaging her when she gives him under portioned garnish. Naturally, Ramsay wasn't going to take kindly to this, and kicked her out on the spot.
* Trev put his team in the crapper immediately in the first round of the Blind Taste Test by scoring 0/4, and then getting mocked by everyone around him afterwards.
* Trev's avocado kisses in Episode 11's Dessert challenge were so poorly received that the guest judge, Valerie Gordon, ripped him apart for it, describing it as everything she hates about combining desserts and healthy eating, likening the taste to a bush. She put the cherry on top by calling it the worst thing she'd ever tasted.
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