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* Leonard in ''[[White Knight Chronicles]]'', the actual main character of the game. Despite being possessing the power to transform into an indestructible 20 foot tall walking tank whenever he feels like it, he consistently fails to achieve his goals or [[Villains Act, Heroes React|take any action that isn't a direct response to the actions of the antagonist]]. He allows the Princess he's supposed to be saving to get kidnapped in front of his eyes multiple times, even allowing to her to get ''re''captured after rescuing her for about 15 seconds. He is consistently fooled by the bad guy's spies and infiltrators, and can't wrap his head around the fact that every time his friend Kara disappears, the evil [[The Rival|Black Knight]] appears. He suffers a ''[[Heroic BSOD]]'' and outright quits the party for half of the second game. Then, in a misguided attempt to save the day, he parachutes back into the party during a crucial battle underleveled, underdeveloped, and undergeared and usually gets the entire party killed as a result of the player being forced to field an unprepared character. And finally, he leads the charge into the final dungeon and defeats [[Big Bad Wannabe]], only to wind up [[Nice Job Breaking It, Hero|fulfilling the real Big Bad's]] [[Evil Plan]] and become the final boss ''himself'' via a [[Grand Theft Me]]. He's last seen limping off screen slumped over someone else's shoulder, with the Princess he spent the last game repeatedly failing to rescue having killed the [[Big Bad]] herself when everyone else wasn't looking.
== Web Original ==
<nowiki>*</nowiki> ''The Last Lamia'': Jason’s plans (along with his friends’) to expose Avatech as being an evil corporation topple like dominoes. Due to Xander (the group’s leader) betraying them, they all suffer horrible fates. Lani (Xander’s sister) is burned alive from the inside out, Xander is electrocuted so hard he is reduced to ash, and Bec transforms into a humanoid monster and is forced to try to kill Jason. Jason survives, but it’s doubtful that he can now expose Avatech without his friends’ help.
== Western Animation ==
* ''[[Wacky Races]]''' Dick Dastardly, despite being as lukewarm a [[Villain Protagonist]] as you can possibly get, definitely falls into this trope. Even in the rare instances he conquers [[Dick Dastardly Stops to Cheat|his obsession to cheat]] he still manages to become a [[Boring Failure Hero]].
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