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**[http://www.scp-wiki.net/scp-701| SCP 701], a play called ''The Hanged King's Tragedy'' is another that takes a lot of inspiration from ''The King in Yellow''. Reading the script is safe; it even seems kind of boring, and has a happy ending, the hero actually showing mercy to the villain. However, ''performing'' it to an actual audience (a rehearsal is safe) will often cause the actors to go ''way'' off script, resulting in them and the audience killing each other or committing suicide. Those who survive often recall a character appearing whom the cast does not notice, a nobleman bound in chains with a helmet, presumably the Hanged King himself and the orchestrator of the atrocities the play has caused.
** SCP 001 (Jonathan Ball's Proposal) seems to be a set of classified documents, but every time anyone reads them, a previously-unknown SCP is identified. Whether the documents are simply informing the Foundation of these abnormalities or actually creating them remains unknown.
** [https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-3512 SCP-3512], or rather, SCP-3512-2, the book which causes the condition, ''The More You Know, a Pick Up Artist’s Bible''. (Before clicking the link, be warned, this is disturbing even for SCP Foundation.) This book, in effect, details how to make a woman an obedient [[Sex Slave]]. Initially, the book seems like something a misogynist would write, starting with a forward by [[Snoop Dogg]] (the Foundation questioned him; he claimed to know nothing about it), and for the first 11 chapters, seems like any other controversial book that dehumanizes and objectifies women. However, the next 12 chapters (all of which are labeled “Chapter 12”) become increasingly darker. They include esoteric techniques, geometric proofs, dream interpretation, self-surgery techniques, symbolism in architecture, and anomalous rituals. The true “eldritch lore” part is the 18th chapter, which details how to create a [[Our Homunculi Are Different|sort of homunculus]] made of human fat and human fingers (the latter donated by whoever builds the homunculus and possibly members of his family), which is what is used to dominate and enslave a woman you desire, although the victim eventually dies after succumbing to madness. Worst of all, the book’s writer - and likely, many of the men who buy it - is a member of some sort of cult that seems tied to [[Religion of Evil|Fifthism]], whose lair is near a whole river of human fat. The leader of this cult being a monstrosity who seems to have grafted the donated fingers to himself.
** [https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-140 SCP-140], ''A Chronicle of the Daevas'', is one of the most dangerous in the Foundation's custody. This tome details the history of the eponymous empire, a savage offshoot of humanity that worshipped [[God of Evil|the Scarlet King]] and conquered and subjugated many lands, engaging in black magic, slavery, human sacrifice, cannibalism, and many other atrocities. They are mostly extinct other than some of their immortal rulers (one of which no doubt wrote this book) but every time blood or ink touches the pages, the information on them is expanded, and the date and means of how the civilization fell becomes different, always placing the date decades or centuries later. To illustrate this phenomenon, when the book was originally discovered, it claimed the Daevites were destroyed by the armies of [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Qin_Kai_(general) Qin Kai] in the third century BCE, but after repeated use, the book currently (as in, stated in the SCP entry) states that they were wiped out by [[Genghis Khan]] about 1,500 years later. Even worse, the history is always incomplete; it’s original owner upgraded it numerous times simply because he was curious. In theory, the book was created as a means of [[Rewriting Reality]] so as to undo the Daevite’s defeat, and if used enough times, the tyrannical Daevite Empire would be ruling the world in the present day, ultimately leading to the release of the Scarlet King and [[The End of the World as We Know It|the end of everything.]]
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