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Fantastic Four (2005 film): Difference between revisions

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{{work}}{{cleanup|This page makes random references to ''[[Fantastic Four: Rise of the Silver Surfer]]'', leftover from when they both shared this page, which should be transplanted to that page.}}
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*** Sue also takes offense to being called the Invisible ''Girl''.
* [[Deadpan Snarker]]: Both Johnny and Ben.
* [[Deleted Scene]]: The DVD Extended Edition, which includes all deleted scenes (such as Ben and Alicia's romance) is a much better watch than the theatrical release.
* [[Did Not Do the Research]] / [[Artistic License Astronomy]]: Reed Richards, of all people. Reed's hypothesis states that cosmic rays triggered the supposed evolutionary cycle when a storm of them ran over Earth. There's just one problem: Cosmic rays are prevented from reaching the earth by the earth's magnetic field, which, if Reed's model is anything to go by, still up and running. Furthermore, even if the cosmic rays ''did'' manage to penetrate the field and strike Earth, it would wipe out all (if any) life on it, not create any.
** He may have a point though as these particular cosmic rays are not the "murdering all life as we know it" kind, but the "give people random superpowers" kind.
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* [[Distracted by the Sexy]]: Subverted. It looks for a second like Reed is staring at Sue in her skin-tight outfit; but then...
{{quote|"Wow! Fantastic! Material made from self-regulating unstable molecules!"}}
* [[Doing It for the Art]]: One of Chiklis' requirements for accepting the role of the Thing was that his character would be make-up based, rather than the CGI everyone else had previously assumed. This meant that Chiklis insisted upon hours of application and wearing heavy, uncomfortable makeup, over the option that would have allowed him to earn the same money in significantly less time simply by voice acting. Why? Because Chiklis was a fan who knew that underneath the rock skin, Ben Grimm's still a human being, and this was best shown by having his actor go through the same thing.
* [[Dramatic Irony]]: The scene shot from Ben Grimm's POV, when he wakes up after being hit by the cosmic storm. [[It Was His Sled|Everyone watching the film knows he turns into the Thing]], so when Johnny Storm says, "Everyone else is fine." we think we know what's wrong with Ben. Then it turns out that Johnny is making fun of Ben's ''human'' looks.
{{quote|'''Johnny Storm''': [[Funny Aneurysm Moment|I'm sorry, but the doctors just couldn't do anything to fix your face.]]}}
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* [[Gratuitous Russian]]: In a wild example of [[As Long as It Sounds Foreign]], the name of the Latverian ship {{spoiler|in the [[Sequel Hook]]}}. "Головка пальца ноги" stands for "Head of toe" and made the scene obscenely yet understandably hilarious for Russian viewers.
* [[How Do I Shot Web?]]: Reed and Ben don't have much difficulty figuring out their powers but Sue and Johnny have a some trouble with it at first.
* [[Ho Yay]]: Johnny is so hot for Reed too.
** To say nothing of the subtle homosexual subtext between Johhny and Ben during both movies.
{{quote|'''Johnny''': What I'm ''saying'' is, I guess it would just be nice to have someone.
'''Ben''': Well, you got me, kid. }}
** And Doom's [[Foe Yay|obsession]] with Reed.
*** He has cameras ''in his house!!''
* [[Invisible Streaker]]: In the first movie, Sue is forced to strip naked in the middle of a bridge because her clothes don't turn invisible along with her skin. A pretty [[Egregious]] piece of [[Fan Service]], considering her powers were designed specifically to rectify this problem (she makes herself invisible by projecting forcefields that refract light, and should make everything within them invisible).
* [[Ironic Echo]]:
{{quote|'''Doom to Reed:''' What happens to rubber when it's super-cooled?
'''Reed to Doom:''' Time for your lesson - Chem 101. What happens when you rapidly cool hot metal? }}
* [[Jerkass]]: Johnny's over enthusiasm could be explained for himself, but his joking at and exploitation of Ben honestly makes you wish you could smash up his pretty car too.
** In the second movie he falls squarely into [[Jerk with a Heart of Gold]] territory as it becomes apparent that some of his antics [[Sad Clown|mask his own insecurities.]]
* [[Jumped At the Call]]: The Human Torch, but only because there was no higher calling than getting girls and making money.
