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Wuthering Heights (novel): Difference between revisions

added an image
("The Rashomon" -> "Unreliable Narrator", since there's only one version of the story; added the rest of the media-by-decade categories)
(added an image)
(2 intermediate revisions by the same user not shown)
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{{work|wppage=Wuthering Heights}}
{{cleanup|Page needs an image of the novel, not the film.}}
{{Infobox book
| title = Wuthering Heights
| original title =
| image = WHeights_7964Wuthering-heights-abridged-1.jpg
| caption = [[Wrong Hands]] tells it like it is
| author = Emily Brontë
| central theme = The dangers of all-consumming, unchecked romantic passion
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{{tropelist|page=Wuthering Heights}}
* [[All Girls Want Bad Boys]]: Deconstructed - the love between Catherine and Heathcliff is passionate, but it is also clearly unhealthy and intensely destructive, leading to nothing but the ruin of the lovers and almost everyone around them. Ditto for Isabella's crush on Heathcliff. Also, see [[Draco in Leather Pants]] on the YMMV page.
* [[Ambiguously Brown]]: Heathcliff's exact race is never explained; he is referred to as "dark" and a "gipsy."
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* [[Break the Haughty]]: Happens to Cathy (II) after Mr. Lockwood leaves.
* [[Brother-Sister Incest]]: Heathcliff and Catherine Earnshaw are [[Not Blood Siblings]] but obviously [[Like Brother and Sister]], thus giving their passionate love an additional level of forbidden passion (not to mention slight awkwardness on part of the reader)...
** [[Incest Is Relative]]: There are some hints that Heathcliff is Mr. Earnshaw's illegitimate son: Mr. Earnshaw just ''happens'' to find this orphan on the streets. The streets of the town he just ''happens'' to visit on a regular basis, leaving the rest of his family squarely at home. And Mrs. Earnshaw just ''happens'' to take an instant loathing to Heathcliff the minute he enters their house. [[Your Mileage May Vary|YMMV]] on this, but [[Wuthering Heights (1970 film)|the 1970 version]] with Timothy Dalton certainly believed it was no coincidence.
* [[Byronic Hero]]: Heathcliff, though he's more a [[Deconstruction]] of one.
* [[The Chessmaster]]: Heathcliff
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* [[Domestic Abuse]]: And the depressing reality is that Heathcliff's appalling treatment of his wife is, as he points out, perfectly within the tolerant limits of the law.
* [[Driven to Suicide]]: {{spoiler|Heathcliff. What exactly kills him remains a mystery, though}}.
* [[Evil Gloating]]: Heathcliff seems to relish "[[The Incredibles|monologuing]]" about his [[Evil Plan|Evil Plans]]s to Nelly.
* [[Exact Eavesdropping]]: Subverted. Heathcliff does overhear a very important exchange between Catherine and Nelly Dean, but leaves in a rage after only part of the conversation, and misses the more crucial piece of information. This leads to his mysterious disappearance and pretty much drives the entire plot from there out.
* [[Face Palm]]: Heathcliff "struck his forehead with rage" after hearing Lockwood's raving account of his nightmares.
* [[Generation Xerox]]: Heathcliff [[lampshade]]s this about Catherine's daughter Cathy, his and Isabella's son Linton, and Hindley's son Hareton.
* [[Genre Savvy]]: Heathcliff, which gives him an advantage over the otherwise completely [[Genre Blind]] cast, save Nelly Dean.
* [[Heroic BSOD]]: Heathcliff has a very energetic form of this when he learns that {{spoiler|Catherine has died in childbirth.}} Specifically, he takes his anger out on a nearby tree. By smashing his forehead into it repeatedly.
* [[Holier Than Thou]]: Joseph
* [[Ill Girl|Ill Boy]]: Linton Heathcliff
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* [[Love Makes You Evil]]: More precisely, [[Love Makes You Crazy|rejection makes you crazy]]. While Heathcliff was not an angel, he was not, to begin with, as bad as he became after Catherine decided to marry Edgar Linton.
** Though Heathcliff being bullied and abused in childhood may have slowly eroded his empathy and sanity. Thinking Catherine (the only one throughout his entire life who ever really loved him) hates him may have been the final straw. Or maybe when Catherine dies.
* [[Love Redeems]]: Averted with Heathcliff, but played straight with {{spoiler|Hareton}}.
* [[Magical Realism]]: Implied. Heathcliff is sometimes compared to a [[The Legions of Hell|demon]], and there are some... ''odd'' coincidences involving ghosts and the weather. Nelly even finds herself thinking Heathcliff may be a demon, but quickly reminds herself he is human with feelings like everyone.
* [[The Masochism Tango]]: And HOW''how''.{{context}}
* [[The Meadow Run]]: From the movie, at any rate.
* [[Moses in the Bulrushes]]: Heathcliff is discovered by the Earnshaws as a homeless youth and comforted as a child by Nelly telling him he is a lost prince. In hindsight, this might not have been such a good idea.
* [[My Sister Is Off-Limits]]: Invoked by both Hindley Earnshaw and Edgar Linton; Heathcliff ignores them both.
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** [[Awesome but Impractical]]: During a struggle with Heathcliff, {{spoiler|the gun goes off and digs the blade into Hindley's wrist, cutting the artery. If it weren't for Heathcliff's quick thinking, he would've bled out.}}
{{tropelist|Tropes from adaptations of the novel (which should be moved to their own pages) include:}}
{{The Big Read}}
* [[The Meadow Run]]: From the movie, at any rate.{{context|reason=Which movie? As of 2022, there have been two dozen of them.}}
{{The Big Read}}
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