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{{quote|''But that's the trouble with trying to apply anything remotely scientific to an art form ; statistical analysis of a field that, by its nature, has no absolutes is something like attempting chemical analysis of an emotion. It remains interesting, but not absolutely convincing!''
|[[John W. Campbell|John W. Campbell, Jr.]], [[Astounding Science Fiction]], December 1949, page 92}}
{{quote|<poem>My emotion I well can remember
O'er a "promise" that somewhere I'd seen
One night, away back in December
Anno Domini 1918.
Happy tears in my orbs began wellin'
As I read how the England-to-be
Would become a fit messuage to dwell in
For heroes like me.
Refreshed by an access of ardour
I returned to my business in town;
But, as life seemed each day to grow harder,
I despaired of its joy and its crown;
Till, fed up with a "tale" for poor Tommies,
My temper I finally lost,
And pronounced that oracular "promise"
A palpable frost.
But I've tumbled at last to my error;
For, although I am far from content,
I know that this era of terror
Is just what the Government meant;
When through England so bell-like and clear rose
That eager, that passionate vow;
Since none but a race of real heroes
Can live in it now.</poem>
|''[[Punch]]'', [https://www.gutenberg.org/files/19105/19105-h/19105-h.htm December 1st, 1920], commenting on political promises}}
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