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== Famous People ==
''===[[He's Just Hiding|X lives]].''===
* [[Elvis Presley]]. This one is a classic, but since it's been so long since his death, and since this theory has appeared so many times, it's mainly invoked now as a parody of conspiracy theories.
* Anastasia Romanova and her relatives. [[wikipedia:Romanov impostors|Here]] is a list of people who claimed to be surviving members of the ill-fated Romanov family.
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* Combining one with the "X is dead" one, some people believe [[John Travolta]] died in 1991, and was replaced by German singer [[Roy Black]], who died of heart failure the same year. Those who push this theory claim Black faked his death and replaced Travolta for... Well, they rarely explain why. They never explain how Travolta supposedly died either, the passing resemblance is all the proof they need.
''===X was murdered, or X did not die as they say he/she died.''===
* Kurt Cobain, frontman of [[Nirvana]]. A supposed murder disguised as a suicide. Supposedly, the killer was working on the orders of either [[Yoko Oh No|his wife]] [[Courtney Love]] or his record company.
* [[Hideto Matsumoto|hide]], lead guitarist of [[X Japan]]. Also alleged to be murder disguised as suicide or accident, despite everything from a coroner's report to his best friends' arguments to the contrary. Everyone from the [[Yakuza]] to [[Yoshiki Hayashi]] to [[Yoko Oh No|his unnamed girlfriend]] to all three have been blamed repeatedly.
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** A conspiracy among right-wing elements within the police department.
* The "[[wikipedia:Paul is dead|Paul is dead]]" theory has it that [[Paul McCartney]] died in 1966, and was replaced with an impersonator.
* The "Birther" movement claims that US President [[Barack Obama]] is not a natural-born American citizen, which would make him ineligible for the position heof currently[[The occupiesPresidents of the United States of America (politics)|President of the United States of America]]. The name "Birther" comes from the fact that they believe his birth certificate to be a forgery, and that his ''real'' birth certificate (which he is supposedly hiding) proves that he was born in Kenya/Indonesia/wherever. This rumor was started during the 2008 campaign by some of the angrier supporters of [[Hillary Rodham Clinton]], who were upset that she was losing the Democratic primary to Obama, and was picked up by many on the far-right fringe after Obama was elected. In order for this claim to work, it would require either a) planning by Them going back half a century (Honolulu newspapers [http://i478.photobucket.com/albums/rr147/spazeman/obama-birth.gif reported his birth]), in a time when the idea of a non-white President was laughable, as well as a lot of natural charm, brilliance and political success on the part of their [[The Dragon|supposed puppet]] to actually get elected 47 years later, or b) Obama not only successfully forging [http://www.cnn.com/2011/POLITICS/04/27/obama.birth.certificate/index.html?hpt=C1 his long-form birth certificate], but also fabricating those newspaper announcements, fabricating his college records, bribing immigration officials, ''and'' bribing or fooling election officials.<br /><br />For the record, under current laws, anyone born to an American citizen is also a natural-born American citizen, no matter where this occurred. The President was born before this law was implemented, but even under the statutes he was born under, he only needs to spend a few years in the United States to claim natural-born citizenship; his academic record alone validates that claim. Some claim that being a natural-born citizen isn't enough -- you must actually be born in the US to run for President. This is in spite of the fact that the Constitution does not make such a requirement, only requiring a) natural-born citizen status, b) having lived in the US for fourteen years, and c) being at least 35 years old. There ''isn't'' any strict "born on US soil" requirement, as several other men (including Senator John McCain, Barack Obama's opponent in the 2008 Presidential election) have been accepted as legal US Presidential candidates despite having been born outside the US.
** For the record, under current laws, anyone born to an American citizen is also a natural-born American citizen, no matter where this occurred. The President was born before this law was implemented, but even under the statutes he was born under, he only needs to spend a few years in the United States to claim natural-born citizenship; his academic record alone validates that claim. Some claim that being a natural-born citizen isn't enough -- you must actually be born in the US to run for President. This is in spite of the fact that the Constitution does not make such a requirement, only requiring a) natural-born citizen status, b) having lived in the US for fourteen years, and c) being at least 35 years old. There ''isn't'' any strict "born on US soil" requirement, as several other men (including Senator John McCain, Barack Obama's opponent in the 2008 Presidential election) have been accepted as legal US Presidential candidates despite having been born outside the US.
