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Dragon Keeper Trilogy: Difference between revisions

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* [[Fridge Horror]]: {{spoiler|Well, if you really think about it, the story really changed nothing. Since there are no dragons prevalent, that means a bunch of humans probably slaughtered the last remaining numbers of dragons. Though, it could really be that [[He's Just Hiding|their in hiding]]}}
* [[Humans Are the Real Monsters]]: The reason why Ping and Company have to move around so much.
* {{spoiler|[[I Am'm Dying, Please Take My MacguffinMacGuffin]]: Subverted, then eventually played straight. When Danzi goes to the Island of the Blessed, he leaves Ping the Dragon Stone. In Dragon Moon, Ping seems fully convinced that Danzi died.}}
* [[I Have Many Names]]: Danzi says this pretty much word for word.
* [[Our Dragons Are Different]]: The dragons in the story are Chinese Dragons, as opposed to the [[Fairy Tale]] kind.
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