* [[Laser-Guided Karma]]: Whilst it doesn't last long, Johnny accidentally switching powers with Ben & becoming the Thing after all the crap he puts Ben through. Ben ''clearly'' enjoyed it.
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'''Ben: '''Oh. }}
* [[Lightning Bruiser]]: The Thing retains this status from his comic book version. No mean feat, considering Mike Chiklis is weighed down by several kilograms of makeup.
* [[Logo Joke]]: The two moviesmovie--released by [[Twentieth Century Fox]]--featured the TCF logo segue into the page-flipping Marvel logo. The Marvel logo also has a logo joke of its own, featuring only ''Fantastic Four'' panels and making the background behind "MARVEL" blue (like the F4 outfits) instead of the traditional red. Sadly, the extended cut of the 2005 movie removes the segue between the logos.
** In the second movie the makup had improved to be lighter and allow Chiklis more freedom (in the first movie he couldn't even sit down while wearing the full costume and makeup). This means that he gets even ''faster'' and more dangerously agile in the sequel.
* [[Logo Joke]]: The two movies--released by [[Twentieth Century Fox]]--featured the TCF logo segue into the page-flipping Marvel logo. The Marvel logo also has a logo joke of its own, featuring only ''Fantastic Four'' panels and making the background behind "MARVEL" blue (like the F4 outfits) instead of the traditional red. Sadly, the extended cut of the 2005 movie removes the segue between the logos.
* [[Misguided Missile]]: Johnny does this.
* [[Moment Killer]]:
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* [[Ms. Fanservice]]: Sue. Or more accurately, [[Jessica Alba]].
** Even more specifically, Jessica Alba. ''In a skintight spandex jumpsuit''. Lampshaded during the 2005 film.
*** Not to mention getting all her clothes burned off when she and Johnny switch powers in the sequel. In front of a whole load of people. At least in the first movie she still has her underwear. ''Which she has to take off so no one can follow her...''
*** To give you an idea just how shameless it was, Alba reports that her death scene in the second movie was reshot with the direction to ''die sexier''.
** Made even more obvious since her power is to bend perceptions or something to that effect. There is no reason whatsoever why she should have to strip.
*** Actually, they justify this - The spandex suits received the same dose of cosmic radiation as they did, so they're the only things they can wear that won't set on fire when Johnny flames on, will turn invisible Sue does, and will stretch as much as Reed can. By the second film, Reed's managed to replicate the effects so they don't need their uniforms on at all times.
* [[Mundane Utility]]: Johnny makes popcorn using his powers. Ben uses Thing-strength to squeeze orange juice. Reed uses his stretching to write on blackboards far away from him, and to retrieve toilet paper from another room.
** As mentioned under [[Fridge Brilliance]] the Four's uniforms are modified from the underclothes they wore on the space station.
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* [[Shallow Love Interest]]: Debbie. {{spoiler|We don't know anything about her and she is never heard of again after she dumps Ben.}} This was completely intentional though.
* [[Skunk Stripe]]: The movie shows how Reed got his, part cosmic radiation, part obsessive guilt over the accident that caused their powers.
* [[Soft-Spoken Sadist]]: Victor. He only raises his voice once over the course of the two movies, during a point when he was more desperately angry than evil. Everywhere else it's smooth, softspoken sinister sliminess.
* [[Tempting Fate]] / [[Ironic Echo]]: "A few days in space. It'll be great. What's the worst that could happen?"
* [[Throw It In]]: "Aw, look -- she's kissing him."
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** This feel is best seen in the hilarious breakfast scene and the montage that follows it. The whole thing plays out like an hilarious cross of ''[[Leave It to Beaver]]'' and ''[[The Addams Family]]''.
* [[What the Hell, Hero?]]: "All I've seen is a guy who almost got his team killed."
* [[With Catlike Tread]]: In Rise of the Silver Surfer, they decide that the only way to get the Silver Surfer's board back from Dr. Doom is to use The Human Torch's new "powers" to combine all their abilities to allow him to fly, but also be as strong as The Thing, and be invisible so he can sneak up on Doom. It works perfectly and he gets to within 2 feet of Doom. But rather than just knock him out, he has to say "To quote a friend, It's clobbering time." thus blowing the cover and starting a drawn out battle..all while the Earth is about to be destroyed.
** Well, Doom ''had'' just killed his sister.
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