** One variation claims that, since Obama's father (a native of British Kenya) held British citizenship at the time of his son's birth, then Obama holds dual US and British citizenship, which they feel would make him ineligible even if he was a natural-born citizen. Problem is, there is nothing in the Constitution saying that dual citizenship makes a candidate ineligible, and even if there was, the 14th Amendment to the Constitution<ref>"All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the State wherein they reside..."</ref> would override it. Other claims allege that Obama's mother had renounced her US citizenship and, by extension, her son's (she hadn't, and even if she did it wouldn't have affected Obama's status), that a trip by Obama to Pakistan in 1981 could only have been accomplished with a foreign passport due to an alleged ban on travel between the US and Pakistan (no such ban existed), and that Obama's enrollment in a school in Indonesia in his youth could only have been done if he wasn't a US citizen at the time (living outside the US as a minor, as ruled in ''[[wikipedia:Perkins v. Elg|Perkins v. Elg]]'', does not cause you to lose your citizenship).
** Amusing bit of trivia -- Obama's 2008 opponent, John McCain, was born in the Panama Canal Zone (or Panama itself, some believe), meaning that, by some variants on this theory, he too was ineligible to be President.
*** Likewise, one of the Republican front-runners for the 2016 Presidential election (Senator Ted Cruz) was born in [[Canada]], and held dual US-Canadian citizenship until he formally renounced his Canadian citizenship in 2014, but still qualifies as 'natural born' as his mother was an American citizen. While several court challenges have been filed in his case, all have been uniformly ruled against.
** One moderately well-known politician and statesman, Sir [[Winston Churchill]], could legitimately have claimed US citizenship via an American-born mother. Would there have been such an uproar about his being born overseas had he tried standing for public office in the USA? And the British people were not in the least concerned by his being 50% foreign....; the question never arose. Maybe [[World War II|more important things]] got in the way..
** Ironically, when the Birthers produced a birth certificate of their own claiming that Obama had been born in Kenya, it was found to be a forgery, due to several instances of [[Did Not Do the Research|shoddy research]]. For one, it listed his birthplace as "Mombasa, Republic of Kenya", even though a) in 1961, the year of Obama's birth, Mombasa was a part of Zanzibar, not Kenya, and b) Kenya was still a British colony at the time, not a republic. In addition, the format of the certificate bore no resemblance to that used in Kenya at the time... but it ''did'' look like a birth certificate that a hospital in South Australia would have issued around 1961.
* Similar to Obama, former US President [[Chester A. Arthur]] was alleged to have been born in Ireland or Quebec rather than Vermont as he claimed, which would've made him ineligible for the Presidency. Arthur Hinman, the man hired by the Democratic Party during the 1880 campaign to discredit Arthur, wrote a book about it, ''How a British Subject became President of the United States''.
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* The Rothschild family, a Jewish-German family with strong ties to business and government. Alleged to either be a front for the Illuminati (see below), or to be controlling the world's wealth and financial institutions, or to have staged several wars in history.
* Let's play a bit of Mad Libs. Here's the sentence for you to fill in. "Hitler was ____". Here are the words you can choose from. " an alien (illegal or from space)". "Gay", "Jewish", "an [[Aspergers Syndrome|Aspie]]", "Communist", "fighting aliens", "Sorcerer", "Mystic", "Psychic", "the owner of the Spear of Destiny", "Framed" and "/is living in South America". Now throw in "and he/the authorities covered it up" and congratulations, you have just described a good chunk of the conspiracy theories about [[Adolf Hitler]].
* Quite a few famous people, especially rappers, are believed to be in [[The Illuminati]] (or the Freemasons, depending on who you ask), including [[Tupac Shakur]], [[Jay Z]], [[Beyoncé]], [[Rihanna]], [[Ye|Kanye West]], and even [[Barack Obama]]. Just Google "illuminati". Kanye West in particular received a lot of heat after his music video for "Power" came out. Conspiracy theorists believed that it was supposed to be Satanic and he was trying to brainwash our children to become Satanic Freemasons.
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